Quick Competitive Play Questions

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RE: Has the rotation occured yet?


I finally adjusted my deck for BCR on. I get on a game, the person asks if I'm doing BCR or NXD. I say BCR and before I can explain that my deck is designed for BCR but I'm fine with NXD, the person says sorry for wasting my time and scoops. You can't win.

I'd like to know a good way to play Aegislash. =/ They are practically unused on my folder. =( :p

It's hard man. If it was easy you'd see a lot of decks running King's Shield. I have seen it paired with Victini EX but it did not do good.
RE: General NXD-On Question

Yeah, one of the ways I see it working is in Extended with Klinklang, but it would still be as clunky as hell... :/
Mienshao the new accelgor?

I know mienshao won't have a great as attack as accelgor but lazerbank could substitute for its conditions and it's a fighting type so it can do more damage and since the cards come back to your hand so mabye it's better.

What do you think?
Is mienshao worse just as good or better than accelgor?
(When used with Trevanent/MewEX)
RE: Mienshao the new accelgor?

I1lucky said:
I know mienshao won't have a great as attack as accelgor but lazerbank could substitute for its conditions and it's a fighting type so it can do more damage and since the cards come back to your hand so mabye it's better.

What do you think?
Is mienshao worse just as good or better than accelgor?
(When used with Trevanent/MewEX)

Well, in that instance(and as stated before), Donphan would be a better choice because it has more HP and gets the Fighting support. LaserBank, although comparable, is not as good as the Paralysis lock that Accelgor created, so it's better to add up more damage with Donphan a-la Palkia-EX.
Mienshoa deck possibility

Ok Mienshao from furious fist had me intrigued so I've decided to make a deck around him.

Mienshao – Fighting – HP90
Stage 1 – Evolves from Mienfoo

[F] Aero Turn: 40 damage. Return this Pokemon and all cards attached to it to your hand.
[C][C] Hi Jump Kick: 40 damage.

Weakness: Psychic (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

So my idea is a 4-4 line of them. With 4 focus sash it prevents fighting types being 1 shot killed. You can have 2-4 Machamps to increase damage by 20 each
4 strong energy. Fighting stadium (+30 damage against ex's). And I also run a couple muscle bands, which I will use when I don't need focus sash.
And thanks to Korrina getting this out is easy.

So the strategy. Get out a Mienshao and put a focus sash on a benched Mienfoo. Attack and return Mienshao to my hand putting out the Mienfoo with focus sash. Next turn he can't be one hit killed. My turn evolve him rinse and repeat.

The damage calculation:

1 energy. 40 damage, +20-80 (Machamps) +20 strong energy. +20 muscle band. (+30 fighting stadium) against EX's)

So your looking at potential 190 damage for 1 energy. But more likely in my play testing 100-120.

Anyway not sure what else to run with it I've thrown in 2 Breloom and a Hawlucha EX. And some typical starters (dedene, Emolga, lunatone).

I'm kinda new back into this so need opinions on what is gonna be an issue for me.
RE: General NXD-On Question

Not running mountain ring in your mienshao decks seems like a bad idea. Benched damage destroys your entire focus sash strategy, and you probably cant afford the bench space for mr. mime if you want to run machamps and have lots of mienshaos getting set up. Without focus sashes intact, the strategy becomes very weak, and lando-T is going to be insanely popular anyway
Gyarados (LTR)

Well, I was thinking about using any deck, but including a Legendary Treasures Gyarados for the late game using Howling Rampage with a double colorless. Now the question: Is it viable? Why? Or, Why not?
RE: Gyarados (LTR)

xDoggerx said:
Well, I was thinking about using any deck, but including a Legendary Treasures Gyarados for the late game using Howling Rampage with a double colorless. Now the question: Is it viable? Why? Or, Why not?

