XY Revised Type Chart

Ohman177 said:
I vote for no weaknesses for the god that is Jolteon. He is a beautiful creature. A strong, independent electric type who don't need no weaknesses.

New *insert Dream World-like gimmick here* Jolteon gaining the Levitate ability would be the sexiest thing ever!

As far as type chart changes go- Psychic shouldnt be super effective on Poison IMO. How does that even make sense? (No really, if someone has a valid point about it please speak up!)
I totally agree with Water and Ice resisting eachother. They are both states of matter and one can turn into the other- totally makes sense they wouldnt be effective on one another.
I still dont like the fact that Flying is strong against Grass, but that is as far as that goes- I know why its like that....
I have no idea why Poison doesnt hit Water super effectively?
Thats pretty much my point of view on type chart changes.
NoDice said:
Ohman177 said:
I vote for no weaknesses for the god that is Jolteon. He is a beautiful creature. A strong, independent electric type who don't need no weaknesses.

New *insert Dream World-like gimmick here* Jolteon gaining the Levitate ability would be the sexiest thing ever!

As far as type chart changes go- Psychic shouldnt be super effective on Poison IMO. How does that even make sense? (No really, if someone has a valid point about it please speak up!)
I totally agree with Water and Ice resisting eachother. They are both states of matter and one can turn into the other- totally makes sense they wouldnt be effective on one another.
I still dont like the fact that Flying is strong against Grass, but that is as far as that goes- I know why its like that....
I have no idea why Poison doesnt hit Water super effectively?
Thats pretty much my point of view on type chart changes.

Actually psychic being super effective against poison makes sense. Using psychic powers to heal yourself? It would be possible.

Also flying is weak against grass because most flying types use air or even wind to ya know attack. What can tear down trees? Hurricane force winds and tornadoes. Say isn't there an attack called Hurricane? Also there are birds that eat fruit which grow from trees and they also eat other things. Gee I wonder what most flying types seem to be as well.
Raptor9229 said:
NoDice said:
New *insert Dream World-like gimmick here* Jolteon gaining the Levitate ability would be the sexiest thing ever!

As far as type chart changes go- Psychic shouldnt be super effective on Poison IMO. How does that even make sense? (No really, if someone has a valid point about it please speak up!)
I totally agree with Water and Ice resisting eachother. They are both states of matter and one can turn into the other- totally makes sense they wouldnt be effective on one another.
I still dont like the fact that Flying is strong against Grass, but that is as far as that goes- I know why its like that....
I have no idea why Poison doesnt hit Water super effectively?
Thats pretty much my point of view on type chart changes.

Actually psychic being super effective against poison makes sense. Using psychic powers to heal yourself? It would be possible.

Also flying is weak against grass because most flying types use air or even wind to ya know attack. What can tear down trees? Hurricane force winds and tornadoes. Say isn't there an attack called Hurricane? Also there are birds that eat fruit which grow from trees and they also eat other things. Gee I wonder what most flying types seem to be as well.
I know that Psychic has healing abilities, but Poison "cant" be healed. Poison is a chemical or substance that causes harm to others, and likewise are the Pokemon that share its type. Nidoking has poisonous barbs, Seviper poisonous fangs, Muk is toxic waste.... I think I need a different idea to set me straight other than "healing".

I already knew the reasoning behind Flying being strong against Grass.... I said I *know* why its like that. I just dont like it. lol
Like, Psychic is only strong against Poison and Fighting and you want to take out one of those advantages and turn Psychic into Poison (meaning: useless as an offensive type)?
As for the reason... I can't really explain it but I always felt it made sense in some way... Why is Psychic strong against Fighting? Mind controls the body, basically... I guess Psychic being strong against Poison has something to do with manipulation too. I think I'm gonna do some research about that...
Couple of things I always wondered...

Why is Rock super effective against Fire? I mean, I understand that Fire would have a hard time burning a rock, thus Rock-types resistance to Fire, but how does that make it offensively superior to Fire? Personally, I think Fire should take neutral damage from Rock.

