Pokemon Promo Cards

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There is a new jumbo Japanese foil promo out. It is called Captain Pikachu. It was released for the move of the Pokemon center in Yokohama. What is interesting about it, is it shows 22 different kinds of pokémon.
if you want to add a list of the other japanese promos... some nubmers are missing sorry

Japanese (000/PLAY) Promos
004- Plusle
005- Minun
006- Celebi EX
007- Mew EX
008- Player's Club
009- Moltres EX
010- Aritcuno EX
011- Zapdos EX
012- ______'s Celebi
013- ______'s Mew
014- ______'s Jirachi
015- Cyclone Energy
016- Boost Energy
017- Warp Energy
018- Masterball
019- ______'s Kyogre
021- ______'s Rayquaza
022- Vaporeon *
023- Jolteon *
024- Flareon *
025- Espeon *
026- Umbreon *
027- Kyogre EX
028- Groudon EX
029- Rayquaza EX
030- Ho-oh EX
031- Lugia EX
032- Jirachi EX

Japanese (00/18) Mc.Donalds Promos
01- Bulbasuar
02- Oddish
05- Vulpix
07- Squirtle
09- Marill
10- Pikachu
11- Chinchou
13- Abra
15- Natu
17- Phanphy
xX- Holo Energys

Japanese (000/PCG-P) Promos
001- Blastoise
002- Charizard
003- Venusuar
004- Vaporeon
005- Beautifly (meiji)
006- Masqurain
007- Blaziken
008- Surskit (Meiji)
009- Plusle (Meiji)
010- Minun (Meiji)
011- Deoxys
012- Torkel
013- Swellow
014- Rayquaza (Meiji)
015- Murkrow (Meiji)
016- Metagross
017- Deoxys
018- Deoxys
020- Deoxys
021- Scramble Energy
022- Heal Energy (btl rd)
023- Luvdisc
024- PCL Trainer (Btl rd)
025- Larousse's Munchlax
026- Rocket's Raikou EX
027- Deoxys EX
028- Chikorita (McD)
029- Cyndaquil (McD)
030- Totodile (McD)
031- Pichu (McD)
032- Deoxys (McD)
033- Larvitar (McD)
034- Togepi (McD)
035- Rocket's Raikou EX
036- Team Rocket's Persian (WHF: World Hobby Fair)
037- Treecko (Yokohama)
051- Typhlosion
052- Celebi EX
053- Rocket's Persian EX
054- Dark Metal Energy
055- Grass Energy
056- Fire Energy
057- Water Energy
058- Electric Energy
059- Psychic Energy
060- Fighting Energy
061- Latias
062- Latios
063- Sceptile (Meiji)
064- Cacnea (Meiji)
065- Combusken (Meiji)
066- Swampert (Meiji)
067- Regice
068- Pikachu (Meiji)
069- Mew
070- Gardevior (Meiji)
071- Phanphy (Meiji)
072- Regirock
073- Pidgeot (Meiji)
074- Registeel
075- Lucario
076- Ho-oh EX
077- Azumarill
078- Pichu Bros
079- Lucario
080- Mew
081- Grovyle (McD)
082- Combusken (McD)
083- Mudkip (McD)
084- Pikachu (McD)
085- Mew (McD)
086- Mime Jr (McD)
087- Bonsly (McD)
088- Munchlax (McD)
089- Weavile (McD)
090- Lucario (McD)
091- Mew
092- Lucario
094- Rayquaza
095- Energy
096- "I Love Pokémon" Club
097- Mime Jr. (wonderland)
101- Forretress
102- Flareon
103- Rayquaza δ
104- Vaporeon
105- Corphish
106- Jolteon
107- Mewtwo δ
108- Ditto
109- Donphan
110- Marshtomp
111- Eevee
112- Pikachu δ
113- Pikachu δ (btl rd)
114- Holon Energy GL
115- Holon Energy FF
116- Holo Energy WP
117- Chapionship Arena
118- Pikachu δ
119- Sceptile (McD)
120- Latias δ
121- Squritle (McD)
122- Latios δ
123- Pikachu (McD)
124- Wobbuffet (McD)
125- Flygon (McD)
126- Pidgey (McD)
127- Meowth δ
128- Chimecho δ (McD)
129- Deoxys δ (event)
130- Plusle/Minun Trainer (event)
131- Treecko δ (wonderland)
132- Charmander δ (mag.)
133- Charmeleon δ (Mag.)
134- Selviper
135- Ho-oh
136- Combusken
137- Mantyke
138- Buizel
139- Manaphy
140- Pelipper δ
141- Lugia
142- Meditite
143- Chatot
144- Sharpedo
145- Zangoose δ
146- Manaphy
148- Mew δ (Btl rd)
149- Rainbow Energy δ
150- Manaphy
151- Buizel
152- Chatot

