BW/BW2 Probopass Evo?

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DarkraiLord said:
Dude no there isn't those Pokemon were revealed yesterday!!!
Also I kinda thought that this was an evolution of Sableye, but I suppose the proof is in the pudding it really could be a split evolution of Nosepass. Which if it is that would give me a reason to capture a Nosepass even though Nosepass is the ugliest Pokemon ever aside from Magikarp!

Off topic: Magicarp is awesome i mean it knows splash!

On topic: It could be a Sableye some pokemon do have big changes in evolutions.
I'm thinking it could be Sableye. There could be some similarities between the two Pokemon. The color might be off, though to me Sableye is the closest Pokemon I could get to that Pokemon. Or the new Pokemon maybe doesn't have a pre-evolution at all.
As soon as I saw the second unnamed Pokemon, I thought it was a Probopass evolution. Although, now that I think about it, a split evolution probably makes a LOT more sense. And I forget where somebody pointed this out, and I forget who pointed this out, but Pokemon that evolve using a certain condition (Trade, Item+Trade, level-up at a certain place, level up with a certain move, ect.) NEVER evolve again, with the exception of the Porygon line. And because Nosepass evolves in Mount Cornet, a split evolution would be the only option to keep the tradition alive.
C'mon guys. If this Pokemon had a completely different color scheme, nobody would even fathom it as a Nosepass or Probobass evolution. Imagine it with teal crystals, and a gray body. Does it look anything like Nosepass now? But maybe it's just me... If this Pokemon had a HUGE NOSE IN FRONT OF IT'S FACE, then it would definitely be related to the Nosepass family. FOSHO.
Decmaster said:
As soon as I saw the second unnamed Pokemon, I thought it was a Probopass evolution. Although, now that I think about it, a split evolution probably makes a LOT more sense. And I forget where somebody pointed this out, and I forget who pointed this out, but Pokemon that evolve using a certain condition (Trade, Item+Trade, level-up at a certain place, level up with a certain move, ect.) NEVER evolve again, with the exception of the Porygon line. And because Nosepass evolves in Mount Cornet, a split evolution would be the only option to keep the tradition alive.
It was me probably, oh lord I've said that like a million times in the time I'm around these forums. Anyway nice to see someone thinks the same about it and gets the point.

Although a Nosepass split-evo is not very likely, they have not much common. Although one must remember, a blue rock with red rock formations on it is not common for a Rock Pokemon. That's the only reason why they could be related. I still doubt it. Just want to see the Sugi art.
Decmaster said:
As soon as I saw the second unnamed Pokemon, I thought it was a Probopass evolution. Although, now that I think about it, a split evolution probably makes a LOT more sense. And I forget where somebody pointed this out, and I forget who pointed this out, but Pokemon that evolve using a certain condition (Trade, Item+Trade, level-up at a certain place, level up with a certain move, ect.) NEVER evolve again, with the exception of the Porygon line. And because Nosepass evolves in Mount Cornet, a split evolution would be the only option to keep the tradition alive.
You do have a point, since you would have to get a Nosepass to evolve in D/P/Pt before getting this new Pokemon... Unless they made an item that acted as Mount Coronet, then it would almost have to be a Nosepass split evo.
Don't think so. He Kinda reminds me of Heatran for some reason?
Just no...I don't see a resemblance at all (besides the color scheme) personally he looks like a metagross but rock version
It could just be a new Pokemon introduced in the 5th gen that has nothing to do with other generations. Sigh...So many people are making comments about evos and pre-evos when really there probably won't be much, so just let these Pokemon be and wait till time comes...
The colours of that pokemon definitely reminded me of Nosepass, but i'm hoping it isn't related. If it is, it should be a split Nosepass evo, not a Probopass evo. Probopass doesn't exist to me. Lol.
It has the body structure of heatran but the colours of nosepass weird. I know it isn't but it seems a bit sprit-ish. I still think it's a probopass evo.
IMO, I think that this will be a Nosepass evolution but not an evoulution of Probopass. Yeah, split evo. :} All we can do and just wait.
Im surprised nobody has said that it looks like Heatran. I expect this pokemon will be called Rockran
Maybe is the magnet pokemon of Isshu like Propobass is the magnet pokemon of Sinnoh.Thats why they are made from the same colours

But if you look well on the first pokemon in the picture it looks like it is a pokemon inside that type of barrier that looks jelly.
Playerking95 said:
It has the body structure of heatran but the colours of nosepass weird. I know it isn't but it seems a bit sprit-ish. I still think it's a probopass evo.

Isshu said:
Im surprised nobody has said that it looks like Heatran. I expect this pokemon will be called Rockran

The colour scheme is similar but I have serious doubts that Pokemon is Nosepass's evo; it's way to serious looking for Nosepass. :/
All the pokemon on the "player's" side are Stage 1 pokemon. I doubt they would show us fighting Stage 2 pokemon.
I doubt they will show an evolution of Probopass right now. Some things don't seem to match up with this Pokemon. If I were to guess the evolution of this Pokemon, I would guess it evolves from Sableye (since it doesn't have an evolution yet). Or this Pokemon doesn't have a evolution and doesn't evolve.
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