Project Pokemon Shuffle - The Pokedex 2.0 Region Thread!

RE: Pokedex 2.0 - Region Thread

I'm quite happy with the idea of having 32 Mega Evolutions - if we keep 12 pre-Hall of Fame Mega Stones. I know it's a large number compared to XY (though you did leave out Lucarionite, and players who played at launch were more than happy to use their Blazikenite pre-E4), but, again, that's part of the fangame format versus an official game. Philosophically, I think I want to push for it because XY left me feeling that I would have liked a more diverse pool of Mega options earlier in the game, and considering that Mega-using trainers are much more widespread in Baloncé than in Kalos, I think it's more fair than overbalancing. Having 32 in total would mean we could have 20 Battle Nexus opponents, which would be a better number to build it around than 13.

Though, I do want to talk about that name, Battle Nexus. I chose it in an adrenaline-filled late night typing session, and it's a bit silly when the Nexus Stone is the focal point of the other major postgame storyline. I originally conceived it as the Battle Matrix, but felt that might be a bit too obvious. Maybe it's the Battle Sphere, referencing its shape? Or, like, the Digital Frontier, paying homage to the Battle Frontier and incorporating its digital nature? Battle Factory and Battle Institute are both literal descriptions of what it does, but both names already describe a different kind of battle facility. Or, if you guys like Battle Nexus, we can keep that, I just felt maybe we should think about alternatives.

I'm really looking forward to seeing Mothem and Saland Megas, I feel like those are evolutionary lines that needed a little extra oomph at the end. Robopoke isn't actually fully evolved, but I think having a Mega for it anyway is a cool idea - you can evolve it into Glytch for goofy moves and the ability to hold an item, but Robopoke has a viable Mega evolution for people who don't want to meddle with those kinds of unnatural forces. And I'm guessing Raikou will make a resurgence as Thundog's Mega? Because it fits there way better than it did for Brutauox.

One gripe about Mega Ovorphan, though, I'd rather it keep Shadow Tag than go over to Levitate...Mega Gengar obviously proves that Shadow Tag is an Ability to be taken seriously, plus its Pokédex entry alludes to it having Shadow Tag. Since the new stat line alleviates its fatal flaw Defense, that's enough change to legitimize it as a Mega worth playing for certain sets.

As for Reggie's point about Team Shadow, I'll make sure to post Imago Circus tomorrow, and that area is all about Team Shadow. Still, Routes shouldn't be overlooked for their ability to demonstrate Team Shadow's influence. For example, let's look at Route B8:

Route B8 needs some sort of blockade to prevent people from moving on who haven't yet completed Frescourse City and Imago Circus, since Arioso Glassworks isn't far away, and that requires both of those events to have occured. The Judo Badge provides Fly, so an HM blockade doesn't work - and that means it's time for Team Shadow:

Spangloup Sea- The Sea that connects Wrustye Island to the mainland.

When the player first reaches Spangloup Sea, there will be a number of ships lined up blocking the player from proceeding. A number of sailors are on the docks on the north end of Wrustye Island, complaining that some criminal syndicate isn't letting anyone pass to dock at the port to the north. After completing Imago Circus, the officials of Frescourse City crack down on this embargo, and it clears up by the time you return.

By adding that paragraph, Route B8 now has the invisible wall it needs, and the players can take out their frustrations for being walled against the right people - against Team Shadow, our designated antagonists.
RE: Pokedex 2.0 - Region Thread

Also, Steffenka, about you recent inspirations regarding Genishell - have you considered making Hoopa into its proper evolution, instead of the Escavalier-inspired one? I can change Frescourse City's story to use Immalive instead of Joustamp to make that change work. I think you're onto a solid idea, making a Lamp > Genie evolution line, instead of the current form, which doesn't do much that Shelmet > Escavalier doesn't. Since you were Genishell's original creator, I'd certainly be willing to move around the movesets to help that concept come alive.
RE: Pokedex 2.0 - Region Thread

Updated the rival's team.

I'm also suggesting that Bellind gets Heal Bell at level 30 (it needs to know it to evolve) and Groshark getting Earthquake at level 44 (It's ground but it has almost no good ground moves)
RE: Pokedex 2.0 - Region Thread

Amperglyph said:
Also, Steffenka, about you recent inspirations regarding Genishell - have you considered making Hoopa into its proper evolution, instead of the Escavalier-inspired one? I can change Frescourse City's story to use Immalive instead of Joustamp to make that change work. I think you're onto a solid idea, making a Lamp > Genie evolution line, instead of the current form, which doesn't do much that Shelmet > Escavalier doesn't. Since you were Genishell's original creator, I'd certainly be willing to move around the movesets to help that concept come alive.

Genie Pokemon

Evolved from Genishell when traded while holding a Magic Orb

Ability: Magician/Overcoat HA: Pickpocket
Stats: 105/35/44/166/45/130 Total: 525
It grants people 3 wishes. Each thing they wish for, have been transported through hyperspace.
I still want it to have Doom Desire and Hyperspace Hole, maybe learning them at a late level?

