Pokemon: The Dark Age. Rise of Gladus. We've found their weakness!

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RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Prepare to battle the Shadow King's Legion!

Driller sat at the War Council quietly waiting for someone speaking.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Prepare to battle the Shadow King's Legion!

Ooc: I have posted an important new rule on the front page.

Ic: The War Council is underway in Rogue's tent. There are only a few hours until the camp leaves for battle. Rogue has just left the tent to investigate the yells that could be heard. Pheather is sitting to his left, Rowan to his right, Pyro second to the right, Conan second to left, and the Umbreon is at the opposite end. There is another table set up for viewers to watch. Pheather says, "I suggest we form a circle around the camp within the treeline. First we will send in archers, to hide in the trees and open fire. When there is enough confusion, the rest of the force will attack. They will be surrounded and overwhelmed."

The Umbreon says, "An excellent plan, but what about the archers afterwards? Surely they won't be able to fire into the mix. It would risk our own."

Pyro says, "I can make Screamer arrows. They emit a high pitched whistle when they are fired. Whenever the archers fire a volley, our troops will know to take cover. This will also cause initial confusion amongst the enemy."

Conan says, "That is an excellent idea, Pyro, but we will need tens of thousands of arrows for this assault, and we don't have the time, with the weapons tent destroyed."

Pyro says, "Ah, but I have a storage of several thousands of these arrows on the outskirts of camp. Not all of the weapons will fit in the weapons tent after all, and the design is simple. There are merely grooves on the sides of the arrows, so if many work together, we will succeed in making enough. Also, I have a special device for this type of thing, that was lucky enough not to be destroyed. You place 20 normal arrows flat on the holding table, and then pull the rails along them, creating the grooves. We can use regular arrows from my storage."

Pheather says, "I believe that's settled then. We have a plan. I will inform the camp."

A shout is heard from the distance. "Soldiers from the western camp have arrived! There's about 400!"
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Prepare to battle the Shadow King's Legion!

Blue Wind almost gasped. 400 reinforcements! That should be enough.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Prepare to battle the Shadow King's Legion!

Rogue stops looking for the Typhlosion, and says, "You over there! Calm the Typhlosion down." He moves towards the front of camp, where a large platoon is marching in. He mutters under his breath, "Hopefully it's enough." They are being led by Colonel Brad, a Flygon. He calls his men at ease. He says, "Greetings General Rogue, sir!" And salutes him. Rogue says, "At ease," and tells him the plan.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Prepare to battle the Shadow King's Legion!

Krodin walks briskly over to rouge and asks,"who commands the archers sir?"
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Prepare to battle the Shadow King's Legion!

Rogue looks at him angrily, but then calms down a bit. He says, "I was talking to Colonel Bryan, but if you insist, Captain Maura, a Mandibuzz."
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Prepare to battle the Shadow King's Legion!

" Sorry for interrupting, sir I just want to be ready for the assault."
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Prepare to battle the Shadow King's Legion!

Driller got quite excited about counterattacking the Shadow King's armies. He sharpened his claws once more so they are in perfect shape before the assault.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Prepare to battle the Shadow King's Legion!

Rogue looks at the sun and announces, "It is time! Men, form ranks." The soldiers begin to line up in 20x20 squares, archers at the front, soldiers behind. Rogue is at the very front. They number, (including the reinforcements from the western camp, about 1200 men. They begin marching across the forest, and eventually reach a large meadow, filled with the Shadow King's soldiers. The army fans out, circling the camp from within the treeline. Rogue gives the signal, and the archers draw their bows. At once, they fire. Out of nowhere, dozens of Rhyperior launch themselves out of tge ground. The arrows bounce harmlessly of their bodies. Rogue calls, "They were expecting us. Charge now!"

Ooc: You may now control your enemies, except bosses. (This is semi-god mode.)
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Prepare to battle the Shadow King's Legion!

OoC: Now Tge has its own ground?!

Ic: Revolver charges up a ball of psychic energy and launches it at a Rhyperior.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Battle the Shadow King's Hordes!

Driller immediately dug into the ground. He started to vibrate so violently that an earthquake appeared violently shaking the ground.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Battle the Shadow King's Hordes!

Krodin thinks Agh! I'm useless against Rypherior, but wait!
Krodin takes aim at a rypherior and fires an arrow into the rock cannon in its arm immobilizing it, for good.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Battle the Shadow King's Hordes!

Revolver is impressed by Krodin's tactics. The Slowking inhales for a blast of water. He then shoots it at the same Ryperior he hit the first time.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Battle the Shadow King's Hordes!

Driller dug quickly out of his tunnel and went beside Krodin. He jumped and used his brute force to cut up a fissure ahead of Krodin, blocking any close combat to him
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Battle the Shadow King's Hordes!

Krodin delivers an ear shattering roar amplifying its noise by 100 with the vibration of air molecules sending all Rypheriors cringing in utter pain.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Battle the Shadow King's Hordes!

Dark,with katana in hand,slices 3 Rypheior in one huge slice.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Battle the Shadow King's Hordes!

Ooc: As a note from now on, remember that Rhyperior take arrows like nothing. Swords will be better, but still hard to use since there bodies are made of rock.

Ic: With the battle begun, the rest of the Shadow King's army begins to fight. Rogue calls another round of arrows, which The Resistance easily avoids. Rogue runs into combat, slicing enemies one by one with his giant axe. He punches his fist into the ground, and pulls it up, covered in rock. He begins to swing the axe with one hand, while punching enemies into the distance with the other.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Battle the Shadow King's Hordes!

Revolver takes out his gun and shoot a Rhyperior where its heart is. The bullet swiftly bounces off like a bouncy-ball. If arrows are no match, neither would a gun. Revolver picks a Rhyperior up with his psychic abilities, just like the boulders he had in the air before.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Battle the Shadow King's Hordes!

Flare did not feel safe by himself so he followed them into the battle ground.
Ooc: He does not know it is the battle ground.
Ic:All the fighting and shooting scared flare. He started to run around in fright! Suddenly he started to ram into the bad pokemon by accident. His ram was so powerful it killed the pokemon be touched!
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Battle the Shadow King's Hordes!

Krodin shots "Flare watch yourself!" Then, he uses wind magic with his arm blades slicing through a spinnorac.
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