Japanese (000/T) Promos
001- Flareon
002- Vaporeon
003- Jolteon
004- Slowpoke
005- Slowbro
006- Slowking
007- Bayleef
008- Quilava
009- Croconaw
010- Ivysuar
011- Charmeleon
012- Wartortle
013- Moltres
014- Aritcuno
015- Zapdos
016- Dratini
017- Dragonair
018- Dragonite
019- Larvitar
020- Pupitar
021- Tyranitar

Japanese (000/J) Promos
001- Timeless Celebi
002- Latios & Latias

Japanese (000/P) Promos
001- Keckleon
002- Scizor R
003- Sneasel R
004- Pikachu (ANA)
005- Larvitar (ANA)
006- Celebi
008- Trocpial Wind
010- Ho-oh
011- Rapidash
012- Venusuar
013- Blastoise
014- Charizard
015- Meganium
016- Feraligatr
017- Typhlosion
019- Pokémon Center Toyko
020- Pokémon Center Osaka
021- Pikachu
022- Wooper
023- Tyroge
025- Umbreon
026- Suicune
xXx- Touch! 1/2
027- Touch! 2/2
028- Pichu Bros
029- Hopip
030- Growlithe
032- Pichu
033- Mew
034- Donphan
035- Togepi
036- Sneasel
037- Scizor
038- Pikachu
039- Crystal Energy
040- Boost Energy
041- Warp Energy
042- Celebi (JR)
043- Entei (JR)
044- Pikachu (JR)
045- Pichu (JR)
046- Mewtwo (JR)
047- Lugia (JR)
2008 World Championships in Japan promos

they are 097/DP-P, 103/DP-P, and 104/DP-P

I've added the promos listed by Raquaza808. I will be updating this thread more often as soon as this semister is over.

I would like to thank everyone for their interest in this thread and keep posting!
I will be adding quite a few cards this coming weekened.

I just added some more Japanese promo cards. For some reason my computer keeps freezing while I'm trying to update this thread. This is why I'm not able to update as often as I would like. Hopefully it's just a temporary problem.
These promos were release from July 2001 to July 2002

