BW/BW2 Reshiram or Zekrom?

Reshiram or Zekrom?

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I prefer Reshiram because:

1) I prefer its name
2) It looks celestial
3) I prefer {R} over {L}
4) I like the look of its hair on fire in this pic[attachment=5797]


  • reshiram-zekrom-anime.jpg
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I'm glad I've stuck with Reshiram since the two were revealed, especially after seeing all those cutscenes today! I still like Zekrom, but imo Reshiram = WIN!
It was only a matter of time.

I wish the signature moves differed a little more, but it's better to have them look similar than to not have them at all. Zekrom's color is better amyway. :p

I wonder if WPM saw these moves in the move... I would think WPM to have mentioned it, though.
^One of the reasons I like Reshiram more. It can take out the popular Tsutaja (since I'm picking Mijumaru).
zekrom for two reasons
1-his design is the best legendary ive seen so far
2- dragon/electric feels like a more original and creative type combo, even though my favorite type is fire
the new footage make reshiram look better to me than before, but i still prefer the schmexy zekrom
i always felt that reshi was a little(emphasis on little) patchworked/mismatched
Zekrom all the way. Resjiram rocks and Zekrom rolls with black thunder. It even has a chinese name: hei lei which means black thunder! He is really original and looks like a menacing legend that is capeable of creating a world wide blackout:) and not fix your lightbulb. Both represent the best parts of legends, menacing and divine.
@playerking95 thanks for the spam, and just because its more popular doesnt mean you cant vote for it!
i voted for tustaaja and zekrom as my favorite because i like thier designs a hell of a lot!
and if reshiram gets more votes, then you wont like it anymore because its more poplular then zekrom
and read my signature!
Sorry i wish i can vote more than once but i know i can't i know people are entitled to their own thoughts i'm not trying to sway them to something else it's just i kind of think zekrom looks too much like Dialga.
Looks nothing like dialga imo but i can respect your opinion. Also read the signature. Dont know how to make one...
^how? i dont see any resembelance, at all
and reshiram looks like a furreh version of palkia( both white, wings, same feet and pose)
Neither look like either. They are both original and obviously dragons will look similar to other dragons.
Dragons are supposed to be scary. Zekrom is technology and reshiram is nature. Some people like pokemon like zekrom and others prefer natural looking pokemon.
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