Pokemon Promo Cards

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Wow! It's going to take me awhile to go through both lists. I'll try to sort everything out this week hopefully.
I've a List of the Vending Mchine cards.

Also, here's a list of cards in the Movie Halfpack Decks.

Half Pack 1 (5th Movie)
1 Oakley's Ariados Grass --
2 Brock's Crobat Grass --
3 Misty's Politoed Water --
4 Misty's Corsola Water --
5 google's Wailmer Water --
6 Alto Mare's Xatu Psychic --
7 Annie's Espeon Psychic --
8 Alto Mare's Kabutops Fighting --
9 Alto Mare's Aerodactyl Fighting --
10 Alto Mare's Pidgeotto Colorless --
11 Alto Mare's Latias Colorless (H)
12 Alto Mare's Latios Colorless (H)
13 Energy Restore T --
14 Energy Search T --
15 Potion T --
16 Soul Dew T --
17 Switch T --
18 Alto Mare Cube T --
-- Grass Energy E --
-- Water Energy E --
-- Psychic Energy E --
-- Fighting Energy E --

Halfpack 2 (6th Movie)
1 Forina's Nuzleaf Grass --
2 Forina's Breloom Grass --
3 Forina's Tropius Grass --
4 Forina's Jirachi Psychic (H)
5 Forina's Linoone Colorless --
6 Forina's Flygon Colorless --
7 Forina's Altaria Colorless --
8 Forina's Absol Darkness --
9 Butler's Kirlia Psychic --
10 Butler's Dusclops Psychic --
11 Butler's Salamence Colorless --
12 Butler's Mightyena Darkness --
13 Energy Restore T --
14 Energy Switch T --
15 Potion T --
16 Switch T --
17 Pokémon Reversal T --
18 Butler's Magic Trick T --
19 Wish Maker T --
-- Grass Energy E --
-- Psychic Energy E --
-- Darkness Energy E --

Halfpack 3 (7th Movie)
0 Space Fissure's Deoxys [Defense] Psychic (H)
1 Space Fissure's Deoxys [Normal] Psychic --
2 Space Fissure's Deoxys [Attack] Psychic --
3 Sky's Rayquaza Colorless --
4 LaRousse's Plusle Lightning --
5 LaRousse's Minun Lightning --
6 LaRousse's Munchlax Colorless --
7 Audrey's Masquerain Grass --
8 Kathryn's Surskit Water --
9 Ash's Torkoal Fighting --
10 Sid's Blastoise Water --
11 Rebecca's Metagross Psychic --
12 Rafe's Blaziken Fire --
13 Energy Switch T --
14 Energy Search T --
15 Potion T --
16 Switch T --
17 Tory's Feelings T --
18 Strength Charm T --
19 Magnetic Storm T --
-- Fire Energy E --
-- Water Energy E --
-- Psychic Energy E --

Halfpack 4 (8th Movie)
1 Ash's Grovyle Grass --
2 Rota's Mew Psychic --
3 Ilene's Mime Jr. Psychic --
4 Ash's Phanpy Fighting --
5 Rota's Bonsly Fighting --
6 Aaron's Pidgeot Colorless --
7 Ash's Swellow Colorless --
8 May's Munchlax Colorless --
9 Kidd's Weavile Darkness --
10 Kidd's Weavile Darkness --
11 Brock's Forretress Metal --
12 Aura's Lucario Metal (H)
13 Energy Search T --
14 Potion T --
15 Time Flower T --
16 Switch T --
17 Pokémon Reversal T --
18 Poké Ball T --
19 Aaron's Aura T --
20 Dark Metal Energy E --
-- Psychic Energy E --
-- Fighting Energy E --
-- Darkness Energy E --
-- Metal Energy E --

