BW/BW2 Random Speculations

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OMG, people need to read. I shall not answer again.

Anyways, I hope it's final evo ends up being epic, because I'm choosing Juma no matter what. :l​
SotH said:
OMG, people need to read. I shall not answer again.

Anyways, I hope it's final evo ends up being epic, because I'm choosing Juma no matter what. :l​
So... The pic is real?
If so, I want it final evo to be water/fight and it's shell could be like the fans from Dragon Quest IX :D
could gen V introduce a counterpart for Arceus? since Arceus is the Alpha pokemon, then they might make a Dark-type Omega pokemon with a total stats too of 720?
They should make Hades, Poseidon and the other one as a legendary trio.

Arceus counterpart Dark,

and a leader for the pixies.
achernar said:
could gen V introduce a counterpart for Arceus? since Arceus is the Alpha pokemon, then they might make a Dark-type Omega pokemon with a total stats too of 720?

Not much of a need to. Giratina, while not a counterpart, already covers the role of a Pokemon against Arceus. It is the Renegade Pokemon after all, and it was banished to the Distortion World for a reason....
vaporchu8 said:
Not much of a need to. Giratina, while not a counterpart, already covers the role of a Pokemon against Arceus. It is the Renegade Pokemon after all, and it was banished to the Distortion World for a reason...

No it's not. Girintina is their too balance time and space. It's like what rayquaza was to Groudon and kyogre. But he probably got sent to the distortion world because he stole from arceus's cookie jar. Later he went on a goth faze and becamethe girintina we know today!

ha funny story I know.
I heard a theory which says Mamanbo is female only evolution of Luvdisc, hence the 'Maman'/'Mama'. I don't speak Japanese, so I don't know if it has another Japanese meaning, but I think it is possible. Maybe, if it's true, there will be a male evolution too.

I don't believe it's true, but it could be.
SinRaven said:
I heard a theory which says Mamanbo is female only evolution of Luvdisc, hence the 'Maman'/'Mama'. I don't speak Japanese, so I don't know if it has another Japanese meaning, but I think it is possible. Maybe, if it's true, there will be a male evolution too.

I don't believe it's true, but it could be.
The name it's self doesn't really fit with luvdiscs... The Japanese is ラブカス (Rabukasu or Lovecus, like love and discus)... Although, not many Japanese names fit with each other...
And now I can't think of a translation.. :/ 〔Google translate says ままんぼ Means "I still pot"....)
i just wanted to say that i doubt well evre see a new type, but if we do it should be the light type
ive heard some pretty stupid ones, i facepalmed so many times that i got a headache, here are the worst: sand, wood, iron, and spirit. these are the worst because they so obviously belong to previous types

Shining Rotom said:
They should make Hades, Poseidon and the other one as a legendary trio.

Arceus counterpart Dark,

and a leader for the pixies.

the other one? you mean Zeus
and YES! i love the idea of the "greek big three" being a legendary trio
SQUIRTLETamer08 said:
Well pokemon is not really about competitive gaming, sure it is there, and GF recognizes it, but it is not their first priority. I wouldn't put it past them to include an IV checking device though. I am sure competitve battlers wold enjoy that.

However, and correct me if I am wrong, but isn't Shoddy free? Don't you just download the software and that's all there is to it? If so, then they aren't losing any moeny to begin with.

Shoddy is free, but some people wouldn't buy the game for that reason. "Why buy a game when there's Shoddy, which is easier and free?"
SotH said:
Look ya'll Mijumaru's shell is removable.

Cute. <3

Credit to nanoplasm on livejournal.

Mijumaru will be like Xena: Warrior Princess!
Starter Evolutions Rumor from 2ch

Tsutaya (grass) -> Noukazura (grass/ground) ['nouka' farmer + 'kazura' part of a flower name in the Mucuna genus] -> Kazuratori (grass/ground) ['kazura' again + 'tori'] Last Evo’s base stats:

HP: 90
Atk: 89
Def: 105
SpAtk: 75
SpDef: 90
Speed: 90
Total: 539
Pokabu (fire) -> Tateishishi (fire/dark) ['tate' shield + ino'shishi' boar] -> Mimonoshishi (fire/dark) [no clue + ino'shishi' boar] Last Evo’s base stats:

HP: 120
Atk: 110
Def: 80
SpAtk: 80
SpDef: 100
Speed: 40
Total: 530
Mijumaru (water) -> Mijutto (water) [no clue] -> Kawamizun (water/fighting) ['kawa' river + 'mizu' water] Last Evo’s base stats:

HP: 85
Atk: 100
Def: 70
SpAtk: 90
SpDef: 130
Speed: 55
Total: 530
I will go on a murderous rampage if we get another Grass/Ground type.

