Pokemon Top Design - Round 3 is up (Rotom)

RE: Pokemon Top Design - Round 2 is up (Owned Pokemon)

** I'll do it after School**

Drake's Flygon Lv. 50 140 HP [C]
Stage 2 - Evolved from Drake's Vibrava'

Pic : Flygon is preparing to fly with Drake which is wearing a goggle, sitting on it's back. A the sky can't be seen clearly because of a sandstorm. A Salamence shadow can be seen in front of Flygon. But the

Poké-Body : Dragon Flight
As long as Drake's Flygon is your Active Pokémon, prevent any damage, effect of attack, Poké-Power or Poké-Body done your Benched Pokémon with a [C] Weakness by any of your opponent's Pokémon.

[F] Eroding Tail 30
Discard a card from your opponent's hand.

[C][C][C][C] Mystic Aura
Does 20 damage to all of your opponent's Benched Pokémon that have any energy attached to them.

W - [C] x2
R - [L] -20
RC - [-]

Flygon is a cute Pokémon. But don't underestimate it as it can attack in a swift.
RE: Pokemon Top Design - Round 2 is up (Owned Pokemon)

Here's mine. The Togekiss belonging to the Arcade Star Dahlia. She's all about luck and chance right? Well, here she is...

Dahlia's Togekiss - lv.67 - hp120 - {C}
Stage 2 Pokemon - Evolves from Dahlia's Togetic

Picture: Togekiss flying around inside an arena shaped like a pinball machine, Dahlia stands behind it. Dice are flying in all directions.

{Poke-Power} Hope Chance
Once during your turn (Before you attack) you may show your hand to your opponent. If you do, he or she must show you his or her hand. if you have more energy cards in your hand than your opponent, remove 3 damage counters from Dahlia's Togekiss. You can't use more than 1 Hope Chance Poke-power each turn. This power can't be used if Dahlia's Togekiss is affected by a special condition.

{C}{C} Luck Impact - - - 20
Flip a coin until you have gotten tails twice. Remove a number of damage counters from one of your Pokemon equal to the number of heads.

{C}{C}{C} Sweet Remedie - - - 50
Flip a coin. If heads remove 1 damage counter from each of your Pokemon that belong to Dahlia. If tails put 1 damage counter on each of your opponent's benched Pokemon.

Flavour Text: Togekiss only dwell in areas in which blissful people live. If it feels the presence of evil or sadness, it will search for a different home.

Weakness: {L} +30
Resistance: {F} -20
Retreat Cost:
RE: Pokemon Top Design - Round 2 is up (Owned Pokemon)

Charon's Rotom Lv. 62 90 HP {L}
Basic Pokemon

Picture: A Rotom from the view of it's backside holding a key over its head. It has a sweatdrop and in the background there are the five appliances it can turn into. You can see a bit of a man's leg and shoe off to the right-hand side.

Poke-Power: Possession
You may use this Power once during your turn, before your attack, if Rotom is your Active Pokemon. Flip 2 coins; if one is heads, search your deck for any card with Rotom in its name and switch it with Charon's Rotom. (Any cards attached to Charon's Rotom, damage counters and effects are now on the new Pokemon.) Then put Charon's Rotom on top of your deck. Shuffle your deck afterward. If both are heads, search your deck for any card with Rotom in its name and put it on your Bench. Shuffle your deck afterward. You can't use more than one Possession Poke-Power each turn.

{L}{L} Discharge
This attack does 20 damage to each of your opponent's Pokemon that are not Evolved.

{L}{L} Shock Blade 50
Flip a coin; if heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed.

Flavour Text: Rotom are little ne'er-do-well's, just waiting to spook any people who come wandering their way.

Weakness = x2 {D}
Resistance = -20 {C}
Retreat Cost = {C}
RE: Pokemon Top Design - Round 2 is up (Owned Pokemon)

MS Eeveelution said:
Vencargo said:
MS Eeveelution said:
that kinda cruel

haha fixed :p
whens the next round start

D: I forgot flavor text? thats the best part

I meant what I wrote

Just a joke :]

OKayy, even though Looker doesn't show that he has any Pokemon in the game, and I think hes a pointless adition to the New Game, Imma give him a card anyways, and If you dont count it, I guess you could swap his name for Will's (from second gen)

Looker's Xatu Lv.49 Hp90 {P}
Stage 1 (evolves from Looker's Natu)

Picture: Xatu's back is what we see,his wings are spread and we can partially see his right eye and some of his beak(the rest is blocked by his wing) The sunset's in effect, hes on the edge of a cliff, rocky under where he stands, but grassy on the top of the mountain, with dewdrops :] (why not?)

