Presidential Candidates~2008

Who do YOU think will win the election?

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Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior! :)
This is a thread where people in the US, sorry for those not in the US, can post who they think will win the election for presidents this year. Please! DO NOT post exactly WHO you, or your parents, are voting for! That is confedential, and shouldn't be told to me or any other candidates. Thanks!

Well...anyways...I say that Hillary Clinton will win. What do you think?
Rudy Guliani. He has much experience in the fields of politics, and he seems like a potential elective. Hes just being bashed for having 3-4 (I forget) wives, and so what?

Another good person could be that new mayor of New Orleans for 2012...
my cities new mayor, ray nagin? not gonna happen

bubba, i chose barrack because i would like to have a black president for once
Yeah. That would be good. But remember! This is not who YOU want to win, just who you THINK will win!
I'm not 18 yet (I'm only 15), why should I be worried when I can't even vote ?

bubba, I wanted a new name, and this is a name I've used on other forums, plus it says what I am
1: So! That doesn't matter! is your opinion anyways...:(...

2: OOOoooHHHhhh! Gotcha!
Heck, I wouldn't care if Hillary Clinton became President. But, I say Al Gore. Give him a chance :p !
Yeah. But I haven't heard much about him lately. I just found a list on a website. Hillary is in first for the Democratic Party, and Rudy Giuliani is in first for the Republican Party.
I don't like hilrary since she would be the first girl president I don't care about girls being presidents but I don't want hilrary to be first.
Hillary will probably win. If I could vote, I'd vote for Barack (sp?) Obama, but I think Hillary has this one.