Also congrats on your 100th post!~ :D
RE: Pokedex 2.0 - Region Thread

All Mega Evolutions

Mega Solaria
Sunflower Pokemon

Mega evolves from Solaria with the Solarinite
Ability: Drought
Stats: 120/75/60/180/110/80 Total: 625
The flower on its head has grown larger, letting it absorb more sunlight. It is stronger at daytime.

Mega Fightape
Brawler Pokémon

Mega evolves from Fightape with the Fightapite.
Ability: Iron Fist
Stats: 78/165/60/105/70/152 Total: 630
It spends its free time training. It becomes stronger when it on low health

Mega Groshark
Land Shark Pokémon

Mega Evolves from Groshark with the Grosharinite
Ability: Sand Stream
Stats: 77/150/65/106/60/142 Total: 610
This Pokemon has achieved its dream of being able to live on land. It likes to live on beaches so it can stay by the water, however.

Mega Mothem
Flying Pokemon

Mega Evolves from Mothem when using the Mothemite
Ability: High Rise
Stats: 60/45/50/130/95/120 Total: 500
This Pokémon lives in tall trees. It enjoys flying around light during nighttime.
High Rise: Basically adding Flying type to the Pokemons typing

Mega Chapin
Rabbit Pokémon

Mega Evolves from Chapin when using the Chapinite
Ability: Iron Fist
Stats: 80/155/40/103/40/132 Total: 550
Some women sees Chapin as their rolemodel, because of its beautiful looks and its willingness to fight.

Mega Kraboon
Moonlight Pokémon

Mega Evolves from Kraboon when using the Kraboonite

Ability: Mega Launcher
Stats: 80/95/115/130/125/50 Total: 545
Kraboon absorbs moonlight by using the star on its forehead. It is stronger at night.

Mega Xamatter
Dark Matter Pokemon

Mega Evolves from Xamatter with the Xamatterite
Ability: Levitate
Stats: 80/150/90/165/90/100 Total: 675
It is said to contain dark matter. The flame on its head is bigger depending on the amount of dark matter in its body.

Mega Rinercules
Herculean Beetle Pokémon

Mega Evolves from Rinercules using the Rinerculite
Ability: Mighty Horn
Stats: 85/205/90/40/100/90 Total: 610
Upon evolution, this Pokémon gains great Herculean strength. It is apparently capable of knocking down a truck upside down with its' scary strong horn.

Mega Agressect
Mantis Pokemon

Mega evolves by using the Agressite
Ability: Battle Armor
Stats: 60/150/75/60/75/120 Total: 540
A very agressive Pokemon. There has been many incidents where people have been slashed by its sharp scythes.

Mega Selilon
Sealion Pokemon

Mega Evolves from Selilon when using the Selinite
Ability: Drizzle
Stats: 85/50/105/130/130/60 Total: 560
They live in water near beaches. A pair will hunt for food, while their baby will wait on the beach.

Mega Leoroar
Lion Pokemon

Mega Evolves from Leoroar when using the Leorite
Ability: Drought
Stats: 85/130/95/60/60/130 Total: 560
They hunt in packs consisting of 1 male and multiple females. The female will always hunt the prey, while the male stays home and nutures the babies.

Mega Mantaspor
Transport Pokemon

Mega evolves from Mantaspor by using the Mantasite
Ability: Levitate
Stats: 100/70/130/100/130/90 Total: 620
It's used by fishermen to remove rainstorms, to prevent their ships from sinking.

Mega Frozentler
Blizzard Deer Pokemon

Evolves from Frozentler using the Frozentlite
Ability: Rainbow Spear
Stats: 90/150/110/40/120/130 Total: 640
This Pokemon's impressive antlers are made of ice. It's feet can instantly freeze any thing they stand on. It's ice powers are so strong, poachers stay away from herds containing one of these Pokemon due to fear of getting frozen.
Rainbow Spear: Powers up moves of a different type than this Pokémon's by 30%.

Mega Hailord
Mega Storm Pokémon

Mega evolves from Hailord with the Hailordite
Ability: Frostbite
Stats: 80/150/90/125/80/130 Total: 655
It is the leader of a group of Aeromon. It can create vicious hurricanes in mere minutes.

Mega Droughtord
Solar Flare Pokémon

Mega Evolves from Droughtord by using the Droughtordite
Ability: Magma Coat
Stats: 80/140/100/145/100/90 Total: 655
Droughtord is able to create enormous solar flares. These solar flares are said to be causing Earths seasons.

Mega Jettrian
Triangle Pokemon

Mega Evolves from Jettrian when using the Jettrinite
Ability: Levitate
Stats: 115/85/70/165/100/160 Total: 695
A pair will stay together for life. If a couple is spotted its said to cause love sometimes soon!

Mega Ballaspark
Tesla Pokemon

Mega evolves from Ballaspark using the Ballasite
Ability: Volt Scape
Stats: 80/60/120/155/95/110 Total: 620
It's left hand is the shell of it's pre-evolution, Dustmite. It enjoys assisting scientists with their studies.

