Rise of Ampharos?

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Then if they want to attack again they have to Drop down 3 energy (or 4 if you removed their DCE) to attack again, and that's 120 added.
Blastoise completely ignores that by using Wash Out. You just attach stuff to your bench instead, and they take the damage instead of Blastoise. Then you Wash Out and start killing stuff.
yes, blastoise does ignore that in a way, but wither way, it's damage for later game. Besides, amphy can still one shot a blastoise on a flip. And it can survive a hydro launcher under normal circumstances. :)
i was thinking a 1-1-1 in my magnezone. that way i can OHKO blastoise and then stack damage on there bench.
carlitosbob said:
but once catcher comes out.. It'll be harder to get it out and running.

yeah I'm going to be one of those guys abusing catcher when it comes out. especially against ampharos...kill that guy quick so I'll last longer in the mid- to late-game.

ampharos has a lot of potential, but with the blastoise decks putting damage on their bench instead, and reuniclus doing the same thing potentially, I think you'd have to have more than 1 ampharos in play for them to really be in a bad spot. my reshiram deck would take 2 damage per turn, sure, but honestly, reshiram will probably die in 2-3 turns by the defending pokemon anyway, sometimes 1 against a good deck if I didn't setup fast enough.

2 damage counters on a 130hp pokemon is no biggie...in theory it'd do great, but you gotta take into account the probability of getting both your main attacker AND ampharos out by the time I'd have my basic pokemon out fully equipped. 80% of the time by T2, and guaranteed by T3 if I'm slow, I have reshiram doing blue flame, and by T4 I've had more than enough time to get my techs setup and already working on my second resh.

ampharos needs to be setup by T2 to be effective, which is not an easy task at all. I think putting it into an electric deck would work but as a tech thrown into any deck, it'd be hard.
yeah. Amphros is really only good in an electric. Which is ok for me, since that's what I'm running. Usually T2 I have lanturn prime out and ampharos prime benched. Usually I'm also hitting for 70 T2. Often for weakness cuz of lanturn's pokepower. But every deck is different. My deck needs plus powers.. But I have nowhere to put them :(
Ive been testing out a 2-0-2 line of ampharos prime in my reshiboar deck. So far its working really well especially against the mirror/legend variants.
carlitosbob said:
if I saw ampharos on the bench, and was using legends, I would hope and pray for a legend box :p
Haha no doubt but it seems not many are using the box and just relying on communicating them out ;p
Ampharos definitely does help the Reshiram matchup, both with Typhlosion and Emboar, and in general energy abuse in this metagame could be a solid strategy. The real question is how much consistency is worth sacrificing to run it?
I think ampharos is more annoying than effective. I played one tonight with my resh deck, and yeah when I attached the extra 2 energies a turn it sucked getting 2 counters, but I run with typhlosion anyway, so it's only one more counter per turn. and in the end reshiram can hit pretty hard with a lot of counters on it. my opponent had to spend time getting ampharos out and evolved so after I KO'd his main attacker, he just then got his second one out and starting building it, and ran out of time. the second time I played him, he didn't have time to even get his second out before I KO'd his first, then took out his ampharos the next turn while he started to build his second guy, and then I KO'd his second after I switched to my second resh healthy and ready to go.

that guy usually beats me too, but tonight he tried ampharos tech and lost both times. you'd have to really have the perfect t/s/s in your deck for ampharos to be able to be a tech.
Ghost Bear said:
I think ampharos is more annoying than effective. I played one tonight with my resh deck, and yeah when I attached the extra 2 energies a turn it sucked getting 2 counters, but I run with typhlosion anyway, so it's only one more counter per turn. and in the end reshiram can hit pretty hard with a lot of counters on it. my opponent had to spend time getting ampharos out and evolved so after I KO'd his main attacker, he just then got his second one out and starting building it, and ran out of time. the second time I played him, he didn't have time to even get his second out before I KO'd his first, then took out his ampharos the next turn while he started to build his second guy, and then I KO'd his second after I switched to my second resh healthy and ready to go.

that guy usually beats me too, but tonight he tried ampharos tech and lost both times. you'd have to really have the perfect t/s/s in your deck for ampharos to be able to be a tech.
In all honesty im running a 2-0-2 line in my deck and i can usually have one up by turn 3 on the best hand or turn 4-5 on a slower start while having two reshi's one active one benched, and emboar and a ninetales. I always focus on the ninetales first then the boar then ampharos if i can. Ampharos is not a must have in my deck by any means but attaching 1 energy for 10 damage puts reshi's and enemy zekrom in one hit range with my own Reshi's. Definately a good tech to explore in a variety of decks.
I love the idea of this. I know that this is very late considering when the thread was made, but anyway, would you put one or two damage counters on them if they're attaching a DCE? Ampharos could go well with Pachirisu CoL, too.
I love the idea of this. I know that this is very late considering when the thread was made, but anyway, would you put one or two damage counters on them if they're attaching a DCE? Ampharos could go well with Pachirisu CoL, too.
Just 1 because Conductivity reads: Whenever your opponent attaches an energy card from his or her hand to 1 of his or her Pokemon, put 1 damage counter on that Pokemon."
that's the downside to it.. but, on the plus side, if you attack with Ampharos and get tails, you can choose to discard said DCE. =)
Honestly, here's my take on Ampharos: unless you're playing against a Typhlosion or Emboar based deck, it's a worse Kingdra Prime. Against Typhlosion, Kingdra Prime is almost as good; it's only against Emboar combos (especially preventing big shuckle draws) that Ampharos Prime shines, and those decks aren't as good as the hype is saying anyway. If that matchup is bad for you, tech it in, otherwise I would leave it at home and run Kingdra if anything.
^not just reshiram. you have magnezone, you have zekrom, you have blastgatr. so many decks that rely on mass energy attaching.
Played against one tonight, infact with all the Zekrom and Reshiram lately I have been playing with a fighting darkness deck. That being said I haven't had any real problems with any of the basic resiboar decks or anything for that matter.
catutie said:
so with the new format, we all know that there will be many energy attaching decks with emboar and feraligatr but could this


be the answer to those decks? with every energy they stack damage on there pokemon. maybe a 1-1-1 line in future decks? could it have potential?

Well if you use Ampharos then yeah you'll definitely win {L}
Kittymew said:
Ampharos definitely does help the Reshiram matchup, both with Typhlosion and Emboar, and in general energy abuse in this metagame could be a solid strategy. The real question is how much consistency is worth sacrificing to run it?
You only need 3 cards to run Ampharos; a Mareep, a Flaaffy/Rare Candy, and an Ampharos. Please tell me how changing 1/20 of your deck drastically changes your consistency.
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