Shouldn't Bug-types be weak to Ice, or at the very least their attacks be less effective against Ice-types? I'm pretty sure insects cannot survive extreme cold, or at the very least must hibernate to survive.

And while we're on the topic of who can't survive cold, shouldn't Dragon-types be uneffective against Ice-types? I'm pretty sure Ice is strong against Dragon because dragons are reptiles, which are weak to cold. But if that's the case, how can Dragon-types even touch Ice without their effectiveness being reduced?

I'd also get rid of Steels resistance to Ice, since metal can become fragile when super cold. I wouldn't make it a weakness, but at the very least Steel should take neutral damage from Ice. Combined with my bug-type weakness to ice above would give the Bug/Steel, Ground/Steel and Grass/Steel types a new weakness, though then Grass/Bug would have ANOTHER 4x weakness... yikes.

Metalizard said:
I guess Psychic being strong against Poison has something to do with manipulation too. I think I'm gonna do some research about that...

I always thought Psychic-types use their psychic powers to inhibit the effectiveness of poison. Poison needs to spread to really be effective; Psychic-types could contain it with their powers, and possibly force it from their body if infected.
I always thought that Ice should be super effective against Fighting types. It would work both ways; Fighting breaks Ice, and muscles work best when warm and worse in cold. Plus Ice needs the boost for above mentioned reasons!
Raptor9229 said:
Ohman177 said:
I vote for no weaknesses for the god that is Jolteon. He is a beautiful creature. A strong, independent electric type who don't need no weaknesses.

One problem, you wouldn't be able to eliminate a weakness for Jolteon without eliminating a weakness for electric types. Yes I understand that was a joke (or at least I hope it is one)

Yes I know levitate but that makes less sense on Jolteon than on Elektross.

You read my post wrong I think. Jolteon gets magnet rise in HG/SS so he essentially has no weaknesses with that. But people were talking about giving electric more weaknesses, which I disagreed with. I used the amazing JOlteon as an example :)
Ohman177 said:
Raptor9229 said:
One problem, you wouldn't be able to eliminate a weakness for Jolteon without eliminating a weakness for electric types. Yes I understand that was a joke (or at least I hope it is one)

Yes I know levitate but that makes less sense on Jolteon than on Elektross.

You read my post wrong I think. Jolteon gets magnet rise in HG/SS so he essentially has no weaknesses with that. But people were talking about giving electric more weaknesses, which I disagreed with. I used the amazing JOlteon as an example :)
Personally, I can't understand why Electric needs more weaknesses. Its super effective against a mere two other types (Water and Flying), has only three resistances (Electric, Flying, Steel), and its sole weakness (Ground) is immune to electricity. It's like Normal-type; few strengths but few weaknesses as well, and that's the way it should stay.
^My thoughts exactly...

About the Psychic>Poison subject, what you said may be a valid explanation...
I went to search about it like I said, I found a thread on a website where they discuss the type matchups and someone said something similar to your ideia:
Also, anything can be deadly as long as it's in the right (or wrong) place, especially poison. Psychic-type attacks have been shown to be capable of moving the target's entire body around, so, it shouldn't be hard to relocate a Poison-type's toxins to places where they're not as convenient as they are in their venom sacs.
And another person also suggested this:
Alternatively, some psychic attacks work by overloading the foe's brain, like Extrasensory. Most real creatures with poison have some defense mechanism against self-poisoning, like snake fangs folding in when they close their mouths to avoid stabbing themselves. Maybe Psychic-type attacks override those defenses.