Mega Jiniesh
Genie Pokémon

Mega Evolves from Jiniesh using the Jinishite

Ability: Magic Guard
Stats: 105/35/64/196/75/150 Total: 625
It grants people 3 wishes. Each thing they wish for, have been transported through hyperspace.

Mega Fluoreye
Glowing Eye Pokemon

Mega Evolves from Fluoreye with the Fluorite
Ability: Tinted Lens
Stats: 80/105/60/105/100/70 Total: 520
Its eyes are filled with a venomous liquid that glows in the dark as a warning. Many legends of eyes in the night were started by Fluoreye.

Mega Accelect
Speed Pokemon

Mega Evolves from Accelect using the Accelite
Ability: Cursed Body
Stats: 85/135/75/105/60/145 Total: 605
It's mainly used by criminals to quickly fly in and steal valuables without people noticing it. However recently police have started using it as well, to steal the valuables back from the thieves.

Mega Deseruler
Cactae Pokémon

Mega Evolves from Deseruler using the Deserulite
Ability: Water Absorb
Stats: 90/75/120/110/125/80 Total: 600
It's said that the Aladdians used these Deseruler to control the weather, and they were celebrated during many festivals. During these festivals Deseruler apparently transformed.

Mega Amphixon
Toxic Skin Pokemon

Mega Evolves from Amphixon using the Amphixite
Ability: Toxic Skin
Stats: 75/80/80/125/85/60 Total: 505
Amphixon enjoys to glide through mud. Whenever a Pokemon is in the way, it often ends up badly poisoned and unable to move.

Mega Immalive
Ressurected Pokemon

Mega Evolves from Immalive when using the Immatite
Ability: Tough Body
Stats: 75/150/115/45/65/94 Total: 544
Immalive can always be seen happy. It will often look for Life Essence and give it to unevolved Mhasks.

Mega Robopoke
Man-Made Pokémon

Mega Evolves from Robopoke when using the Robopokite

Ability: Protean
Stats: 70/30/80/145/80/115 Total: 520
It is one of the first ever man made Pokémon. It shows that the power of science is amazing.

Mega Mikoprinaly
Princess Pokémon

Mega Evolves from Mikoprinaly with the Mikoprinalite.
Ability: Queen's Guard
Stats: 80/140/110/130/130/110 Total: 700
It is finally a princess. Could it possible get any more beautiful and graceful?

Mega Petalue
Blossom Pokemon

Mega Evolves from Petalue when using the Petalunite

Ability: Effect Spore
Stats: 70/45/90/130/150/60 Total: 545
Its dream came true. It dances around happily every day, greeting everyone with a smile.

Mega Sacreferno
Sacred Pokémon

Mega Evolves from Sacreferno using the White Sacrenite
Ability: Flare Boost
Stats: 90/150/90/150/90/70 Total: 640
It's said that they'll only listen to competent trainers. When a group get together they produce beautiful fire patterns in the air. Due to this, they have been celebrated and many cultures have festivals in their name.

Mega Sacrevolt
Electro Pokémon

Mega Evolves from Sacrevolt using the Black Sacrenite
Ability: Volt Scape
Stats: 90/70/130/70/130/150 Total: 640
Despite it's fearsome appearance, it's actually gentle. When groups of them gather, they like to fly around producing electric patterns in the sky. In some parts of the world, Sacrevolt and Sacreferno gather at the same time, producing beautiful patterns of fire and lightning together.

Mega Ovorphan
Forgotten Pokemon

Mega Evolves from Ovorphan by using the Ovorphite

Ability: Shadow Tag
Stats: 100/5/85/105/95/135 Total: 525
Without an Ovescort to care for them, the eggs can never hatch. It shadows Pokémon it likes and follows them everywhere.

Mega Aviapor
Vapor Pokemon

Mega Evolves from Aviapor when using the Aviaporite
Ability: Cloud Nine
Stats: 120/55/90/135/135/135 Total: 670
When it flies, it looks like fast moving clouds. Ancient civilizations considered it a water god, and painted it on cave paintings.

Mega Thundog
Dog Pokémon

Mega Evolves from Thundog when using the Thundogite

Ability: Noctilate
Stats: 100/150/100/120/80/140 Total: 690
It is often used by police officers to help stop criminals by taking out their getaway vehicles with electricity.
Noctilate: Turn Normal-type moves into Dark-type.

Mega Aerogon
Dragon Pokemon

Mega Evolves from Aerogon when using the Aeronite
Ability: Gale Wings
Stats: 110/185/115/65/65/160 Total: 700
It flies through the air at high speed. It's a good natured Pokemon, that will do anything to protect other Pokemon in danger.

