Finished Pokemon Riddles (Not YPPY)

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Also, I remember z-man telling sonicyellow that "if you're in the Funhouse, you're as good as dead". I'm not sure, but I don't think you can lynch someone who's "as good as dead".
Ice Espeon said:
No to all. Think about the reasoning here.

It might be easier if your riddle had more then just a single line.

Using your riddle, I'd have to list every forrest living pokemon!
sonicyellow said:
shadow - but wouldn't it be in that form already while in the forest?

Not if the forest is blocking direct sunlight.

It HAS to be Castform.

There is no pokemon out there that can travel "into" the sun.
So that means the word "into" is refering to transformation.
The only pokemon that does that is Castform.

I actually have another idea, but wont say it yet.
Solrock isn't random at all xD

But into the sun would mean it either changes into the sun, or goes to the sun.
A pokemon It could be.. would it be zoroark?
It evolves by sun stone, getting out of the forest as gloom, and into the sun (stone) like bellossom.
D/P pokedex:
When the heavy rainfall season ends, it is drawn out by warm sunlight to dance in the open.

This is by no means, a random guess.
red blastoise said:
It evolves by sun stone, getting out of the forest as gloom, and into the sun (stone) like bellossom.
D/P pokedex:

This is by no means, a random guess.

Very, very close.
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