Like I noted before, it seems to have to do with the ability of using Psychokinesis to manipulate substances, objects or even living creatures...
I have a feeling that the reasoning behind Psychic > Poison was that in the original games they wanted Psychic to be somewhat overpowered, and just an advantage over Fighting wasn't really cutting it, so they picked Poison just because it made marginally more sense than picking any of the more "elemental" types, then gave that type to most Bug- and Ghost-type Pokémon existing at the time in order to give psychic counters to its weaknesses. (Though as we know now, this backfired because of the lack of good Bug-type moves and the fact that they - apparently mistakenly - made Psychic-types immune to Ghost attacks.) All of those other balance issues got sorted out, but the strength against Poison stayed because, really, what else are you going to make weak to Psychic that would make any sense at all?
DorianBlack said:
I have a feeling that the reasoning behind Psychic > Poison was that in the original games they wanted Psychic to be somewhat overpowered, and just an advantage over Fighting wasn't really cutting it, so they picked Poison just because it made marginally more sense than picking any of the more "elemental" types, then gave that type to most Bug- and Ghost-type Pokémon existing at the time in order to give psychic counters to its weaknesses. (Though as we know now, this backfired because of the lack of good Bug-type moves and the fact that they - apparently mistakenly - made Psychic-types immune to Ghost attacks.) All of those other balance issues got sorted out, but the strength against Poison stayed because, really, what else are you going to make weak to Psychic that would make any sense at all?

Psychic is weak to bugs and ghosts because they are common phobias and phobias are what get inside people's heads and mess with them. The same is true for dark type.
Mitja said:
@Electric-Steel discussion:
Sure it conducts electricity, but we're not talking about the material here, we're talking about living creatures that are literally made of it.
So it sounds even worse than Water Pokemon who aren't necessarily more water-based than other pokemon.
By all means if anything makes sense, Steel should be weak to Electric.

@Electric having only 1 weakness:
I agree that's been quite a luxruy for this type for no apparent reason. Well maybe because nothing else seems as an obvious choice.
Of all the types I think Grass might be a candidate here (as seen on my type chart),
-competitively it'd be great as Grass is a "good for 4x weak" offensive type right now.
-conceptually not really sure...but Grass is already resistant to Electric for some reason I assume? And these very elemental types most of the time have a weak/resist match-up, so perhaps the reasoning can be contrived from the resistance?
I think it might have to do with plants being very "grounded".

SuperDuper said:
How are you supposed to read this? Is orange resisted, and green super effective? And the outlines are supposed to be your additions? Purple is supposed to be immune, right?

Its 100% self explanatory like all Pokémon type charts. And you figured it out :D

On this topic how do any of psychics weaknesses make sense? I'm not saying they don't make sense I'm honestly asking how they do. Psychic is related to the mind(and apparently the cosmos.) are bugs super effective because they're distracting? I can kind of understand Ghost since they're known for possessing things and if you're possessed your mind is useless. I guess dark...since they're tricky I guess mind games maybe? Meh.

Anyway why can't electric be weak to rock? I think that makes more sense than grass.

Ohman177 said:
DorianBlack said:
I have a feeling that the reasoning behind Psychic > Poison was that in the original games they wanted Psychic to be somewhat overpowered, and just an advantage over Fighting wasn't really cutting it, so they picked Poison just because it made marginally more sense than picking any of the more "elemental" types, then gave that type to most Bug- and Ghost-type Pokémon existing at the time in order to give psychic counters to its weaknesses. (Though as we know now, this backfired because of the lack of good Bug-type moves and the fact that they - apparently mistakenly - made Psychic-types immune to Ghost attacks.) All of those other balance issues got sorted out, but the strength against Poison stayed because, really, what else are you going to make weak to Psychic that would make any sense at all?

Psychic is weak to bugs and ghosts because they are common phobias and phobias are what get inside people's heads and mess with them. The same is true for dark type.

Does not seem legit...but ok...
Fee said:
Mitja said:
@Electric-Steel discussion:
Sure it conducts electricity, but we're not talking about the material here, we're talking about living creatures that are literally made of it.
So it sounds even worse than Water Pokemon who aren't necessarily more water-based than other pokemon.
By all means if anything makes sense, Steel should be weak to Electric.