Well for starters, Howling Rampage costs 1 Water and 1 Colorless. Most decks can't afford that Energy cost. The ones that can would usually prefer to have a more reliable attacker, as Gyarados can't deal damage before people have taken prizes. During the late game it's an absolute monster, and can very easily get you your last 2 prizes, but with the 30HP Magikarp in a format filled with Landorus EX, it might not see that much play.
RE: Gyarados (LTR)

Machamp The Champion said:
xDoggerx said:
Well, I was thinking about using any deck, but including a Legendary Treasures Gyarados for the late game using Howling Rampage with a double colorless. Now the question: Is it viable? Why? Or, Why not?

Well for starters, Howling Rampage costs 1 Water and 1 Colorless. Most decks can't afford that Energy cost. The ones that can would usually prefer to have a more reliable attacker, as Gyarados can't deal damage before people have taken prizes. During the late game it's an absolute monster, and can very easily get you your last 2 prizes, but with the 30HP Magikarp in a format filled with Landorus EX, it might not see that much play.

The only thing that can make up for this matter MIGHT be Ditto BCR, but it's still a long shot. Still, if you want to try it out, I've an extra one you can ask me to give you. ;) Just take into account that it's going to be even harder to pull it off.
RE: Gyarados (LTR)

Luispipe8 said:
Machamp The Champion said:
Well for starters, Howling Rampage costs 1 Water and 1 Colorless. Most decks can't afford that Energy cost. The ones that can would usually prefer to have a more reliable attacker, as Gyarados can't deal damage before people have taken prizes. During the late game it's an absolute monster, and can very easily get you your last 2 prizes, but with the 30HP Magikarp in a format filled with Landorus EX, it might not see that much play.

The only thing that can make up for this matter MIGHT be Ditto BCR, but it's still a long shot. Still, if you want to try it out, I've an extra one you can ask me to give you. ;) Just take into account that it's going to be even harder to pull it off.

Thanks to both of you, and yeah, I should've think about Landorus first :p
Luispipe8, why is it going to be harder to pull off?
RE: Mienshoa deck possibility

daviduk2000 said:
Ok Mienshao from furious fist had me intrigued so I've decided to make a deck around him.

Mienshao – Fighting – HP90
Stage 1 – Evolves from Mienfoo

[F] Aero Turn: 40 damage. Return this Pokemon and all cards attached to it to your hand.
[C][C] Hi Jump Kick: 40 damage.

Weakness: Psychic (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

So my idea is a 4-4 line of them. With 4 focus sash it prevents fighting types being 1 shot killed. You can have 2-4 Machamps to increase damage by 20 each
4 strong energy. Fighting stadium (+30 damage against ex's). And I also run a couple muscle bands, which I will use when I don't need focus sash.
And thanks to Korrina getting this out is easy.

So the strategy. Get out a Mienshao and put a focus sash on a benched Mienfoo. Attack and return Mienshao to my hand putting out the Mienfoo with focus sash. Next turn he can't be one hit killed. My turn evolve him rinse and repeat.

The damage calculation:

1 energy. 40 damage, +20-80 (Machamps) +20 strong energy. +20 muscle band. (+30 fighting stadium) against EX's)

So your looking at potential 190 damage for 1 energy. But more likely in my play testing 100-120.

Anyway not sure what else to run with it I've thrown in 2 Breloom and a Hawlucha EX. And some typical starters (dedene, Emolga, lunatone).

I'm kinda new back into this so need opinions on what is gonna be an issue for me.

Trevenant and Flygon sound like a good combo for him, but he is outclassed by Donphan.
RE: Gyarados (LTR)

xDoggerx said:
Luispipe8 said:
The only thing that can make up for this matter MIGHT be Ditto BCR, but it's still a long shot. Still, if you want to try it out, I've an extra one you can ask me to give you. ;) Just take into account that it's going to be even harder to pull it off.

Thanks to both of you, and yeah, I should've think about Landorus first :p
Luispipe8, why is it going to be harder to pull off?

*thought* go study more

It's going to be harder because you'll need:

T1(First turn you'll start to get Gyarados built up, not necessarily your first Turn overall):
-Find Ditto if not in hand.
-Bench Ditto.
-Get Magikarp and Gyarados if not in hand.
-"evolve" twice.