List of Megastones

  • - Solarinite
    - Fightapite
    - Grosharkite
    - Mothemite
    - Chapinite
    - Kraboonite
    - Xamatterite
    - Rinerculite
    - Agressite
    - Selinite
    - Leorite
    - Mantasite
    - Frozentlite
    - Hailordite
    - Droughtordite
    - Jettrinite
    - Ballasite
    - Jinishite
    - Fluorite
    - Accelite
    - Deserulite
    - Amphixite
    - Immatite
    - Robopokite
    - Mikoprinalite
    - Petalunite
    - White Sacrenite
    - Black Sacrenite
    - Ovorphite
    - Aviaporite
    - Thundogite
    - Aeronite
RE: Pokedex 2.0 - Region Thread

Thanks for the post, Steffenka! I've added it to the index of posts on the front page.

About the High Rise Ability - I think it's a bit confusing, and I don't think it would be ridiculous if the Ability just gave it Flying as a third type, with all the ups and downs (STAB, resistances, and weaknesses). Since that takes up its Ability and item slots, I think it's a reasonable tradeoff. Though, I'm only in favor of it as a single-use thing as a signature Ability - if Mega Mothem gets a third type, that's cool. If half the Megas in the game start popping up with third type Abilities, that's pretty lame and fanwishy.

I like the concept of "nocturne" as the basis for the Nocturnate Ability, but can it be called Noctilate to make it more consistent with the other Abilities of its type? That way, you still get the noctos, "night," so it stays meaningful.
RE: Pokedex 2.0 - Region Thread

So, I won't be able to make my scheduled infodrop today, but hopefully this makes up for it: a preliminary project logo:


As I mentioned in a [link=]previous post[/link], I wanted to call the game Pokémon Shuffle because it draws attention to the way that it mixes up all the rules - that's the game's primary function, the way it shuffles the familiar into something new. The wrong-coloured type orbs reflect the way that many Pokémon are shuffled completely away from their familiar types, making the visual cues of type foreign and different.

Also available in sig size:
RE: Pokedex 2.0 - Region Thread


Around 20 years ago, Drac was the Pokémon Leauge Champion. Today, he hangs around Eventoil City or Treis Castle. He specializes in flying and dragon type Pokémon. His 17 year old son, Jonas, is following in his footsteps and becoming a flying and dragon type trainer as well.

Drac also gives you the inverse charm at Treis Castle if you show him all the Dragon and Flying types in the Balonce Dex (Excluding Aerolord). The inverse charm inverses encounter rates for wild Pokémon.


Eventoil City
Pestiflea level 70

Megahorn/Quiver Dance/Bug Buzz/Whirlwind

Gigagon level 70

Dragon Claw/Crunch/Stone Edge/Dragon Pulse

Malevolive level 70

Blizzard/Tail Wind/Night Slash/Psych Up

Aerogon level 72

Double Edge/Crunch/Dragon Claw/Brave Bird

Battle Nexus

Pestiflea level 85 (If you chose Purotenshi)

Megahorn/Quiver Dance/Bug Buzz/Whirlwind

Gigagon level 85 (If you chose Kuraskamai)

Dragon Claw/Crunch/Stone Edge/Dragon Pulse

Malevolive level 85

Blizzard/Tail Wind/Night Slash/Psych Up

Aerogon level 85

Double Edge/Crunch/Dragon Claw/Brave Bird

Next is Floyd!

Also amp, I really have to give you a hand. Props to you fr the awesome logo!
RE: Pokemon Shuffle- The Pokedex 2.0 Region Thread!


Do you think you could add my index to the first post?


[link=][b][u]Mega Evolutions[/b][/u][/link]

[link=][b][u]Important Trainers[/b][/u][/link]



[link=][b][u]TMs & HMs[/b][/u][/link][/CENTER]

Also, Ligny in Symmachine City was originally Pryce, but I changed him to look like Rowan now, and I'm happier with Drac as Pryce and Ligny as Rowan, so crisis averted.
RE: Pokemon Shuffle- The Pokedex 2.0 Region Thread!

I love that logo! Super Awesome Amper! :D *Insert thumbs up emoticon here*

If we need any other trainers for the Battle Nexus, I'll happily do some :)
RE: Pokemon Shuffle- The Pokedex 2.0 Region Thread!

steffenka said:
If we need any other trainers for the Battle Nexus, I'll happily do some :)

I just put in Sherbert with Petalue, Lilah with Amphixon, Balsa with Chapin, and Trixie with Ovorphan, so that makes 17/20. At this point, I'd say any Mega that isn't already on another Battle Nexus team is fair game; once it's done, then we can worry about where the other ones go. In a slight backpedal from my previous statement, I'm now thinking only 8-9 Mega Stones will be attainable pre-Hall of Fame, with the other 3-4 appearing in other postgame locations, like Infinitus Shrine and Eventoil City.

Though, it sounds like Reggie plans on having Floyd and Aggresect appear as one of the 20 stages, so it's probably more like 18/20.

Also, movesets are updated with Jiniesh and moveset changes for Mhask, Immalive, Squink, and Ammonink. Bellind/Belltect and Groshark were updated yesterday, as requested.
RE: Pokemon Shuffle- The Pokedex 2.0 Region Thread!

