Pokemon Promo Cards

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Sorry for the lack of updates but I've been sick for like two weeks. Hopefully I'll be able to add some new promos over the next few days. I will have to try to use Firefox to update the thread because my current browser is not getting the job done.
Is Lucario Ex an actual card? I looked it up on Google, and found a site that said it comes in a half-deck from 2005 when Lucario and the Mystery of Mew came out in Japan.
I don't know if this is the actual Lucario Ex your talking about but I have seen a Japanese Lucario Ex. The one I saw is a metal type. I'll see if I can get a picture of it from my league leader.
here is a scan of Lucario ex

It was issued with a cd-rom
That is the one I was talking about. I want that card for my own collection.
this is the other cards in Lucario CD-Rom release

001/012 Blaziken
002/012 Exploud
003/012 Rayquaza
004/012 Sableye
005/012 Mawile
006/012 Lucario ex
007/012 Prof. Oak's Research
008/012 Oran Berry
009/012 Multi Technical Machine 01
010/012 Pokémon Park
011/012 Dark Energy
012/012 Metal Energy

001/015 Torchic
002/015 Combusken
003/015 Wobbuffett
004/015 Phanphy
005/015 Donphan
006/015 Whismur
007/015 Loudred
008/015 Potion
009/015 Switch
010/015 Fire Energy
011/015 Fire Energy
012/015 Psychic Energy
013/015 Psychic Energy
014/015 Fighting Energy
015/015 Fighting Energy

001/015 Bulbasaur
002/015 Ivysaur
003/015 Luvdisc
004/015 Pikachu
005/015 Raichu
006/015 Doduo
007/015 Dodrio
008/015 Energy Switch
009/015 Potion
010/015 Grass Energy
011/015 Grass Energy
012/015 Water Energy
013/015 Water Energy
014/015 Lightning Energy
015/015 Lightning Energy
Hi. I love this thread. OMG. THe Best THread EVER!!!!

Anyway, back to the topic, I got a Bagon. There is the Back Star Promo at the bottom right. And at the picture, it got something printed on it "SCRYE". Is this under your post? Coz I only found 2 Bagons, and they dont seem to fit my card's description.
there are 4 Bagons

50/97 50HP Bagon Dec-03 Inquest #105 January 2004
50/97 50HP Bagon Dec-03 Scrye #67 January 2004
50/97 50HP Bagon Dec-03 GenCon
50/97 50HP Bagon Dec-03
Lv 16 HP60 Pikachu, Ivy (non-glossy) Nov-96 Asobikata Ver # 1
Lv 16 HP60 Pikachu, Ivy  (glossy) Nov-96 Coro Coro
Lv 12 HP50 Jigglypuff  (glossy) Nov-96 Coro Coro
Lv 12 HP50 Jigglypuff  (non-glossy) Nov-96 Asobikata Ver # 1

These are the earliest that I am aware of.
The Bagon your talking about is a promo. I'm not sure if I have it listed. I will check and update if it's not on the list. I've seen this card before and I wish I had one.
There are only 3 Bagon promo cards. The 4th one that omahanime referenced is the one from the Ex Dragon set which of course is not a promo card. I think he was telling you that that particular Bagon has 4 different versions. I have also updated the list with a few more cards.

50/97 50HP Bagon Dec-03 Inquest #105 January 2004
50/97 50HP Bagon Dec-03 Scrye #67 January 2004
50/97 50HP Bagon Dec-03 GenCon
50/97 50HP Bagon Dec-03
Those scans are a nice way to avoid confusion. Way to go!
That's what I'm going through right now. How would anyone ever collect all of these cards? It's nice to dream though.
It's an arduous task for sure.
At the Moment, I'll settle for all the WOTC promo's, then the Southern Islands. Then work my way up until I have all the English, then try for the exclusive Japanese.
The WOTC promos are not too hard to get. The tough English ones to get are the cards from Worlds and some of the Japanese ones.
Mmm I imagine some of them would be easy, but from where I come from, almost all trace of those cards seems to have been removed.
The sad thing was I had one of the Nintendo Black Stars (Kyorge ex) but someone stole it. I also don't have the means to buy online.
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