Zierant said:Yay, I've successfully created IVs!
Zierant said:not really, lol
you just use ivofwhateverstat=floor(random(30))+1
Since the random numbers start at 0, add a 1 to the number. That way it will start at 1 and end at 31.
Then store that information.
I'm also using these formulas if you need themPorygon-X said:That's a lot easier than I thought! I guess my game will have IVs after all. Thanks.
Zierant said:Game Maker 7
I'm also using these formulas if you need them
Muddy68 said:Yep, needs a lot. I will get to more stats tomorrow when I have free time.
Zircon said:I registered today. I chose the name because.... I heard my brother talking about it in his sleep.
I've been watching this for a while and eventually I thought what the heck what am I doing and registered.