Pokemon: The Dark Age. Rise of Gladus. We've found their weakness!

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RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Battle the Shadow King's Hordes!

Ooc: No one knows Flare's name, conor329

One of The Resistance sees Flare. He says, "Civilians shouldn't fight, but another says, "Let him. He can be recruited after the battle!" Suddenly, there is a call from a conch horn. Everyone turns around. The enemy starts laughing savagely. A thin but large ring of enemies has surrounded the battle. The Resistance hears the cry, "Charge!" And they advance.

Rogue says, "I can take you all on!" and launches himself towards the charging enemies. He punches both fists into the ground, and jagged stalagmites launch from the ground, stabbing envies who get caught. He resumes fighting with his axe and magic. Frozen bodies can be seen flying through the air from a distance.

The call, "We're outnumbered!" resounds through The Resistance. Rowan says, "But they're outmatched!" His fighting is incredible. Spinning, flipping, and kicking sends enemies sprawling at an alarming rate.

Pheather is sending enemies back with shockwaves. "Do not fear, we can handle this!" But suddenly, a new sound rings throughout the battlefield. Explosions erupt all around. "They've got canons!" The canons are heavily armored and guarded by Gallades.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Battle the Shadow King's Hordes!

Blue Wind looked up at a huge Ryperior standing infront of him. It appeared to be using Focus Punch. Just as it swung his fist at Blue Wind, he avoided it by simply jumping. Blue Wind ran up its arm and grabbed it by the head and flipping it on his back.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Battle the Shadow King's Hordes!

Ooc: no semi god mode on canons, but you still can do it on normal soldiers.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Battle the Shadow King's Hordes!

Revolver dropped the Rhyperior on one of its cohorts. The two were knocked out.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Battle the Shadow King's Hordes!

Suddenly Flare got shot! He fell to the ground.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Battle the Shadow King's Hordes!

A soldier sees him. He calls, "Medic! Need some help over here!" A Blissey runs over, careful to avoid enemy assault. She puts Flare on a rolling stretcher. "You're going to be alright," says the Blissey. She begins to heal Flare.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Battle the Shadow King's Hordes!

Krodin roars as he sees Flare fall to the ground surrounding himself with wind and pushing out sends enemies sprawling back as he runs for flare.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Battle the Shadow King's Hordes!

Suddenly Blissy saw that he is not injured! Flare jumps onto his feet his eyes start to glow bright red. Suddenly he taped into his hidden power and began to use the most powerful flamethrower you have ever seen killing 25 bad pokemon!!!
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Battle the Shadow King's Hordes!

OoC:Just saying,but this is semi-god mode.
Dark jumps over the Rypheroir,and lands on Rypherior's head. Dark keeps cutting the Rypherior's arm.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Battle the Shadow King's Hordes!

Ooc: Unfortunately, Umbreon/Espeon's right. No god mode, (yet ;P Rogue is like that though because he is extremely experienced, and hence powerful ). Let's say you killed all nearby enemies.

It's unfortunate that this isn't god mode, not that you're right.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Battle the Shadow King's Hordes!

patrick329 said:
Ooc: Unfortunately, Umbreon/Espeon's right. No god mode, (yet ;P Rogue is like that though because he is extremely experienced, and hence powerful ). Let's say you killed all nearby enemies.

It's unfortunate that this isn't god mode, not that you're right.
Ooc: Did I do something wrong?
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Battle the Shadow King's Hordes!

Killing 1000+ enemies with 1 attack is called god modding, which is not allowed, to make the game more entertaining.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Battle the Shadow King's Hordes!

Ooc: Ok I will edit my post. Is 25 ok?
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Battle the Shadow King's Hordes!

Ooc: Sure, since you're in some sort of rampage.

Captain Maura and Colonel Bryan are fighting back to back. Bryan has a tailpiece covered in vicious spikes, which he swings at surrounding enemies. Maura is firing arrows at enemies out of Bryan's range. Suddenly, Bryan is caught by a cannonball.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Battle the Shadow King's Hordes!

After the flamethrower he used skull bash on 2 bad pokemon
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Battle the Shadow King's Hordes!

Blue Wind was currently fighting a Gallade guarding the cannons. Blue Winds claws were interlocked with the blades of the Gallades. Just then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a cannon aimed right at him. Blue Winds claws were suddenly free of blades, as the Gallade sprung from the scene, winking at him. Blue Wind was a goner. Game over man, Game over. Unless...
OOC: THIS is when someone helps me please!!!!
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Battle the Shadow King's Hordes!

Flare used skull bash on the cannon
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Battle the Shadow King's Hordes!

Rogue sees Blue Wind, and dive tackles him out of the way. The skull bash merely bounces off the solid armor of the cannon. Rogue says to Blue Wind, "Next time I suggest you call in a little backup, Sgt! Here's why you need some magic!" Rogue raises his arms, and a massive earth column sends the cannon careening onto an enemy tent.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Battle the Shadow King's Hordes!

Driller dug an underground tunnel. He noticed that his attacks have almost no effect on the Rhyperior tanks so he decided to get rid of them. so he made a sinkhole on the Rhyperior wall. Two of them disappeared deep underground.
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