001/P - Kecleon
002/P - Scizor, Rocket's
003/P - Sneasel, Rocket's
004/P - Pikachu
005/P - Larvitar
006/P - Celebi
007/P - Celebi
008/P - Tropical Wind
009/P - Bill
010/P - Ho-oh
011/P - Rapidash
012/P - Venusaur
013/P - Blastosie
014/P - Charizard
015/P - Meganum
016/P - Feraligatr
017/P - Typhlosion
018/P - Imakuni, Shiny
019/P - Pikachu at Pokemon Center Tokyo 
020/P - Meowth at Pokemon Center Osaka 
021/P - Pikachu 
022/P - Wooper
023/P - Tyrogue
024/P - Zapdos
025/P - Umbreon
026/P - Suicune
027/P - Trainer, Touch
028/P - Pichu Brothers
029/P - Hoppip
030/P - Growlithe
031/P - Lanturn
032/P - Pichu
033/P - Mew
034/P - Donphan
035/P - Togepi
036/P - Sneasel
037/P - Scizor
038/P - Pikachu
039/P - Energy, Crystal
040/P - Energy, Boost
041/P - Energy, Warp
042/P - Celebi
043/P - Entei
044/P - Pikachu
045/P - Pichu
046/P - Mewtwo
047/P - Lugia
Do these promos actually come from a set or are they just random promos?
001/P - Pokemon Movie 2001 Giveaway
002/P - Pokemon Trainer's Magazine - Vol.  # 12
003/P - Coro Coro
004/P - ANA Giveaway 2001
005/P - ANA Giveaway 2001
006/P - Nintendo Spaceworld Giveaway
007/P - Pokemon Trainer's Magazine - Vol.  # 13
008/P - championship
009/P - Pokemon Trainer's Magazine - Vol.  # 13
010/P - Coro Coro 
011/P - Coro Coro 
012/P - E-Card Campaign Giveaway
013/P - E-Card Campaign Giveaway
014/P - E-Card Campaign Giveaway
015/P - E-Card Campaign Giveaway
016/P - E-Card Campaign Giveaway
017/P - E-Card Campaign Giveaway
018/P - Fan Club Member Giveaway 
019/P - Tokyo Pokemon Center NY Commemorative Giveaway 
020/P - Osaka Pokemon Center NY Commemorative Giveaway 
021/P - McDonald's Campaign Happy Meal Giveaway
022/P - McDonald's Campaign Happy Meal Giveaway
023/P - McDonald's Campaign Happy Meal Giveaway
024/P - McDonald's Campaign Happy Meal Giveaway
025/P - McDonald's Campaign Happy Meal Giveaway
026/P - Pokemon Movie 2001 DVD Giveaway
027/P - Tournament
028/P - Advanced Ticket Purchase Giveaway for Pokemon Movie 2002
029/P - McDonald's Campaign Happy Meal Giveaway
030/P - McDonald's Campaign #2 Happy Meal Giveaway
031/P - McDonald's Campaign #2 Happy Meal Giveaway
032/P - McDonald's Campaign #2 Happy Meal Giveaway
033/P - McDonald's Campaign #2 Happy Meal Giveaway
034/P - McDonald's Campaign #2 Happy Meal Giveaway
035/P - McDonald's Campaign #2 Happy Meal Giveaway
036/P - McDonald's Campaign #2 Happy Meal Giveaway
037/P - McDonald's Campaign #2 Happy Meal Giveaway
038/P - Pokemon 2002 Summer Festa
039/P - Pokemon 2002 Summer Festa
040/P - Pokemon 2002 Summer Festa
041/P - Pokemon 2002 Summer Festa
042/P - JR Train Rally 2002
043/P - JR Train Rally 2002
044/P - JR Train Rally 2002
045/P - JR Train Rally 2002
046/P - JR Train Rally 2002
047/P - JR Train Rally 2002
people have been messaging me asking to complete the list of japanese promos.... so if you wanted to add them here they are...

Japanese (000/PLAY) Promos
001- Regirock
002- Regice
003- Registeel
020- _________'s Groudon

Japanese (000/PCG-P) Promos
019- Deoxys (ATK)
034- Togepi
038- Lugia (Pokepark)
039- Suicune (Pokepark)
040- Munchlax (Pokepark)
041- Rayquaza (Pokepark)
042- Groudon (Pokepark)
043- Pikachu (Pokepark)
044- Celebi (Pokepark)
045- Latios (Pokepark)
046- Whismur (Pokepark)
047- Torchic (Pokepark)
048- Mudkip (Pokepark)
049- Touros (Pokepark)
050- Jirachi (Pokepark)
093- Lucario (Pokepark)
098- Regice
099- Regirock
100- Registeel
147- Manaphy
152- Pikachu (ANA)
153- Manaphy (ANA)

Japanese (000/P) Promos
007- Celebi
009- TRAINER- Bill
010- Ho-oh
024- Zapdos
031- Lanturn
042- Celebi

