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Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

RE: Returning with a New List

cml for:
Jolteon (Rev. Holo)
Pikachu (red cheeks) #112/111
Surfing Pikachu #114/111
Darkness Energy

RE: Returning with a New List

Zangoosed said:
Wow thats a lot of lists to check people!!! If your name isnt mentioned in this post I saw nothing on your list or I'm just passing on your offer. Thanks!

Juliacoolo: I have 4 packs left. I see Flygon RR, Luxray GL RR, and Mesprit LA. LMK thx

: Before I think of offers, just know that in order for me to trade those RH, Uxies and Claydol I need regular versions to be involved in a trade to replace them. And also I see that Blastoise EX isnt a big want but what do you value it at? 10? Lower? LMK and I'll see what I can come up with, thanks.

P.S. Sorry about those prices. I sometimes copy and paste my list from other sites and forget that I have "HTG" or prices listed and forget to delete them.

nabby101: I only see Magnezone Lv. X.

Luxray and flygon for the packs?
RE: Returning with a New List

Juliacoolo: Ok thats a deal. Is there anything else you see on my list I could trade for your Mesprit? LMK otherwise the deal is fine by me.
RE: Returning with a New List

Please CML for your three Luxray GL and 1 RH Nidoran F RR.
RE: Returning with a New List

Magnezone Lv.X

For Your:
Rhyperior Lv.X
Rhyperior DP x2
RE: Returning with a New List

zephilim: Would you trade your Darkrai GE LV. X (pack) for my Garchomp Lv. X Japanese Promo? LMK thx

kashmaster : If you're willing to rip yourself a little I saw these on your list that I liked:

Alakazam 4 Lv. X
Dialga G Lv. X
Palkia G Lv. X
Gallade 4 Lv. X

LMK if we can work anything out

nabby101 : No thx
RE: Returning with a New List

Sorry I've been skipping alot of you, but I've been sooo busy I've only had time to respond to the best/quickest/easiest deals.

I feel this statement should answer most of you:

"The Luxray GL LV. X is gone"
RE: Returning with a New List

I have a Hippowdon (4) RR... Would that be enough for a Raichu SF x1 and any Japanese Promo

And CML for anything else.
RE: Returning with a New List

ElectroManiac: Dont need Hippowdon 4 SP i need the regular Hippowdon from RR. I see nothing on your list however. Sorry :(
RE: Returning with a New List

How many sealed booster packs of RR will a Flygon SW get me? Or Mesprit LA? Either way can you please CML for your Darkrai GE sleeves.... And those packs. xP
RE: Returning with a New List

Im just wondering, exactly how many jpn claydols do you have? i might trade my snor X for the dol and something else.

LMK,thank you.
RE: Returning with a New List

Shakespeare: Thats funny on 2 levels.

1 - Where does it say I need a Claydol GE on my list? lol

2 - Flygon X is worth more than Claydol.

SotS: Wont trade a pack for the Flygon SW, its a lower want, but I'd trade one for a Mesprit LA. Saw nothing on your list for the sleeves. LMK thx

umbreonchamp: I have 1 Japanese Claydol. I'd gladly involve it in a trade for Snorlax LV. X. LMK what you wanna do, thanks.

Deep Balance
: Deal I'll PM you.
RE: Returning with a New List

i sent you 2 PM's please answer back.
i also have 2 reg hippowdom-1(RH) 1 is not
PM me and LMK,thank you.