After my Torterra's soul-crushing attempt at the Elite Four in Diamond, I'll never get a Grass/Ground type again. The first time I dumped a starter EVER. Why, Torterra, why? :'(

Fire/Dark and Water/Fighting would be nice though. I think if Mijumaru's final form looks decent, he'll be my starter.
It would be cool if there would a {L} type with levitate. It wouldn't have any super-effective. Zapdos was on the right track but since it was also Flying-type it was weak against Electric, Ice, and rock. I also want evolution for the following:
Plusle (Multip)
Minun (Divids)
I also hope you can legendaries from other regions like in G/S/C, FR/LG, Pt, and HG/SS.
2 things.

1.) I think that the Spanish version, if there is one because i'm not sure, will be called Pokemon 'Black', instead of the actual spanish word for the color 'black'. This is because the spanish word for it is sometimes thought of as an insult, and The Pokemon Company doesn't want to be sued or lose sales.

The second thing isn't exactly a direct Black/White speculation, but it's more like a thesis statement based on an observation of the games in general. Also, I didn't know where to post this, so I put it here. I'm also getting ahead of myself, but it's just something I just thought about. You can disregard the next statement if you like.
Here it is: if The Pokemon Company continues with the current trend of the games that they make, we should have 3 more generation 5 games to make 5 in total. The 3 additional to Black/White would be: a Black/White combination game (just like yellow, crystal, emerald, and platinum(maybe it will be pokemon grey)), and 2 hoenn remakes (just like the Kanto and Jhoto remakes(possibly magma ruby/ aqua sapphire or something like that)). I'm not saying the this will happen, I'm just saying that it could happen. So, I'm just putting that out there.
Also, it's probable that the generation 6 games will be for the 3DS, and the hoenn remakes might be for it aswell.
I can't believe you're thinking of Generation 6. B/W hasn't came out in Japan and you're thinking of that.
Oh I can't wait for the B/W remake in Generation 8. *sarcasm* XD
sableye_master said:
I can't believe you're thinking of Generation 6. B/W hasn't came out in Japan and you're thinking of that.
Oh I can't wait for the B/W remake in Generation 8. *sarcasm* XD

oh no... if there are mroe generations, then Mew will be more rare and rare since it is the most rarest pokemon... NOOOOOOO
I saw a picture of the map for Isshu region and it only showed 9 places - towns cities etc. so this is a small region... smaller than Johto.

Also the one pokemon in my sig doesn't he look like a possible Drapion evololution... of course that isn't the REAL thing but very close
The Creamed Corn Cheron said:
I saw a picture of the map for Isshu region and it only showed 9 places - towns cities etc. so this is a small region... smaller than Johto.

Also the one pokemon in my sig doesn't he look like a possible Drapion evololution... of course that isn't the REAL thing but very close
Isshu is going to be the biggest region. You can't tell what the region is going to be from the map. They have never shown everything on the map. That scorpion-like Pokemon is about the same size as Drapion. When Pokemon evolve, they become bigger. Wailoard has the record of becoming bigger from its pre-evolution, Wailmer.

P.S. The Creamed Corn Cheron, that's your avatar not your signature.

sableye_master said:
Isshu is going to be the biggest region. You can't tell what the region is going to be from the map. They have never shown everything on the map. That scorpion-like Pokemon is about the same size as Drapion. When Pokemon evolve, they become bigger. Wailoard has the record of becoming bigger from its pre-evolution, Wailmer.

It's probably a Stage 2 Evolution anyways.
P.S. The Creamed Corn Cheron, that's your avatar not your signature.

sableye_master said:
I can't believe you're thinking of Generation 6. B/W hasn't came out in Japan and you're thinking of that.
Oh I can't wait for the B/W remake in Generation 8. *sarcasm* XD

I did mention that i was getting ahead of myself...but I was really only thinking of Gen 5. I only said generation 6, because I was mentioning the possibility of Pokemon games on the 3DS coming out within the next 2 years in Japan (I think).
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