"Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Episode 53!

RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Finally back with new videos!

Very good Josh! Phenomonal work! I was extremely please with this video.
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Finally back with new videos!

I'm glad that you guys are enjoying this format--I'll have to do some more in the future!
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Finally back with new videos!

I enjoyed that video a lot! Would be even better if it wasn't two commonly seen decks in the meta though, but that's beside the point. You could do this for major events like Cities, but regular analysis videos would also be good. It's probably less taxing on you.
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Finally back with new videos!

Hi, J-wittz I was wondering if ur next vid would be a vid on the newly released Triumphant set, it would really help a player like me who doesn't know what might be even remotely good out of that set minus the T/S/S. (jez who comes up with these names)
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Finally back with new videos!


The next video is going to be about the best emerging decks from triumphant--it should help you out a lot!
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Finally back with new videos!

Cool thanks I will watch out for it.
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Finally back with new videos!

Prof-It! Episode 32 is finally up! Check it out: http://jwittz.com/decks/prof-it-episode-32-top-emerging-decks-from-triumphant
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Finally back with new videos!

Awesome job on this new vid, Jwittz!
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Episode 32!

Excellent video Jwittz. This new "era" of video quality is much nicer too, not to take anything away from your previous vidoes.

Where was the new intro song though? I am anxious to hear it!

Oh well, greatly appreciated what you do Jwittz. Peace.
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Episode 32!

Nice vid. J-wittz I like your commentary, but I still feel that other than the nidoking, T/S/S, a few primes and the Rescue energy that this set is lacking "good" meta game cards.
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Episode 32!

@Unown D--I won't be able to meet up with Colin until at least Thanksgiving break, at least a few weeks away

@wiiman--if you compare this set to the last two, it's definitely 4 to 5 times more groundbreaking
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Episode 32!

^^Oh god... what an understatement, Josh. Last few sets were basically: Buy 4 smeargle, forget about the set. This set is like... buy 4 boxes, you still are missing cards you need. This will be magnified even more if we ever see Lost World come out. Great episode, and I 100% agree with that list. I think mentioning CurseGar+LostGar might have been a good idea, but I doubt it will be seen as much as your list (save nidoking).
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Episode 32!

Nice Episode. I feel some other cards deserved a mention though, such as Yanmega Prime (Pretty much tier one in GS on).

@Wiiman: Agreeing, there's no normal Pokemon cards aside from Nidoking that are too good.
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Episode 32!

Great episode, as always! I think you could of mentioned Victreebel/Vileplume as one of the [emerging] decks, although not many people are even thinking of using it, some people believe it has potential... :) I agree with you on Nidoking, I think it has potential to be a strong rogue deck in the future/current metagame.

Overall excellent work,
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Episode 32!

@Zero--thanks! I actually pulled everything I wanted in my box, but it's still great! I'm not much for hype or predictions, but I think it's very likely we'll get lost world in the next set

@Tyraniking--Yanmega's actually one of my least favorite primes from the set--at least in this format. Chances are pretty high our next format will be something like RR-On over HGSS on--pop is trying to keep their rotations at 4 sets at a time now, so it's pretty likely that's what we'll get unless they pull another surprise on us again.

@Absol-Gallade Victreebell is a fun card, and he's a pokemon I like so I definitely want him to be good, but I don't know if he'll be competitive enough to compete at the top tables. I love his body, just wish it worked from the bench
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Episode 32!

Man, great job at the videos! I think I was your first subscriber, or at least top 5, go check the first page haah!
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Episode 32!

Yea, It's not gonna be GS on IMO but it's still a solid card. By T2 you're easily doing 70 damage. For a stage one it's got nice HP as well, and snipes the bench. However, it'll be tough to get a Judge/Copycat each turn...
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Episode 32!

@Shucklethesnail yeah you definitely were! Things have definitely come a long way since that first vide : P. That thing was shot on my webcam of all things : P

@Tyraniking it'll be a contender at least in a future format, but decks like Charizard from Arceus, Kingdra Prime, and Donphan prime will all be giving Yanmega a run for his money