BW/BW2 Random Speculations

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Is these real pokemon? I found this image on!

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kefaloniapokemon said:
Is these real pokemon? I found this image on!

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Cool!I think this are two of the three legendaries.Its the cotton pokemon and the bipedal animal.
The Spook said:
Cool!I think this are two of the three legendaries.Its the cotton pokemon and the bipedal animal.

Say what?!?! They're legendaries? I thought the Pokemon below the Llama was Kibago's evo?
kefaloniapokemon said:
Is these real pokemon? I found this image on!

Go to this page!

There fake. (i hope)
But they are because look at kibago's "evolution". It looks Photoshoped into an old image.
and i thought this was proven fake anyway.
ALSO why would we get corocoro now?
rockinpikachu said:
There fake. (i hope)
But they are because look at kibago's "evolution". It looks Photoshoped into an old image.
and i thought this was proven fake anyway

Woah, woah, woah. Im confused. One guy said that they're legendaries. One guy said that this was confirmed. Playerking95 said that the below Pokemon was Kibago's evo. So which is which?
I never said it was its evolution even though if it was real it would be, they wouldn't be legendaries, just speculate till proven false or fake.
Drakeman said:
Woah, woah, woah. Im confused. One guy said that they're legendaries. One guy said that this was confirmed. Playerking95 said that the below Pokemon was Kibago's evo. So which is which?

They are fake. U can ask a expert. I've almost never turned a rumor down but this doesn't seem right
For a second i thought they were fake because the sheep could've been photoshoped into wargles battle with that chirriami thing but their is a orange bar that shows the pokemon ability before battle next to the sheep that isn't in wargles photo.
Playerking95 said:
For a second i thought they were fake because the sheep could've been photoshoped into wargles battle with that chirriami thing but their is a orange bar that shows the pokemon ability before battle next to the sheep that isn't in wargles photo.

They can do that. I can probably do that give me the bar and a pokemon battle and ill do it.
They look real to me.
Pokejungle`s translate:

Aparuka (sheep)

Cotton Camel Pokemon
Type: Grass/Flying
Ability: Thick Fat / [second ability has to do with cotton, but the screenshot is showing this ability come into play]
Naoie (samurai thing)

Tyrant Pokemon [?]
Type: Dark/Steel
Ability: Shadow Tag
typhlonruxs said:
Me too. But they're too early to be from CoroCoro so they must be from some other magazine.Or they're really fake:b
Maybe you`re right.They look similar to the describtion of the legendary trio.Maybe this are the cotton looking pokemon and the bipedal animal.
The Spook said:
Maybe you`re right.They look similar to the describtion of the legendary trio.Maybe this are the cotton looking pokemon and the bipedal animal.

Could be. Why not? Woah, it is a samurai-like Pokemon then im soo catching it. If it were real of course. Also, Dark/Steel!
Playerking95 said:
For a second i thought they were fake because the sheep could've been photoshoped into wargles battle with that chirriami thing but their is a orange bar that shows the pokemon ability before battle next to the sheep that isn't in wargles photo.

Ok i made the image and here is how anyone could do it.

Original photo:

Edited photo with Bar (Made My Me):

Also in the Sheep image the text is transparent. while on all other photos with the bar The text that is not in the bar are Above the pokemons head.
Ontopic: Ok so i'm wrong but to me they do look pretty convincing. Offtopic I can't wait to see Pokemon sunday for the new legendary. Speculation is fun.
kefaloniapokemon said:
Is these real pokemon? I found this image on!

Go to this page!

they could be. But why didn't serebii or pokebeach reveal it yet?
Lol I highly doubt that samurai 1 being kibagos evo, ononokusso has a better chance of being kibagos final evo than that.
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