RE: RCA's Shop of Wonders (CASH ONLY) [Have: Luxray GL Lv X!]
bump 1 of the week...
bump 1 of the week...
PokemonLv63X said:$4 each x3 Broken Time Space (1 RH)
$5 each 3 Poke Turn (2 RH)
$4 each x1 Cyrus's Conspiracy (RH)
$3 each x3Energy Gain (1 RH)
x1 LUXRAY GL LV X ($65)
x1 Luxray GL
x2 Spiritomb (PA, 2 RH)
how much total?
arapokemaster said:Hello I really need Luxray GL LV.X $65 and Luxray GL I'm willing to pay concealed cash I think it might be around $80-$85 for both I'm willing to pay a bit less becuase I a bit low on cash I mean I do have $60 or so dollars to spare and can buy Luxray GL LV.X alone but becuase of that please cm trade list I'm willing to throw in allot of cards for a possible discount.Want to get atleast a $15-$20 discount if so I will pay and send the card(s) together if you see anything.
please look at my trade thread I bumped it it might be on the 2nd page?
just looked @ your response to LV63 X Luxray GL LV.X $65+ Luxray GL $5 = $70 please look at my trades to see something small or decent for a possible discount
RareCandyAwesomeness said:I really didn't see anything on your list to lower the price. So if you're willing to buy them both for $70 please let me know.
arapokemaster said:okay I'm might be willing to is their anything else you want that is not listed on your trade thread,maybe a small collectors want?Like I said I have several older pre EX-EX early sets
AbsentGravity said:I can pay $72 for the Luxray GL Lv. X.
TrainerGreen said:Your 3 BTS (BROKEN TIME SPACE)
For My 12 Dollars