Pokemon Pokemon Plotholes Discussion Thread

RE: Pokemon Plotholes!

In PMD 1 2 and probably 3, you can go up or down stairs without running in to them or falling down them.
RE: Pokemon Plotholes!

^Nice pun if it was intentional. ^_^

The blast seed explodes and causes damage. What's so wrong about that?
RE: Pokemon Plotholes!

It shouldn't just "cause damage". It should burn the target to death, but no...just "damage". Geez...you would go blind if hit by those seeds.
RE: Pokemon Plotholes!

We are just quite the little sados for discussing this topic.
RE: Pokemon Plotholes!

Wooper can learn Focus Punch, Dynamicpunch, and Ice Punch. Yet it has no arms.
RE: Pokemon Plotholes!

It makes sense, because all you really need are hands or limbs strong enough to propel you from rock to rock. It'll probably have some sort of flaw in there somewhere...

I'm more curious as to Defog's Flying typing.
RE: Pokemon Plotholes!

DiamondMaster said:
He makes the other Pokemon punch itself?
Wooper hits Pokémon with its tail. I thought everybody knew. <.<

Lieutenant Houndoom said:
I'm more curious as to Defog's Flying typing.

What do you need to get rid of fog? Wind. What type is wind often associated with? Flying.
Iirc, the attack description even says that the Pokémon flaps its wings to blow the fog away, or something like that.
RE: Pokemon Plotholes!

I read through the forum, and have composed some answers. I tried not to make a wall of text but ya, here it goes.
A thing on the multiple legendary’s, I think that there are more than one of certain legendary’s, ex: one, Mewtwo , , Ho-ho , , kyoger , groundon , rayquazza , jirachi, uxie , mespirt , azelf , Diagla , palkia , regigigas , Giratina , Cresselia, Darkrai , Arceus ,
Manaphy is still just one, but one at a time.

The rest of the legendary that I did not name have more than one but less then say a pidgy, this is because the world of Pokémon is so big that one of each legendary is not possible.
Even in the movies there were more than one Shaymin, in Pokémon heroes there was more than one latios, But at a different time.

@jamtok I also know how you feel my girl friend always complains that charzard is the only Pokémon that resembles a western view of a dragon

@jamtok the char. Do age, they just don’t show it that much, the voices get deeper, and they get wiser, but other than that and the cloths. But don’t you find it odd that Ash which would be about 16-18 is traveling with Dawn a 10 yo, a little pedophilic there. And Brock is more likely 22-24 even more pedophilias. But they do age. And Oak is not that old he’s in his late 50’s when R/B/Y came out so he’s in his 60’s now at least. 60 is not that old now days.

@ luttenint ya and the girls dress very provocatively, come on promiscuity sells.

@nefarious poke radio from dunsknor.

@sixaxis inbreeding. My girlfriend and I thought of this too, only answer is inbreeding.

@i like pokeymanz very high taxes, that’s the only way.

@ Valk “I know, it’s weird how you can bring legendaries into battle. Also in emerald, the pyramid ace has the rigi's, but you can catch them still?” see my first couple of paragraphs.

@gliscor makes the game more fun, and better to level up and get money.

@sixaxis there can only be one of kyoger, grundon and rayquezza because any more and the world would have been destroyed by all of them. One land, one sea, one air to rule them both

also I forgot, I got some of my ideas about the legendarys from this guy in the link i will link. Its a good read is you have time.

A good read
RE: Pokemon Plotholes!

That link was pretty interesting, there was someone who did something similar to that and explained it like the bible (On the first day Arceus created ....(by the way this is not something to do with religion)) Has anyone noticed in battle you can use surf as a battle move and create water?
RE: Pokemon Plotholes!

Veritas said:
Has anyone noticed in battle you can use surf as a battle move and create water?

The Water Toas (yay for Bionicle) summoned water from their surroundings to create huge waves, iirc. I'm guessing that's how Pokémon does it as well.
RE: Pokemon Plotholes!

Ok then here's one, how on earth could a walmer fit in a gym or even go on land?
RE: Pokemon Plotholes!

Wailmer bounces around on land (according to the Pokédex). It fits in a gym by...
It's not that large, is it? Could easily fit in a gym.