Amperglyph said:
steffenka said:
If we need any other trainers for the Battle Nexus, I'll happily do some :)

I just put in Sherbert with Petalue, Lilah with Amphixon, Balsa with Chapin, and Trixie with Ovorphan, so that makes 17/20. At this point, I'd say any Mega that isn't already on another Battle Nexus team is fair game; once it's done, then we can worry about where the other ones go. In a slight backpedal from my previous statement, I'm now thinking only 8-9 Mega Stones will be attainable pre-Hall of Fame, with the other 3-4 appearing in other postgame locations, like Infinitus Shrine and Eventoil City.

Though, it sounds like Reggie plans on having Floyd and Aggresect appear as one of the 20 stages, so it's probably more like 18/20.

So 2 more trainers? I can handle that ;)
Also you used the wrong sprite for Mega Petalue, unless its shiny ;)

I have mixed feelings about that Nexus Trainers giving out Mega Stones, I think it would be cooler if you just were able to find them in the wild, and then have some of the more "important" trainers give out Mega Stones after certain events, like Josey and the Selilite/Leorite and maybe Reggie giving a Xamatterite after defeating him. I have made a list of how to obtain the Mega Stones if they weren't available thorugh the Nexus battles.

- Starter stones: Can be bought in Symmachine City for 100.000 Pokecoins
- Xamatterite, Leorite/Selilite, Aerogonite: After defeating an important character
- Mantasite, Deserulite, Robopokite: Given by non important characters
- The rest: Found in the wild, on various routes or special locations
I see your point, Steffenka, I did say one of the rules of a fangame should be that quests take less patience than theywould in the official product, and this would very clearly take more than it did in XY. I'll draft up a counter proposal in a few hours, but here's the gist of it: Rival, Josey, Jonas, Drac, and Reggie would continue giving a Mega Stone on the first Nexus encounter, and 3 Shards on subsequent encounters. Then the other 15 Battle Nexus opponents would be devoted to evolution stones and evolving held items - items it's nice to have a consistent source for multiples of, but the game already has given you at least one of each by the time you get there.
Trainer suggestions for Battle Nexus:

#11 Noira

Malevoslug Lv. 85

Moveset: Gunk Shot, Toxic, Muddy Water, Foul Play

Kraboon Lv. 85

Moveset: Aura Sphere, Dark Pulse, Night Slash, Aqua Jet

Jiniesh Lv. 85

Moveset: Doom Desire, Hyperspace Hole, Metal Burst, Autotomize

#12 Bleu

Healoserp Lv. 85

Moveset: Aqua Tail, Water Pulse, Aqua Ring, Heal Pulse

Frozentler Lv. 85

Moveset: Wood Hammer, Jump Kick, Horn Leech, Camouflage

Melanbunny Lv. 85

Moveset: Electro Ball, Nasty Plot, Play Rough, Discharge
Updated Battle Nexus post with new teams and rewards. Every character who gives an evolution item features a Pokémon that evolves using that item in their party, hence the lineup changes.

Team Shadow Leader Floyd

Floyd is an evil gangster and the leader of Team Shadow. He has enlisted Molloy, Casey, Darwin, and countless grunts to support his evil group. His primary goal is to catch Purotenshi, Kuraskamai, and Seikoshi and have complete control over the balance of Baloncé. He is ruthless and will do whatever it takes to get what he wants. As a young child living in Zalem City, Floyd has been corrupted by watching countless amounts of terror and shadiness, and wants to balance Balonce in lightness and darkness. After he is sent to prison, he realizes what he did was wrong and gives the player an Argasectite.

Pokémon Teams
Ancient Shrine 1

Toxirose level 53

Needle Arm/Growth/Cross Poison/Giga Drain

Maranut level 53

Sucker Punch/Dark Pulse/Shadow Ball/Psychic

Argessect level 54

X-Scissor/Slash/Dragon Claw/Swords Dance

Ancient Shrine 2

Kuraskami level 55 (If you chose Purotenshi)

Chaos Blast/Flamethrower/Dragon Claw/Protect

Purotenshi level 55 (If you chose Kuraskami)

Enchanted Destruction/Air Cutter/Dragon Pulse/Imprison

Toxirose level 53

Needle Arm/Growth/Cross Poison/Giga Drain

Maranut level 53

Sucker Punch/Dark Pulse/Shadow Ball/Psychic

Argessect level 55

X-Scissor/Slash/Dragon Claw/Swords Dance​

Would anyone mind if I changed Mega Mooslimes sprite from Shiny Avalugg to Shiny Volcanion? I think it resembles Cresselia a bit more, while still having a kindoff icy with those blue markings on its body, and also with its ring resembling Cresselias moon things?
So instead of this:

Mega Mooslime

Mega Evolves from Mooslime holding Moosmite
Steel/Ice(male)/Steel/Rock (female)
Ability: Goo Burst
Stats: 70/80/200/110/200/40 Total: 700
Because of its banana-shaped head, it is often attacked by hungry Fightape who are looking for a midnight snack.

It's this:

Mega Mooslime

Mega Evolves from Mooslime holding Moosmite
Steel/Ice(male)/Steel/Rock (female)
Ability: Goo Burst
Stats: 70/80/200/110/200/40 Total: 700
Because of its banana-shaped head, it is often attacked by hungry Fightape who are looking for a midnight snack.
RE: Pokedex 2.0 - Region Thread!

