Pokemon Pokemon Plotholes Discussion Thread

RE: Pokemon Plotholes!

It snows more than 50 times here an year!
RE: Pokemon Plotholes!

Shiny legendaries- in games like Ruby that directly mention the color of a legendary (Rayquaza), it can still be shiny.
RE: Pokemon Plotholes!

Oh yeah. Why is that? Because Shinies are like Mirages?
Maybe, But remember, we only see the LINES. ;)
RE: Pokemon Plotholes!

Another interesting logic hole; despite the fact that they struggle so violently to not be captured, but they automatically become 100% docile and under your control once captured? Come on, they're still animals.
RE: Pokemon Plotholes!

@Lieutenant Houndoom

They actually go by respect. It depends how many badges you have.

-Releasing a Pokemon in the game is considered "killing" them or "deleting" them.
I mean come on, if you release it you should be able to catch it again.

RE: Pokemon Plotholes!

this has always botherd me but if pokemon can't die how come the world hasn't overpopulated like a million times?
RE: Pokemon Plotholes!

89 panther said:
this has always botherd me but if pokemon can't die how come the world hasn't overpopulated like a million times?

Pokémon can die - they just never show the main ones doing so. :)
RE: Pokemon Plotholes!

Xous said:
89 panther said:
this has always botherd me but if pokemon can't die how come the world hasn't overpopulated like a million times?

Pokémon can die - they just never show the main ones doing so. :)

RE: Pokemon Plotholes!

Of course they can't die. Why do you think you always find a Bidoof or Starly every three steps?
RE: Pokemon Plotholes!

Another thing that puzzles me is using Waterfall, in real life you would be knocked clear off the Pokemon regardless if you were holding on or not. XD

Also going down a Waterfall, wouldn't you get killed by sharp rocks at the bottom? o__O
RE: Pokemon Plotholes!

Remember, Pokemon is for KIDS.

Lapras used Waterfall!
Uh-oh, Lapras lost it's grip!
You see sharp rocks!
You and Lapras got Skewered.
RE: Pokemon Plotholes!

^ xD

Why do the Pokemans respect you for badges? I mean, they're little pieces of plastic/metal. They don't care how many battles you've won...