BW/BW2 Probopass Evo?

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Gen 6 National Dex Complete!

The middle Pokemon looks like it could be a Probopass evo :O
Just because it has similar colors doesn't make it an evo.
It isn't even based off of a nose (or compass). It's just some animal-like crystal thingy.
I'm almost positive it wont be related to the Nosepass family in any way.
ManhattanTheStarr said:
Just because it has similar colors doesn't make it an evo.
It isn't even based off of a nose (or compass). It's just some animal-like crystal thingy.
I'm almost positive it wont be related to the Nosepass family in any way.

Actually, look at the main body; its a similar shape, and it has a red spike where the nose normally is. Another point is how the head is done; which has the same black line through it and the red on its head.

However I get your point.
Mechanos7 said:
Actually, look at the main body; its a similar shape, and it has a red spike where the nose normally is. Another point is how the head is done; which has the same black line through it and the red on its head.

However I get your point.


OK, it's definitely not an evolution for Probopass. I mean how can a tiki-like Pokemon with a beard turn into... that? It just doesn't look right. Maaaaybe it could be some weirdo Nosepass evolution (God forbid), but it doesn't seem likely at all. :/
ManhattanTheStarr said:

OK, it's definitely not an evolution for Probopass. I mean how can a tiki-like Pokemon with a beard turn into... that? It just doesn't look right. Maaaaybe it could be some weirdo Nosepass evolution (God forbid), but it doesn't seem likely at all. :/

Mhm, rather true; however I'll just wait and see what time gives us. If its a probopass evolution I will be rather happy with it, and even if its not, I still like it.
I don't think so. Nosepass and Probopass are very gentlemen-like, and this is beastly looking. No way.
I feel like it could possibly be a split evolution of Nosepass.

If it isn't, then it's fine by me. This new Pokemon looks rather awesome and I can't wait to see it in game.​
Stephen said:
Not evo, but more like Nosepass split evo IMO.
Yes I think you are on to someting. Might be very possible.

P.S. If you ask me the black lady one looks like it probably have something to do with mawile and the green bloob is something probably my 5 years old cousin drew up and pokemon accepted it cause they are out of idea -_-' ... seriusly!
Wow, I was just about to post a forum about this topic, when your's was on the top.

Don't spam.

dmaster out.
omzebra said:
Wow, I was just about to post a forum about this topic, when your's was on the top.

Not trying to sound rude, but how is that even relevant to this thread? =/

Just report the post instead of posting.

dmaster out.
Sure, it doesn't really look alot like Nosepass/Probopass in terms of general structure... but that colouration (the blue/red rocks) is too similar (and unique within Pokemon) to dismiss that it wouldn't be at least a split-evo.

I can't really see it evolving from Probopass... but I would say the probability that it's a split-evo from Nosepass is very high. But that's just my opinion.
Why make a Probopass evolution(If it even is a evolution)? They coulda made a Zangoose, Seviper, or a Tentacruel evolution(Just random Pokemon from the top of my head) instead?

I do see it as possible but...

A rock with a nose as a compass -> A magnetic rock compass keeping the nose and adding smaller "compass points" -> A spikey, blocky dinoasaur that looks like it has nothing to do with magnets and/or noses?

A rocky nose-compass...into a, I don't buy it.
I really don't think that second Pokemon is the evolution of Probopass. It just doesn't seem to match up. It will probably be an evolution of another Pokemon, but I don't think it an evolution for Probopass.
pokemasterskarmory said:
off topic:theres 5 new pokemon and a new trailer look on serbii

Where? Is it just the same on the Pokebeach front page?

I think it will be a Probopass evo but i somehow doubt it. I mean it has the same colours and it has a rocky body but hey some pokemon look like they could be evo's but they aren't eg., Pichu and plusle and minun.
pokemasterskarmory said:
off topic:theres 5 new pokemon and a new trailer look on serbii

Dude no there isn't those Pokemon were revealed yesterday!!!
Also I kinda thought that this was an evolution of Sableye, but I suppose the proof is in the pudding it really could be a split evolution of Nosepass. Which if it is that would give me a reason to capture a Nosepass even though Nosepass is the ugliest Pokemon ever aside from Magikarp!!!
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