Halfpack 5 (9th Movie)
1 Phantom's Beedrill Grass --
2 May's Combusken Fire --
3 Samiya's Mantyke Water --
4 Samiya's Buizel Water --
5 Sea's Manaphy Water --
6 Ship's Walrein Water --
7 Lizabeth's Medicham Psychic --
8 Brock's Marshtomp Fighting --
9 Samiya's Fearow Colorless --
10 Ash's Aipom Colorless --
11 Phantom's Chatot Colorless --
12 Energy Restore T --
13 Energy Search T --
14 Potion T --
15 Switch T --
16 Manaphy's Egg T (H)
17 Poké Ball T --
18 Jackie's Capture Styler T --
19 Rainbow Energy E --
-- Grass Energy E --
-- Fire Energy E --
-- Water Energy E --
-- Psychic Energy E --

Halfpack 6 (10th Movie)
1 Striking Back Mewtwo Psychic
2 Explosive Birth Lugia Colorless
3 Crystal Tower's Entei Fire
4 Timeless Celebi Grass
5 Alto Mare's Latias Colorless
6 Alto Mare's Latios Colorless
7 Seven Nights Jirachi Metal
8 Visitor Deoxys Psychic
9 Tree of Beginning's Mew Psychic
10 Wave-Guiding Hero Lucario Fighting
11 Prince of the Sea Manaphy Water
46/"DP-P" Darkrai Darkness

Halfpack 7 (11th Movie)
001 Icy Sky's Shaymin Grass 62 (H)
002 Piplup Water 7 (H)
003 Pikachu Lightning 10 (H)
004 Magnezone Lightning 53 (H)
005 Reverse World's Giratina Psychic 60 (H)
006 Mamoswine Fighting 58 (H)
007 Shieldon Metal 25 (H)
008 Dialga Metal 69 (H)
009 Regigigas Colorless 46 (H)
Are the Vending Machine Promos like, put some money in, press a button and your card falls to the bottom like in a Coke machine???
Are these actual promos Blob55?

I'm going through the list right now Prof. Shinx.
Sorry, I haven't updated those cards yet. My computer is acting weird and school is catching up with me. I'll try to get those listed but my school comes first.

As far as the black star Japanese promos, I might have some of them listed. I'm not sure which ones are the black star promos though.
ok thanks anyways
And i not really sure ether I just know I got a Japaneses daliga lv.x and on the bottom right hand corner it has a black star promo symbol and its #107/DP-P. So I'm guessing there is over 107 of those promo?
I already have the Southern Island cards listed. Do you know something I don't?
Oh! I already have most of the set. I only need two of the cards. The store where my league is held also has the Japanese Southern Islands set for sale but I don't really want to pay $24 for it.
PKM4 said:
Oh! I already have most of the set. I only need two of the cards. The store where my league is held also has the Japanese Southern Islands set for sale but I don't really want to pay $24 for it.

Cardhaus has the Japanese Souther Island Promos individually, but Cardhaus may not have all of them. (However, the cards are really cheap, and you should at least try a search!) Pokéorder has the whole set in one set, not individually.
Does anyone have good quality pictures of the promo binder illustrations from the Neo series? I would like Discovery, specifically, but all japanese promo binders would be cool if feasible. (I want to show the Discovery & Revelation illustrations for my Art History class)
Also, does anyone remember when the Card-E series were released they were based on map-illustrations of a region those expansions were set in?
Promo #DP34 is out now....It is a Drifblim, and at the moment Target has them packaged with a POP5 pack and a pack of Stormfront.
I haven't seen the Drifblim promo you speak of yet. Would you happen to have a scan?
Crazar said:
Promo #DP34 is out now...It is a Drifblim, and at the moment Target has them packaged with a POP5 pack and a pack of Stormfront.
Which drifblim? DP, LA, or SF?
There is 3 Japanese Ancient Mew

Mew, Ancient #1 - Error
Mew, Ancient #2 - Sparkles
Mew, Ancient #3 - Glitter

If you would like a listing of older promo cards, please let me know
At KB Toys, they were selling Japanese promo cards from the newest movie in Japan. There were 7 of them to collect. I got the shaymin sky form and the giritina origin form. Pretty cool.
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