Finally getting around to posting Imago Circus, meaning only Victory Road is left in the dungeon category, barring any surprise introductions.

Imago Circus
Real-world Location: Catania, Sicily
Resembles: Pokéathlon Dome

The circus on the sea is an oddity of southern Baloncé; there are many rumors about its spectacles, but very few ever get a chance to go. The circus is decorated with images of Camoullon, who is said to play a major part in their act.

When you arrive at the Circus, Marty and Marina jump out at you, expecting a Team Shadow member they've caught by surprise. They very quickly notice you aren't a Team Shadow member, but you are an experienced trainer, and ask you to help them investigate the interior.

Inside, the room is completely dark. A spotlight appears on a trainer, Molloy, and her Sorzard. She performs a magic trick in which she makes her Sorzard disappear; it then appears behind Marty, and makes him disappear. It does the same to Marina, and finally, to you.

You are teleported to the basement of the Circus, which is substantially larger than the tent above. The basement is divided into 9 rooms, each with its own condition, which is marked on the floor. The rooms each have three teleport pads, except for the West room, which only has one, making your progress from room to room fairly random.

NW (start) - Normal
N - Trick Room; Grunt
NE - Rain; Wild Encounters
E (Marina) - Sun; Grunt Team Battle
C - Sandstorm; Wild Encounters
SE - Magic Room; Wild Encounters
S - Fog; Grunt
SW (Marty) - Wonder Room; Grunt Team Battle
W (Exit) - Hail; Wild Encounters

Wild Pokémon:
Nymphoak Level 17-18

Feracat: Level 16-17

Squink: Level 16-18
15% (Rain)

Dustmite: Level 16-18
15% (Sandstorm)

Phoseghost: Level 16-18
15% (Magic Room)

Shimki: Level 16-18
15% (Hail)

Trainer Battles:

Team Shadow Grunt (Trick Room)

Mentoil level 19

Wrap, Bite, Poison Fang, Leer

Team Shadow Grunts: (Sun)

Screambat level 20

Headbutt, Gust, Bite, Echoed Voice

Lagomood level 20

Thunder Wave, Spark, Defense Curl, Helping Hand

During this battle, you have Marina by your side. She fights using the following Pokémon:
Mantay level 24

Tackle, Psybeam, Aurora Beam, Water Pulse

Team Shadow Grunts: (Wonder Room)

Screambat level 20

Growl, Gust, Bite, Echoed Voice

Slugudge level 20

Mud Slap, Bide, Disable, Muddy Water

During this battle, you have Marty by your side. He fights using the following Pokémon:
Tailiash level 22

Tail Slap, Jump Slam, Tail Whip, Whiplash

Team Shadow Grunt: (Hail)

Slugudge level 17

Swagger, Bide, Disable, Muddy Water

Slugudge level 16

Mud Slap, Bide, Attract, Muddy Water

TM54 Dig
Full Heal x2
Super Potion
Rare Candy

After fighting your way up from the weather rooms, you appear in the back room, where the circus's three owners are being held. After realizing you're not Team Shadow, they show you some of the catwalks used to do the illusions on stage, and how you can use that to get a jump on Molloy. Once you come out to the front stage, you, Marty, and Marina have her surrounded, requiring her to fight you.

Shadow Admin Molloy

Dracomental level 20

Bite, Glare, Heal Block, Poison Fang

Sorzard level 21
@Maranga Berry

Psybeam, Reflect, Trick Room, Telekinesis

She and her Sorzard teleport away in defeat, ending the Team Shadow occupation of Imago Circus. Marty threatens to have the circus shut down, but Marina reminds him that the owners would not have helped if they were in on Team Shadow's plan, so the circus stays open. Both Gym Leaders give you their number to put in your SmartPoké, and Marina runs off to deal with the shipping embargo blocking Route B8. Marty thanks you for your help, and apologizes for misjudging you; as thanks for your work here, he promises to let you in on a big secret (the Mega Band plans) - provided you can defeat him at his gym in Frescourse City, first.
Camoullon Challenge:

After entering the Hall of Fame, you may return to take the Camoullon Challenge. You may only select a party of a single Camoullon for the Challenge, and it costs 10,000P. There is no restriction on Hold Items or Medicine.

Once you enter, you descend to the basement. This time, the basement is broken up into 12 rooms of uneven size. There are 2 rooms each of Normal, Rain, Sun, Hail, Sandstorm, and Fog; 1 containing a trainer, and 1 containing wild encounters. You always start in a room with no weather; your task is to use the teleport pads to reach the other room with no weather. As before, trainers and wild Pokémon slow your progress.

At the end, the three owners will greet you, and each offer you a unique prize; you can only take one of the three. The one in the center offers you Friendship; if you take it, you receive a level 60 Camoullon with the Hidden Ability Shadow Tag (it is permanently locked into its Pokéball form), and the moves Hold Back, Spore, Weather Ball, and Disable. This prize will only be offered once.