Japanese (000/ADV-P) Promos
001- Kyogre EX (03' Mag.)
002- Groudon EX (03' Mag.)
003- Treecko (McDoanlds)
004- Torchic (McDoanlds)
005- Mudkip (McDoanlds)
006- Latias (McDoanlds)
007- Latios (McDoanlds)
008- Grovyle (magazine)
009- Combusken (magazine)
010- Marshtomp (magazine)
011- Kyogre EX (03' CoroCoro)
012- Groudon EX (03' CoroCoro)
013- Armaldo EX (03' CoroCoro)
014- Jirachi (03' CoroCoro)
015- Treecko (711)
016- Treecko (711)
017- Torchic (711)
018- Torchic (711)
019- Mudkip (711)
020- Mudkip (711)
021- Ludicolo (711)
022- Ludicolo (711)
023- Pikachu (711)
024- Pikachu (711)
025- Jirachi (711)
026- Groudon (711)
027- Groudon (711)
028- Meowth (711)
029- Mewoth (711)
030- Whismur (711)
031- Whismur (711)
032- Flygon (711)
033- Flygon (711)
034- Absol (711)
035- Absol (711)
036- サトシの's Treecko
037- ハルカの's Torchic
038- Takeshi's Mudkip
039- Butlers's Kirlia (lottery)
040- Faunu's Absol (lottery)
041- Chimecho (03' Battle Road)
042- Multi-Energy (03' Battle Road)
043- Oran Berry (03' Battle Road)
044- Metang
045- Beldum
046- Sceptile (McDonalds)
047- Blaziken (McDonalds)
048- Marshtomp (McDonalds)
049- Plusle (McDonalds)
050- Minum (McDonalds)
051- Bulbasaur (Meiji)
052- Charmander (Meiji)
053- Charmeleon (Meiji)
054- Charizard (Meiji)
055- Squirtle (Meiji)
056- Psyduck (Meiji)
057- Pikachu (Meiji)
058- Raichu (Meiji)
059- Slowpoke (Meiji)
060- Cubone (Meiji)
061- Jigglypuff (Meiji)
062- Meowth (Meiji)
063- Metang
I'll never have a hope in heck of getting all of them.
I've only got a small portion of the Black Star ones, and maybe 5 or 6 POP cards, 1 Gold W star one...thats about it.
Oh I have 16 copies of the Non-Holo Mew...Australia Nintendo were giving them out at their building.
This years TCG "Promo" card are:
Cities: Dratini (LA)
States: Dragonair (LA)
Nats: Dragonite (LA-non holo)

These also come as Staff one's.
Scan of the Dratini's comeing soon.
I have updated the list with some more promos that you guys have listed. More updates will be on the way soon.

Just hang in there with me. The last week of school.
001/DPt HP80 Carnivine buy some DP7 booster packs
002/DPt HP70 Manaphy buy some DP7 booster packs
003/DPt HP70 Rotom buy some DP7 booster packs
004/DPt HP90 Probopass buy some DP7 booster packs
005/DPt HP90 Darkrai buy some DP7 booster packs
006/DPt HP90 Bronzong participants of the 2008 Japanese tounament
007/DPt supporter Cyrus' Scheme winners of the 2008 Japanese tounament
008/DPt HP90 Toxicroak Japanese DP Nintendo DS Guidebook #6
009/DPt HP50 Squirtle Pokemon Center 2008 10th Anniversary Promo Card "SQUIRTLE". It was given away at the pokemon centers in Japan when you purchased a certain amount of goods
010/DPt Electrode G
011/DPt Mismagius LV.X
001/DPt HP80 Carnivine buy some DP7 booster packs
002/DPt HP70 Manaphy buy some DP7 booster packs
003/DPt HP70 Rotom buy some DP7 booster packs
004/DPt HP90 Probopass buy some DP7 booster packs
005/DPt HP90 Darkrai buy some DP7 booster packs
006/DPt HP90 Bronzong participants of the 2008 Japanese tounament
007/DPt supporter Cyrus' Scheme winners of the 2008 Japanese tounament
008/DPt HP90 Toxicroak Japanese DP Nintendo DS Guidebook #6
009/DPt HP50 Squirtle Pokemon Center 2008 10th Anniversary Promo Card "SQUIRTLE". It was given away at the pokemon centers in Japan when you purchased a certain amount of goods
010/DPt HP70 Electrode G Dpt2 Blister pack
011/DPt HP100 Mismagius LV.X Dpt2 Blister pack
012/DPt HP80 Alakazam E4 Japanese 2008 Gym Challenge Tournament Prize Card
013/DPt trainer Galactic Invention G-109 SP Radar Japanese 2008 Gym Challenge Tournament Prize Card
014/DPt HP80 Luxray GL Japanese 2008 Gym Challenge Tournament Prize Card
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