Rise of Ampharos?

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I think ampharos' biggest enemy will be serperios w/ ability since they cancel each other out, rendering all of that work from both players useless haha.

but I must say, I playtested ampharos as a 1-0-1 line in my reshiram deck, and mid- and late-game it helps out tremendously. I don't even think about it until after I'm completely set up like I normally would with my resh deck (1 active resh, and on the bench have 1 emboar, 1 backup resh and 2 ninetales) and then spend my extra time after that getting ampharos out. it's just that little bit of added damage that makes the opponent's ability to scramble impossible. it's especially nice against mirror decks and zekrom. I had my doubts but now if I play without ampharos and blue flare doesn't kill zekrom, I get so annoyed and wish I had ampharos again haha

and with the pidgeot/ampharos deck, I agree that would be awesome, but yeah....veeeery long games. could be a cool idea of having them two in a zekrom deck...ampharos tech, and make their attack higher with emboar and feraligatr decks causing them that extra damage and OHKO by using pidgeot free retreat to zekrom. hmmm.....I wonder how that could be possible. so many interesting combinations with ampharos.
Does anyone else think that Ampharos prime, Mandibuzz and Pidgeot would be good in a deck all together?
hmmm. 4 lost remover so if they put on the DCE to fix the +2 energy cost from pidgeot you can remove it next turn to keep them from cheating :p. this is an evil deck
I built a sort of Toolbox-y build for Ampharos and posted my thought process in State of the Game. It still functions more as a back-up and lets the techs do the work, but I have to say Ampharos does have a pretty viable late game presence and it can AT LEAST hold its own against top threats.
ive teched a 1-0-1 in all my decks and run it...and...its amazing. it puts those 1-3 damage counters you always miss. you know when you face someone and you are just 30 damage from the win but they still win? ampharos is your answer.
^It will be great in July/September. I know what you mean about being just off defeating them. Thing is, though, there's the problem of them being prizes, so they need to be used alongside Azelf or Rotom/Alph 4.
^but im running magnezone. SO it doesnt really matter if its prized because i can just OHKO it anyway. but it does help me in less energy burning. instead of burning 3 energy for a poke with 110 HP ampharos brings it down to 100 for i only have to burn 2.

i guess it realy depends on the deck. reshiram has 130...if you are doing 120 its frustrating. if its prized just do a rotom...not alph. you will do it enough that you will get the ampharos eventually and it wont be to much of a problem
Huh, that's an idea. ANd it has the type advantage. I might actually need to test this.

Not as a 1-1-1 though, that's not consistent enough for this format, and might often be not possible with the loss of Azelf. I might try it as a main attacker or something, or at least a 2-2-2.
Ampharos Prime won't work cause Serperior and Reuniclus shuts it down with their Abilities, next set they can Pokemon Catcher your Benched Ampharos Prime and Donk it with Donphan Prime using Earthquake. It's mainly going to be good against Reshiram/Emboar at best, though it might make for a decent BlastiGatr counter unless you're too lazy to run Lost Removers.

Ampharos Prime's not nearly as consistent as it was in DP-On with Claydol GE and Garchomp SV (Non-SP with Dragon Intimidation) and a Nidoqueen RR tech. Now that deck which I used to play was amazing, one game I ran Exploud SV over Ampharos Prime and it was pretty good. If only the next format was RR-On I would've ran Garchomp SV with Excadrill next set but bad stuff happens.
rotation.. Love it. I just saw that uxie X is now under $20. :p

and ampharos is a tech against emboar/feraligatr and their energy acceleration. And serperior doesn't completely shut it down since if the pokemon is already damaged, then it still places a counter per energy that would otherwise not be there. It can and will always be best for the situations where you were just 10 damage away from a KO.

and it's a tech.. If you see phanpy, don't put mareep on your bench. Dump them with junk arm or something. You're comment is assuming that people don't keep pokemon in their hands until they're useful and just fill their bench.
Card Slinger J said:
Ampharos Prime won't work cause Serperior and Reuniclus shuts it down with their Abilities, next set they can Pokemon Catcher your Benched Ampharos Prime and Donk it with Donphan Prime using Earthquake. It's mainly going to be good against Reshiram/Emboar at best, though it might make for a decent BlastiGatr counter unless you're too lazy to run Lost Removers.

Ampharos Prime's not nearly as consistent as it was in DP-On with Claydol GE and Garchomp SV (Non-SP with Dragon Intimidation) and a Nidoqueen RR tech. Now that deck which I used to play was amazing, one game I ran Exploud SV over Ampharos Prime and it was pretty good. If only the next format was RR-On I would've ran Garchomp SV with Excadrill next set but bad stuff happens.

yaaaaa....as i said. it wouldnt be the end of the game if ampharos was lost...it would just make those stupid 10 damage left times come back. lets take somthing like reshiram. you may have serperior on the bench BUT 1 you are doing 20 to yourself because of energy replace then you heal 10. 2 im attacking you sir, boom your down to 20. oh but you heal 10 so you have 30. then you attach energy and you are at 10. them my turn KO. that is an extra 20 on reshiram in 2 turns. how about blastgatr. sure you can just put energy on the bench then move it up but regardless somthing is getting damaged. and as you said... catcher, bring up your poke you have been damaging on the bench. easy KO
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