BW/BW2 Probopass Evo?

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tyking16 said:
Unfortunately, the color and body shape are all we have to go on :( I would love for this pokemon to be a Nosepass split evo.

Where is the the Sugimori art when we need it?
Who needs it, we got his front body sprite. And I put up a very good point but everyone ignores it :(
TheDarkLucario said:
Who needs it, we got his front body sprite. And I put up a very good point but everyone ignores it :(

TheDarkLucario said:
If it was a Probopass/Nosepass evo it would have a big nose. And anyways, Probopass already had a Special evolution method, i.e; Mt Coronet. Pokemon that have a Special evolution method don't get futher evolution, only split, which is rare. also, do they look the same:


Also Probopass and nosepass is based on a moai statue:

Are you talking about this post? If so, it does hurt this guy being related to Nosepass and Probopass since they are known for their huge noses. Unless it is based off of some other fact about Nosepass and Probopass that we overlooked, then that point may disporve this guy as being a split evo.
tyking16 said:
TheDarkLucario said:
If it was a Probopass/Nosepass evo it would have a big nose. And anyways, Probopass already had a Special evolution method, i.e; Mt Coronet. Pokemon that have a Special evolution method don't get futher evolution, only split, which is rare. also, do they look the same:


Also Probopass and nosepass is based on a moai statue:

Are you talking about this post? If so, it does hurt this guy being related to Nosepass and Probopass since they are known for their huge noses. Unless it is based off of some other fact about Nosepass and Probopass that we overlooked, then that point may disporve this guy as being a split evo.

I kinda disproved the whole thing. Ive never seen a Maoi statue look like the new pokemon -_-
Similar colours don't always mean much...
I don't think anyone can decisively say yes or no until we get official news.

On a side-note, I hate this guy. It just looks like Chromastone from Ben10, which immediately put me off it. It's the only new pokemon I dislike.
TheDarkLucario said:
Who needs it, we got his front body sprite. And I put up a very good point but everyone ignores it :(

That's not a good argument, because it isn't necessarily true. Sure, it's not nosebased, but that doesn't mean it can't have evolved from Nosepass. This isn't the be all end all to Nosepass's characterization, there's also its magnetism.
Nintenfreak said:
That's not a good argument, because it isn't necessarily true. Sure, it's not nosebased, but that doesn't mean it can't have evolved from Nosepass. This isn't the be all end all to Nosepass's characterization, there's also its magnetism.
WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? Nosepass and Probopass are maoi statues see:




This newly released pokemon does not look like any maoi statues I've seen. He also has no big nose. CASE CLOSED!
TheDarkLucario said:
WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? Nosepass and Probopass are maoi statues see:




This newly released pokemon does not look like any maoi statues I've seen. He also has no big nose. CASE CLOSED!

*Opens case* It could always be a half maoi staute/half something else i think the colour scheme is enough for me i bet you anything it is related to nosepass.
rockinpikachu said:
I thought these kind of threads weren't allowed anymore

Yeah Im going to report it now. It's for the best. :)
Guys, the point of reporting a thread is that you DON'T post in it saying you reported it. >__>


dmaster out.
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