@Electric having only 1 weakness:
I agree that's been quite a luxruy for this type for no apparent reason. Well maybe because nothing else seems as an obvious choice.
Of all the types I think Grass might be a candidate here (as seen on my type chart),
-competitively it'd be great as Grass is a "good for 4x weak" offensive type right now.
-conceptually not really sure...but Grass is already resistant to Electric for some reason I assume? And these very elemental types most of the time have a weak/resist match-up, so perhaps the reasoning can be contrived from the resistance?
I think it might have to do with plants being very "grounded".

Its 100% self explanatory like all Pokémon type charts. And you figured it out :D

On this topic how do any of psychics weaknesses make sense? I'm not saying they don't make sense I'm honestly asking how they do. Psychic is related to the mind(and apparently the cosmos.) are bugs super effective because they're distracting? I can kind of understand Ghost since they're known for possessing things and if you're possessed your mind is useless. I guess dark...since they're tricky I guess mind games maybe? Meh.

Anyway why can't electric be weak to rock? I think that makes more sense than grass.

Ohman177 said:
Psychic is weak to bugs and ghosts because they are common phobias and phobias are what get inside people's heads and mess with them. The same is true for dark type.

Does not seem legit...but ok...

No it is legit. That's the actual reason they did it. I forget where the source is that says it. But it makes sense. What's a big thing the mind is weak to? Fears. Psychic is all about the mind.
/\ Actually is pretty legit. Psychic is all about mentality, and what really screws up the mind and not the body? Fear. Fear of the dark, fear of ghosts, fear of bugs. IMO Psychic weaknesses have the richest flavour of the type chart.

EDIT: Ninja'd. ;_;
I'm not contesting the Psychic-type weaknesses explanation because I believe in it myself. Obviously, they chose only the more typical fears but if you think about it, pretty much any type could hypothetically be strong against Psychic... Imagine a Psychic pokémon which has hydrophobia... That would mean it was weak to Water-type attacks...
Delta Nite said:
/\ Actually is pretty legit. Psychic is all about mentality, and what really screws up the mind and not the body? Fear. Fear of the dark, fear of ghosts, fear of bugs. IMO Psychic weaknesses have the richest flavour of the type chart.

EDIT: Ninja'd. ;_;

Great, now you gave me the idea of a scarecrow pokemon with a move that can change psychic type's weaknesses to all types.
Dark/Psychic. The"fear" pokemon.

Thanks a lot. Now the Idea won't leave my head and I will have to draw it.
@Psychic Weakness Discussion: Psychic being weak to major fear phobias is actually pretty a awesome concept actually, and here I was thinking it was because it was hard to concentrate on things while ou had ants in your pants...

@Steel vs Electric: I always thought it was pretty sound argument that Water and Electric types were the ones that could hit Steel for neutral. Water corrodes, but not very quickly, and electricity bypasses, but doesnt melt or damage steel... balance wise, its a good choice too.

Psychic Discussion: The only thing that is still beyond me is why Psychic is super effective against Ground and Poison. There really isn't an obvious reason as far as I can tell, unless it was merely done because they couldn't find one and needed to balance out the chart out :cool:
Cosmo said:
Psychic Discussion: The only thing that is still beyond me is why Psychic is super effective against Ground and Poison. There really isn't an obvious reason as far as I can tell, unless it was merely done because they couldn't find one and needed to balance out the chart out :cool:

Erm, Ground? Psychic is super effective against Fighting and Poison, not Ground.
J.D. said:
Cosmo said:
Psychic Discussion: The only thing that is still beyond me is why Psychic is super effective against Ground and Poison. There really isn't an obvious reason as far as I can tell, unless it was merely done because they couldn't find one and needed to balance out the chart out :cool:

Erm, Ground? Psychic is super effective against Fighting and Poison, not Ground.

And it is effective aginst fighting because smarts always beats brute force, and against poison because mind has control over body (ever heard of the placebo effect?).
Fee said:
Anyway why can't electric be weak to rock? I think that makes more sense than grass.

Any particular reason?
It's just that Rock is already the best offensive type as it is.
And I'd rather avoid making it more similar to Ground.