Pokemon: The Dark Age. Rise of Gladus. We've found their weakness!

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RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Rise of Gladus. We've found their weakness!

The enemies attempt to squeeze into the cannon, and when it lights, a black puff of smoke billows out.

Ooc: That's kind of icky, but eh, this isn't G :)
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Rise of Gladus. We've found their weakness!

OOC: heh, but at least it works.
Dious then attempts to use his same illusory tactic on the other cannons.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Rise of Gladus. We've found their weakness!

The soldiers saw what happened, and aren't fooled. Most stay on gaurd, and the few that try to move towards the cannon are stopped.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Rise of Gladus. We've found their weakness!

OoC: is gladus in god mode or something?
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Rise of Gladus. We've found their weakness!

No, Gladus is a normal Pokemon.

When he transforms, he gains the Pokemon's skills.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Rise of Gladus. We've found their weakness!

Krodin runs over to Driller and asks "whats wrong?"
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Rise of Gladus. We've found their weakness!

Ooc: Dripler is far away from battle.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Rise of Gladus. We've found their weakness!

Ooc Krodin can fly and run faster than jet planes.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Rise of Gladus. We've found their weakness!

Ooc: No one knows where he is but Rowan. He just ran off.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Rise of Gladus. We've found their weakness!

Driller was in deep coma as the result of the pain.
Then he saw that he was indoors. He saw his parents. He looked at his claws. They weren't steel yet. He realized that he still was a Drilbur in his former home. Then he suddently was at school. He remembered his classmates such as the seeking Snivy, listening Larvesta and Gothita the gorgeous (in his opinion). Then he suddently remembered the time at the resistance of Terraron. He went up in the grades until Group Leader, the highest. Then suddently the Shadow King invaded Terraron. He remembered the time he went home that time when he found his parents dead. Then he remembered when he painfully saw the time when his members one by one got executed by the Shadow King. Then he swore to himself that he should have revenge on him.
Then suddently Driller woke up.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Rise of Gladus. We've found their weakness!

Ooc: Trying to set up for a god mode eh? It worked :) I won't always be that easily swayed though.

Rage Magic is deemed most appropriate. Use it wisely. You have two turns.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Rise of Gladus. We've found their weakness!

OoC: XD! The meanpoint was to show some of Driller's past but YAY!!
Driller had the craziest idea yet. He asked Rowan "Can I get shoved in the cannon to be shot towards the Shadow King?"
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Rise of Gladus. We've found their weakness!

Ooc: As a note, Pokemon in Rage sometimes forget who is who.

Ic: Rowan says, "I don't think so. The Shadow King is too dangerous."
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Rise of Gladus. We've found their weakness!

Krodin gives up on finding Driller and fires a massive torrent of wind over and over repeatedly knocking down enemies.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Rise of Gladus. We've found their weakness!

"Okay but can you take me to the battlefield? I want to see Shadow King squished." answered Driller
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Rise of Gladus. We've found their weakness!

In-game Name:Jet
Pokemon:can i be latios if not gallade
Characteristics: (nicely but short tempered)
Skills:fast but strong
Other Features:...
What did I say about the Pokemon that is my avatar? he is a beast!
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Rise of Gladus. We've found their weakness!

Please have more detail in your summary. You can be a Gallade, and please PM me the updated summary.

I will accept though if you do that.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Rise of Gladus. We've found their weakness!

Suddenly flare got a glance of the future! He saw a figure beating up a Excadrill but that was it. "Noooo! Dont shoot your self out of the canon!"
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Rise of Gladus. We've found their weakness!

Ooc: I'm sorry, but since when is Typhlosion psychic? It says nothing about that in the description, and making a figure beat up Driller is still god-modding. Anyways, no one but Rowan knows where Driller is...

I'm sorry Zade, but I'm going to have to give you a warning. You've god-modded two or three times already. If you receive two more warnings of any form, your character will die.
RE: Pokemon: The Dark Age. 2 spots left! Rise of Gladus. We've found their weakness!

patrick329 said:
Ooc: I'm sorry, but since when is Typhlosion psychic? It says nothing about that in the description, and making a figure beat up Driller is still god-modding. Anyways, no one but Rowan knows where Driller is...

I'm sorry Zade, but I'm going to have to give you a warning. You've god-modded two or three times already. If you receive two more warnings of any form, your character will die.
Ok Sorry.
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