Poke-Power: Blank Trance
You can use Blank Trance once during your turn. Any energy cards attached to Looker's Xatu are consider {P} energy cards until the end of your turn. This Power can't be used if Looker's Xatu is effected by a special condition.

(.) Left-Eye Glance
If Looker's Xatu was attacked by the defending Pokemon's attack last turn, count up all the damage counter's on Looker's Xatu, place damage counters on the defending Pokemon equal to hald the amount on Looker's Xatu (rounded up to the neatest 10).

{P}{C} Right-Eye Stare 40+
Flip a coin for each {P} Energy card attached to Looker's Xatu. This attack does 40 damage plus 10 more for each heads. If you do 60 or more damage to the opponent in this way, flip another coin, if heads prevent all effects of attacks (including damage) done to Looker's Xatu during your opponent's next turn.

Flavor Text: Though it is widely known to stare blankly at the sun all day, and posses the power of seeing the past with its left eye, and the future with its right eye, Not much is known about the power possest in the eyes under its wings.

Weakness {P} +20
Retreat Cost *
RE: Pokemon Top Design - Round 2 is up (Owned Pokemon)

Here is my entry for round two:

Oak's Charmeleon Lv. 26 80 HP {R}
Stage 1 (Evolves from Oak's Charmander)

Picture: Next to the shrine in the forset from the celebi pokemon movie.
Charmeleon is looking slightly sideways towards the ground. It has a small smile on it's face. One of his hands is touching the ground and the other one is slashing in the air. Behind him and above the shrine you can see celebi with a light green glow around him. He is slightly merged in with the leafy forest background.

Poke-Power: Time Travel
Once during your turn (before you attack) you may search your discard pile for a card that you discarded during your last turn and return it to your hand. This power can't be used if you didn't discard a card during your last turn or if you don't have another pokemon in play with Oak in their name.

{R}Tail Flare 30
Flip a coin. If heads, your opponent chooses a card from their hand and discards it.

{R}{R}{C} Flamethrower 50
Discard a {R} Energy card attached to Charmeleon.

Flavor Text: In the rocky mountains where Charmeleon live, their fiery tails shine at night like stars.

Weakness: {W}x2
Retreat Cost: {C}

If you don't understand the name of the Poke-Power then it's related to the movie where Oak's Charmeleon was seen.

Oh and IMO I don't think that the "Zero Out Orb" is fair. If people put effort into the card or part of the card and then get 0 then that's pretty annoying. But whatever. Just saying.
RE: Pokemon Top Design - Round 2 is up (Owned Pokemon)

Kingdra King: It only works once during the whole game.

However, if a Player that was affected by Zero Out orb is up for Elimination, Zero Out Orb isn't factored into my decision.
RE: Pokemon Top Design - Round 2 is up (Owned Pokemon)

The items are mostly a way for the user to avoid elimination.

Just so you know, the prizes have to be used before the final challenge.
RE: Pokemon Top Design - Round 2 is up (Owned Pokemon)

Can't be on often 22nd May - 29 May

Can't online at all 29 May - 4 June

Can't be on often 22nd May - 29 May

Can't online at all 29 May - 4 June
RE: Pokemon Top Design - Round 2 is up (Owned Pokemon)

D: I just noticed how broken ma card was, is there any editing aloud?
RE: Pokemon Top Design - Round 2 is up (Owned Pokemon)

Koga's Crobat lv53 90 HP {P}
Stage 2

Picture: Swarm of bats (Zubat, Golbat, Crobat) in a valley with cliffs on either side, and a cave halfway up one side. One Crobat is nearer than the rest.

Poke-power: Swarm
Once during your turn, when you play Koga's Crobat from your hand to evolve one of your Pokemon, you may search your deck for a Koga's Crobat and put it into your hand. If you do and if you have a Koga's Zubat on your Bench, you may put Koga's Crobat from your hand onto Koga's Zubat (this counts as evolving Koga's Zubat). Shuffle your deck afterward.

{P} Energetic Flitter
Choose one of your opponent's pokemon, and this attack does 30 damage to it. If Koga's Crobat evolved during this turn, the Defending pokemon is now Confused.

{P}{C} Bat Cave 20x
Does 20 damage times the number of pokemon in play with Crobat in their names. You may switch Koga's Crobat with one of your benched pokemon.

Weakness: {L} +30 Resistance:{F}-20 Retreat: [.]