The one on the left will offer you Enlightenment. If you accept, he gives you one Shard of each color. The one on the right will offer you Power. If you accept, he will teach your Camoullon one of five moves: Mystical Fire, Octazooka, Glaciate, Power Gem, or Leaf Tornado. Either of these rewards may be obtained an infinite number of times.

On Victory Road, I do have an idea for the format - as mentioned in the Ultimoak City description, it's roughly based on White Treehollow, and there's 7 floors of it. Based on that, I'd like each floor to be devoted to one of the HM moves (The 8th being Fly, which doesn't really help in context). Since Victory Road is extremely long, and meant to be the dramatic bookend to the region, I think it would only be appropriate to split it into three zones, and have us each take one of them.

The Road is supposed to be inside a tree, so that should serve as some sense of the inspiration, but obviously you can play around with things not naturally in a tree, like stones and structures.

The first zone would be the first three floors - the earlier floors would have less trainers and simpler puzzles than the later floors, so this would be the only third to encompass three floors instead of two. In order, these three floors would be dedicated to Rock Smash, Surf, and Incinerate.

The second zone would be two floors, Strength and Charge.

The third zone would probably be fairly unique, because Rock Climb involves going up, and Dive going down, so rather than being two separate floors, these two would involve a lot of working together, going up and down between the two using your HMs.

So, hopefully you guys don't mind working on sections of it...I think that would make for a very interesting, well-rounded dungeon, and avoid the terror of one person having to design the whole thing by themselves. I'd prefer to do whichever one of the three slices neither of you want, since I was the one who cut it into pieces in the first place.
RE: Pokedex 2.0 - Region Thread!

Today's update is all towns and plot and stuff:

Envoyage City
Real-world Location: Geneva, Switzerland
Resembles: Canalave City

After the Route B8 embargo clears, you can finally make your way to Envoyage City. Resting at the geographic heart of Baloncé, Envoyage represents the center of international trade and discourse between the regions. Its gleaming white roads are decorated with the flags of many regions, making the city very bright and colorful.

Major Landmarks:
Pokémon Center
Hall of the Regions
BAO Tower
Harmony Hotel
Peace Pillar
Triangle Marker #2

Hall of the Regions
Between the lobby and the grand hall are 13 rooms, dedicated to Baloncé, and the 12 regions it regularly communicates with.

In the grand meeting hall, representatives from the regions are there to discuss the threat of Team Shadow, and the possibility of breaking the seal on Mega Evolution to combat it. Professor Willow, in attendance, recognizes you there, and asks for your opinion. When Stephen notices that you have the plans in your possession, he calls you up front to meet Reggie, the speaker of the committee, who delivers an impassioned speech that, if we don't authorize the use of Mega Evolution, we're handing the advantage to Team Shadow, who would undoubtedly use it anyway.

After the council votes, the verdict is revealed: 9-4, in favor of Mega Evolution. Willow shares with you a Mega Stone, to match your starter Pokémon, and tells you to make sure Rival doesn't get left out. You can now continue north to Arioso Glassworks, and unlock Mega Evolution.

BAO Tower
Founded as the Baloncé Audio-radio Organization, BAO now has a new name: Broadcasting All Over! This grand white tower is home to the lottery corner. Every day, you can do a lottery drawing, in which the attendant draws a three digit number, followed by a two digit number, then compares those two numbers to the Pokémon in your collection, comparing the three digit numbers to the species number, and the two digit numbers to the level (100 counts as 00). If a Pokémon has both the right species and the right level, you gain a Master Ball. The consolation prizes are a Rare Candy (4), PP Max (3), PP Up (2), and a Lemonade (1).

On the third floor, the SmartPoké development labs give you a chance to check out the latest apps. One of the techs there will upgrade it with a TCG scanner, which displays a collection of Pokémon Shuffle TCG cards you can collect by interacting with locations spread throughout the game.

Harmony Hotel
A minimum stay in the hotel costs 1000P, and heals your Pokémon. For 3000P, it also adds 10 happiness to every Pokémon in your team, and for 5000P, you can stay in a room that adds 30.

The room will be decorated with a random region's bedspread. When leaving the room, you can access a second room on the same level; inside will be 1-4 random NPCs, and the bedspreads will match the one in your room. One of the NPCs will always ask you to identify which region it is, and give you 4 options. If you're correct, he or she gives you 5 berries.

Peace Pillar
This winged statue commemorates the joining of East and West to form a single region. Depicted in the statue are Drac and Reggie, the champions of each former region.

A man standing in front of the pillar collects feathered objects, and is always willing to make a good trade. During the day, you can trade him a 5 Wings of any type (Pretty, Health, Muscle, Resist, Clever, Genius, or Swift) for a Gold Wing or a Fluffy Feather. During the night, you can trade him for a Lunar Wing or a Fluffy Feather.