You'll need 3 cards instead of 2 to safely get a Gyarados going.
Do you think this deck idea would work?

So as you might know, I tend to make decks a bit outside the normal ideas. Some of them might have familiar elements of popular decks, but with my personal twist. For example I made a Garchomp/Altaria deck that also had Haxorus in it. Been thinking about retiring my current Plasma deck, and doing something fun.
So I came up with an idea called "The Three Bears". Beartic, Ursaring, and Pangoro (yes I know Pandas aren't really bears).

Using these versions:

Pangoro (the Furious Fists starter deck)
Beartic (Team Plasma)
Ursaring (Team Plasma)

It would use the Plasma "engine" to get cards/energy. Plus do some decent damage for low costs (most need 2-3 energy). Not to mention that it has some attacks that make the opponent discard cards from the deck.

So something like this list:


3 Pancham (Comet Punch)
3 Pangoro (Clobber/Hammer Arm)
3 Teddiursa (Fury Swipes)
3 Ursaring (Adrenalslash/Strength)
3 Cubchoo (Fury Swipes/Frost Breath)
3 Beartic (Powerful Rage/Glacier Drop)


3 N
3 Professor Sycamore
3 Colress
3 Energy Retrival
3 Colress Machine
3 Muscle Band
3 Silver Bangle
3 Team Plasma Ball
3 Bianca


3 Plasma Energy
3 Double Colorless Energy
5 Water
5 Dark

So what do you think? I don't really have a strategy in mind, but it should be pretty fast & hits hard. The reason I use 3 cards, is cause it works for me.

Please remember that you should not provide deck list advice but rather provide input on the idea. If you want deck advice then the Deck Garage is where you should post. :D
I don't really like the idea. These cards have virtually no synergy with each other. There's no compelling reason to run Pangoro, Beartic, and Ursaring in one deck. If you want a hard hitting, fast deck, you're far better off running straight plasma.
Usually when are the dates for the new seasons regionals announced? I am just curious to find out the dates. Thanks.
Hi, I have a couple of questions cornering the Landorus/Lucario/Mewtwo deck. The first and most important question is should you run garbodor or not. And if so, exactly why do you run garbodor in the first place?

Let's start with the pros:
>Good against certain matchups/decks that run safeguarders (Pyroar, sigilyph, trevenant) Pokemon that the deck struggles with in general
>Good against rouge decks who are dependant on their abilities (blastoise, dusknoir, aromatisse and in some cases, genesect and virizion)
>Blocks mr.mime's bench barrier and other similar abilites
>Allows hawlucha to hit super effective against fightning weak pokemon (eg, thundurs)
>Trubbish is kinda cute

>It requires you to run stuff like float stone thus taking up at least 7 cards in the deck
>It's horrible and totally useless in the mirror match unless you want to stop a random jirachi/mr.mime/other techs
>Useless against Seismitoad (a very annoying deck to face)
> If you choose not to run it, you need to (or at least, I run it) run a m-lucario ex in order to counter pyroar. But it still does not fix the problem cards that counter this deck (safeguarders)
>Can be dead in certain matchups
>Weak against startling megaphonet which removes garbotoxin entirely
>Trubbish needs to stay at the field 1 turn in order to evolve, thus making it an easy prize for decks that uses cather, genesect, lysandre, moves/abilities that affects the bench
>The Legendary treasures print of Garbodor makes me want to womit...

So my conclusion is that if your locals have a lot of toad.dek or fightning, Garbodor in general won't be that useful. HOWEVER, it's very good if you face a pyroar/deck with safeguardes and other annoying abilities.
So, what's your opinion on running garbodor in landorus/lucario/mewtwo. Is it worth it/is it not?
I just wanted to hear other opinions since my locals are going to hold a major tournament soon and I can't decide whether I should include Garbodor in the deck or not...
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