Koga's Zubat and Koga's Golbat so far exist, but no Koga's Crobat, which is a pity, considering that he has one when you face him in the Elite Four. And it fits him perfectly.
He needs a Ninjask, too. :p
RE: Pokemon Top Design - Round 2 is up (Owned Pokemon)

XKurama93X - Rocket's Weezing

Concept: It is an owned Pokemon. 10 points
Picture: Its somewhat strange, and I can't actually picture it. 7 points
Attacks: Flammable Gas is cool. Intense Fog is somewhat broken, and Reckless Charge is just IMO lame. 3 points
Top Stats: Yep 5 points
Bottom Stats: Yep 5 points
Flavor Text: Yep 5 points
Total: 35/40

Muddy68 - Rocket's Arbok

Concept: Its owned. 10 points
Picture: Cool. 10 points
Attacks: Both need to be reworded, and the body is broken. 2 points
Top Stats: Yep 5 points
Bottom Stats: Yep 5 points
Flavor Text: Yep 5 points
Total: 37/40

MS Eeveelution - Drake's Flygon

Concept: It's owned. 10 points
Picture: okay...you kinda missed half the picture. But I liked what you described. 8 points
Attacks: Very Cool. 5 points
Top Stats: Yep 5 points
Bottom Stats: Yep 5 points
Flavor Text: Yep 5 points
Total: 38/40

Daren - Dahlia's Togekiss

Concept: Owned Pokemon. 10 points
Picture: Oh my goodness. This is a very cool picture. 10 points
Attacks: Very Fitting. 5 points
Top Stats: Yep. 5 points
Bottom Stats: Yep 5 points
Flavor Text: Yep 5 points
Total: 40/40

Dr4g0n - Charon's Rotom

Concept: Yep. 10 points
Picture: Very cool. 10 points
Attacks: Cool attacks, but they need to be reworded a little better. 4 points
Top Stats: The HP is too high, but everything else is fine. 4 points
Bottom Stats: Yep. 5 points
Flavor Text: Good. 5 points
Total: 39 points

Vencargo - Looker's Xatu

Concept: Very good. 10 points
Picture: cool. 10 points
Attacks: Right Eye Stare is a bit overpowered. 4 points
Top Stats: Yep 5 points
Bottom Stats: Yep. 5 points
Total: 39/40

Kingdra King - Oak's Charmeleon

Concept: Yep. 10 points
Picture: Yep 10 points
Attacks: Somewhat bland. They need to be more exciting. 3 points
Top Stats: Yep. 5 points
Bottom Stats: The weakness needs to be changed a lot. 3 points
Flavor Text: Yep. 5 points
Total: 36/40

Light Venusaur - Misty's Luvdisc

Concept: Yep. It's owned 10 points
Picture: Ugh. Sugimori art is yuk. 4 points
Attacks: Flail is broken, Water Pulse is bland. 3 points
Top Stats: Yep. 5 points
Bottom Stats: Weakness needs to be changed. 2 points
Flavor Text: There isn't any. 0 points
Total: 24/40

apophys - Koga's Crobat

Concept: Yep. 10 points
Picture: If the name was covered, I couldn't tell what this was about. 7 points
Attacks: Good attacks. 5 points
Top Stats: Yep. 5 points
Bottom Stats: Yep. 5 points
Flavor Text: None. 0 points
Total: 32/40

Total Ranks
1. Daren 40/40
2. (tie) Vencargo and Dr4g0n
4. MS Eeveelution 38/40
5. Muddy68 37/40
6. Kingdra King 36/40
7. XKurami93X - 35/40
8. Apophys - 32/40
9. Light Venusaur - 24/40

I still need cards from
Rotom 479
RE: Pokemon Top Design - Round 2 is up (Owned Pokemon)

Bippa201 said:
XKurama93X - Rocket's Weezing

Concept: It is an owned Pokemon. 10 points
Picture: Its somewhat strange, and I can't actually picture it. 7 points
Attacks: Flammable Gas is cool. Intense Fog is somewhat broken, and Reckless Charge is just IMO lame. 3 points
Top Stats: Yep 5 points
Bottom Stats: Yep 5 points
Flavor Text: Yep 5 points
Total: 35/40

Just incame you didn't know. Reckless Charge and Flammable Gas are suppose to be in sync. Weezing with a Multi or Rainbow or even a {R} energy uses Reckless Charge, damaging itself thus activating Flammable Gas. There was a reason why Reckless Charge has a {C} energy cost, so {R} energy can be attached.
RE: Pokemon Top Design - Round 2 is up (Owned Pokemon)

When will the next round start? I can't wait!