Triangle Marker #2
This marker acknowledges Envoyage City's triplet city status with Frescourse City and Doubridge Town. The second member of the Triangle Club shares with you the second rule: If it exists, there's a triangle of it! She loves a Pokémon that evolves itself into a triangle of different possibilities: Frish. But, she already has plenty of Frish; she wants to see the evolutions. If you show her a Mantay or Mantaspor, she gives you TM26, Sweet Kiss. If you show her a Fishung or Saland, she gives you TM63, Attract. If you show her an Abyssil or Abyssous, she gives you TM86, Toxic.

Envoyage Port
When you first arrive here, you can take a ferry between here and Dreamix City for 200P. This is merely transportation, and you immediately appear in the other city.

After obtaining Charge, you can use it to charge the truck on the docks, moving it a few meters forward. Underneath is a Pokémon that appears to be Mew:

??? Level 48

Mega Punch, Metronome, Psychic, Barrier

The Pokémon has a capture rate of 70. If caught or defeated, it reveals its true form, a Douball. It drops the Old Sea Map, which features an illustration of the unknown Pokémon. If equipped as a hold item, the Old Sea Map increases Evasion by one stage when switched in, then decreases it by one stage on each subsequent turn.

After entering the Hall of Fame, you can now take a longer cruise to Ultimoak City for 1000P. This trip is much longer, and resembles the trip on the Royal Unova from B2W2. The reward is always a PP Up, or Rare Candy.

Doubridge Town
Real-world Location: Budapest, Hungary
Resembles: Village Bridge

Major Landmarks:
The Bridge
Unbridge Cavern
Baker's Guild
Triangle Marker #3

When you first try to cross Route B14, there's a bit of a snag; many thorned brambles cross the route, making it difficult to proceed. A man on the route notes that he's seen bakers from Doubridge Town cross through here to deliver to Grenergy City without a problem, and suggests they may have a secret technique.

When you enter Doubridge Town, you find a town divided; the west side of the bridge and the east side have taken sides, the west side the civilian resistance to Team Shadow's aspirations for Baloncé, while the east side appears to be firmly under Shadow control. Media is stationed all around the city, recording and reporting on everything. The west side leader, a charming young girl in traditional eastern dress, greets you, and explains how a familiar face came to take the city: Molloy has taken the east side.

Seeing your Mega Band, the girl believes you're the only one who can take the town back, and get to the Baker's Guild on the east side. She shows you the Unbridge Cavern, a tiny cave hidden under the bridge that allows you to bypass the picket lines and reach the other side.

Unbridge Cavern

Wild Encounters:
Leami Level 28-30

Slugudge: Level 26-27

Hydrugetal: Level 29-30

Kebia Berry x4
TM75 Retaliate

On the other side of the cavern, Team Shadow Grunts immediately catch you and battle you.

Team Shadow Grunts: (Wonder Room)

Mentoil level 33

Poison Fang, Dragon Tail, Zen Headbutt, Dragon Dance

Slugudge level 33

Toxic, Sludge Bomb, Minimize, Muddy Water

Swoopire level 34

Slash, Air Slash, Poison Fang, Super Fang

Toxislug level 34

Toxic, Sludge Bomb, Disable, Muddy Water

After their defeat, they call their leader, and you fight Molloy for a second time:

Shadow Admin Molloy

Dracomental level 34

Dragon Dance, Zen Headbutt, Dragon Tail, Poison Fang

Melodonna level 34

Petal Dance, Zen Headbutt, Jump Kick, Hyper Voice

Sorzard level 35
@Kee Berry

Substitute, Psycho Cut, Recover, Future Sight

After the battle, the Grunts blocking the bridge disperse, and the furisode girl leads police officers and reporters across the bridge. As they attempt to apprehend Molloy, she tries to have her Sorzard teleport away, but it fizzles out. As they lead her away in disgrace, the reporters suddenly turn away from her, and motion to something up in the sky - a pair of mysterious smoky trails streaking across the sky.

Afterwards, the leader of the Baker's Guild, Spicer (who looks like Chili), greets you and thanks you for saving the town. He gives you his guild's prized secret, the HM06, Incinerate, and remarks that he wished he had the passion for battle you and his brother have.

On the way out of Doubridge Town, the furisode girl catches up with you, and introduces herself - as Casey, another Team Shadow admin. She does things a bit differently, and this time, it paid off; by leading the people of Doubridge Town and the media to antagonize Molloy's efforts, she turned a simple occupation into a movement, and greased the wheels of chaos moving throughout Baloncé. The shooting stars were proof of her accomplishment; now that the region is dividing into two factions once more, Purotenshi and Kuraskamai have once more awakened to lead them. She runs off, reminding the player to do his or her part and make as much trouble for Team Shadow as possible.

Triangle Marker #3
Once the Team Shadow drama is over, you can access the third member of the Triangle Club. He tells you the third rule, for every triangle there is an equal and reasonable obsession with that triangle. He wishes to see the most triangular of all Pokémon: Trianglegg. If you show him a Trianglegg, he gives you TM24, Dazzling Gleam. If you show him a Triglitate, he gives you TM71, Hidden Power, and for showing him either Jettrian, he gives you TM87, Venoshock.
