"Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Episode 53!

RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Episode 36!

Great episode JWittz! Nice Job on your last weekend of cities. In Rockford, coming 11th place with 4-2 is quite an impressive job, and great job winning Huntley! You proved that you are still a very good player with Sablelock. Oh yeah, and congrats to your bro for winning Rockford as well. It was quite ironic that you two had to face each in the finals, but both of you are really good players.

Keep up the good work on Profit!;)
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Episode 36!

Congratulations getting the medal.

As a fellow sablock player i have a question, what did you take out for the extra 1-1 honchkrow SV line? I was planing on trying it but was a little skeptical on how it would work but i need something to help vs donphan and such. And then i saw your video, lol. So now i really want to try the 2-2 honchkrow line.

Could you just list a few cards that could be taken out for the 1-1 honchkrow line? (thx ^^ )
(maybe wrong place to ask but...)

RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Episode 36!

I think he said he trimmed down the Blaziken Lv.X line in favor for the heavier Honckrow SV line. So something like 2-2 Honckrow, 1-1 Blaziken I suppose.

Congratulations on the win, JWittz! :)

dmaster out.
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Episode 36!

^ Well thats only if you run blaziken fb so you can take the other 1-1 out. but i don't. I was thinking of possible T/S/S and minor techs in the deck that can be taken out. (i only run 19 pokemon in mine so i have more T/S/S to take out for it.)

RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Episode 36!

As much as I love the deck myself and understand why you use it, I'm getting a little tired of you using Sablock.
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Episode 36!

@Aburame Yuki
he said he didn't run promocroak so maybe that's it
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Episode 36!

^I don't run that aether... I'll post the deck up in the deck section since this isn't the right thread for this..

@Jwittz: Looking forward to your next video ^^

RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Episode 36!

@Aburame There's always a balance when you make decks between consistency and tech, and this is probably the absolute heaviest tech line I've ever run in anything before. While I won't give out my full list, I will say that I run 3 copies of a couple of cards that you'd normally see four of, and 2 copies of cards that you might want to have 3 of.

@Glaceon he didn't put it in place of anything, just in the extra space that we had in our lists after cutting a few cards to make room. He ran a 3-1 Luxray, Toxicroak G, and Lucario GL in place of my Blaziken and Honchkrow

@JPN Gallade and Dmaster--thanks a ton!

@Lordy Jones--I noticed you posted the same comment on youtube, but I don't know what to tell you. I'm playing for a worlds invite this year, and we have a very stagnant format where 4-5 decks are winning 90% of the events. Of the 7 City Championships I played in, I only took Sablock to 3. It was by far my best choice, and I wish I played it more. I'm sorry you're tired of Sablock, but what other choice do I have? Two of the highest ranked players in the US right now, David Cohen and Chris Fulop, both took solely Luxchomp to over 10 cities each--wouldn't that be even more boring?
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Episode 36!

^J-wittz I think you next vid should be on lost world/lostgar since pokebeach just leaked.
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Episode 36!

@Wiiman the next episode will be a set review in general, but the one after that is likely to be a look on gengar prime
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Episode 36!

New Card of the Day video is up, check it out! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzAqRHpfhk4

I'm not sure if I'll be posting these every single day to this forum, but I'll be sure to post a recap of each one released over the week with each episode of profit. I just thought I'd post this one because I'm reviving the series.

Have a great day everybody!
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Episode 36!

I didn't honestly expect or exactly want a daily CotD that much, no worries. Good episode, but naturally I hope to see something more recent and/or popular next time.
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Episode 36!

@Jwittz: No yeah I understand, I don't even know why I pointed it out. I'm probably going to states with Sablock myself lol.
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Episode 36!

hey great vids JWittz i have learned so much from them hey when you got time could you do a video on machamp i really love that deck
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Episode 36!

Hey man, I haven't commented in awhile. I haven't had time to watch most of your recent videos due to the 10+ minute length (not that that's a bad thing, I love being able to sit and watch an extended JWittz vid), but I just caught up and would like to let you know they're still great! Your editing and narrating skills have improved a lot since the beginning of the series. Keep it up, man, you're the best!
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Episode 36!

It took a while (way too long!), but Prof-It! 37 on Lostgar is out! Check it out:
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Episode 37!

You're latest episode was pretty good, however you forgot to mention Warp Energy being used to put
Palkia G Lv. X onto your bench to utilize Lost Cyclone while being able to switch into Gengar Prime. That way you can Hurl into Darkness or Curse Drop on the same turn you Leveled Up Palkia G due to the Warp sending it to the bench.

Azelf Lv. X and Exploud SV might see play in LostGar but it depends on deck space. If that does become the norm for LostGar builds then I'd expect to see a rise in Dialga G Lv. X being played especially with Deafen and Time Crystal with maybe a splash of Warp Energy and/or Rainbow possibly. One trick I've found to get Lost World into your hand faster is with Porygon2 TR for Mapping, kind of a wasted tech but it might work and it has good synergy with BTS and Seeker as well.
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Episode 37!

subscribed. Great show. Got me back in to the game =)
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Episode 37!


How did the energy line lock like?

3x sp dark
1xBasic dark?