Pokemon Pokemon Plotholes Discussion Thread

RE: Pokemon Plotholes!

42 chocolate said:
Why would Kyogre have such a hard time beating Groudon? It doesn't make any sense...
Foe Groudon used Earthquake!
Kyogre used Hydro Pump!
It's super effective!
Foe Groudon fainted!
Foe Groudon used Solar Beam!
It's super effective!
Kyogre fainted!

Now it does make sense :D
RE: Pokemon Plotholes!

SixaxiS said:
42 chocolate said:
Why would Kyogre have such a hard time beating Groudon? It doesn't make any sense...
Foe Groudon used Earthquake!
Kyogre used Hydro Pump!
It's super effective!
Foe Groudon fainted!
Foe Groudon used Solar Beam!
It's super effective!
Kyogre fainted!

Now it does make sense :D

What type of attack is Solar Beam? Isn't it... oh, grass. I see. Still, it's Water vs. Ground... so i guess it just depends on if Groudon knows Solar Beam or not. And the levels.

By the way, the most powerful water attack is Hydro Cannon, fire is Blast Burn, but what is grass?
RE: Pokemon Plotholes!

I believe it's Frenzy Plant. Yeah, if you have a grass starter, the move tutor will teach you Frenzy Plant. I don't see how that's a plot-hole, though.
RE: Pokemon Plotholes!

The fact that before a new generation of Pokémon comes out, all of the Pokémon just HAPPEN not to evolve into the new forms of Pokémon (EX Chansey just HAPPENS not to evolve into Blissey.) The only time this was exceeded was when Ash sees Ho-oh in the very 1st episode.
RE: Pokemon Plotholes!

Forum Shark said:
I believe it's Frenzy Plant. Yeah, if you have a grass starter, the move tutor will teach you Frenzy Plant. I don't see how that's a plot-hole, though.

It isn't, that's just been driving me crazy for a while.

Here's another plothole:
When you migrate Pokemon to DP and encounter them in Pal Park, instead of "wild Pokemon appeared!" it says "[Name]'s Pokemon appeared!" How does your character know who the Pokemon belongs to?
RE: Pokemon Plotholes!

I actually have an answer for that!

How about the person (that is, your character in the GBA game) "donated" the Pokemon. Yeah, I think that works...

RE: Pokemon Plotholes!

Forum Shark said:
I actually have an answer for that!

How about the person (that is, your character in the GBA game) "donated" the Pokemon. Yeah, I think that works...


Okay, then...
when you get your Pokedex evaluated via PC, how can the Prof. see it to evaluate it?
Oops, that wasn't really a reply...
RE: Pokemon Plotholes!

Aaaaaaaaaand..... In Platinum, if you lose to Cyrus in the Distortion world, Cynthia probably would have already beat him by the time you get back. However, she's just waiting back at the entrance for you when you do!
RE: Pokemon Plotholes!

Here's one:

If Uxie, Azelf, and Mesprit all have a psychic connection, why couldn't they warn each other about Team Galactic?
RE: Pokemon Plotholes!

I got another one:

Supposedly. a Wartortle can live for 10,000 years. So what happens when you take a 9,999-year-old Wartortle and evolve it? Does the Blastoise instantly die from old age?
RE: Pokemon Plotholes!

godzilla898 said:
Supposedly. a Wartortle can live for 10,000 years.

i never heard of that ._.

I think that's just a false rumor :p
RE: Pokemon Plotholes!

SixaxiS said:
godzilla898 said:
Supposedly. a Wartortle can live for 10,000 years.

I never heard of that ._.

I think that's just a false rumor :p

Just because you've never heard of it it's a false statement now?
And godzilla~ i don't think the game keeps track of how old they are... ;P
RE: Pokemon Plotholes!

42 chocolate said:
Here's one:

If Uxie, Azelf, and Mesprit all have a psychic connection, why couldn't they warn each other about Team Galactic?

How do you know they didn't?
RE: Pokemon Plotholes!

42 chocolate said:
FireMeowth said:
42 chocolate said:
Here's one:

If Uxie, Azelf, and Mesprit all have a psychic connection, why couldn't they warn each other about Team Galactic?

How do you know they didn't?

Then they would've avoided Team G!

If one was captured, don't you think they would have tried to rescue it? Perhaps they were warned, but they wanted to get captured, so that they could try to save it.
RE: Pokemon Plotholes!

PokeChamp said:
42 chocolate said:
FireMeowth said:
42 chocolate said:
Here's one:

If Uxie, Azelf, and Mesprit all have a psychic connection, why couldn't they warn each other about Team Galactic?

How do you know they didn't?

Then they would've avoided Team G!

If one was captured, don't you think they would have tried to rescue it? Perhaps they were warned, but they wanted to get captured, so that they could try to save it.
Also, all the team g people were there at the same time. And they set a bomb in the lake. xd
RE: Pokemon Plotholes!

PokeChamp said:
42 chocolate said:
FireMeowth said:
42 chocolate said:
Here's one:

If Uxie, Azelf, and Mesprit all have a psychic connection, why couldn't they warn each other about Team Galactic?

How do you know they didn't?

Then they would've avoided Team G!

If one was captured, don't you think they would have tried to rescue it? Perhaps they were warned, but they wanted to get captured, so that they could try to save it.
Also, all the team g people were there at the same time. And they set a bomb in the lake. xd

Okay, ao that plothole isn't really a plothole...
RE: Pokemon Plotholes!

When battling the old guy and his daughter in the Resturant (far left, bottom half), the trainer's name is Lass Blythe. Later on, (sometimes) he calls her "Jocelyn".