Rising Rivals Box Break Psychic?

red blastoise said:
vilebaseball said:
Lunar Wing said:
afstandopleren said:
Lunar Wing said:
Thanks. And can you make sure to post the serial number with what you pull (e.g. "serial number", Fan Rotom)?
And everyone else make sure you help my friends and I out by posting the serial numbers for the super rares you pull.

? You mean the number on the packs I pulled the SRs from? Sorry if I'm a bit dense. Hayfever + early morning aren't very good for my brain's thinking capacity.

There should be a bar code on each and every individual pack (I'm pretty sure) and under that bar code are numbers. I'd like if you could post the numbers of the pack that contained some sort of super rare (Lv.X ,Secret Rare, Rotom card) and what that pack contained rare wise.

I'm sure that the bar codes from pack to pack and box to box are the same. That's why stores can scan only one pack when ringing you up (even when the box you're buying has all new packs), the same number registers. He likely bought a case, noted where they were, and tried the same pattern on the second.

how do you explain he made 3 videos, multiple cases maybe?

No, you buy a case, you get 6 booster boxes. Take booster box one, left side, "pack 4, 6, 7 hold X, X, and X". Repeat 5 times. Set up camera, record next box, cross fingers pattern holds, if not don't post.
Lunar Wing said:
How in the world does he do that? Some friends and I figure that it's the bar code, so we're trying to figure it out. If anyone pulls anything like a Lv.X, a secret rare, or a Rotom card please post here the serial code of the pack.

vid owner said:
All 12 boxes he opened had the same barcode on but the 'hits' weren't always in the same pack position...ie...not always the 8th pack on the left or whatever.

I think that pretty much isn't part of the secret. But maybe it is but not in a 'That number stands for that and that pack that contain the RS's' kind of way.
Got the Box now. the product code(s) are 20-12510-11490. The number under the barcode is 20650 11490. Let's see what I found.
Did anyone consider he might of weighed the packs? Usually Lv X packs are 3-4 g heavier whilst a holo is about 2-3g and maybe rotoms weigh more than the RH ?
You can't weight them if you aren't weighting them like the guy in the vids. So that a no atm. EDIT: I can't discover anything visually so I don't think that it's all about looking at the packs.
EDIT2: OKay, I give up. Anyone got any suggestions?
When they go through the box they seem to split it in half and pick two boosters which have one booster between them and say its the card

In my opinion there must be something on the sides which indicate the type of card within when I get my one I will check
cool tho could you be a bit more specific? You can test your theory with my box so you know if it's true or not. I wanted to weigh them but the weighing thing isn't accurate.... (50 gram boosterpacks FTW!)
I am thinking that there is a one booster gap between 2 lv X/Rotom or reprint, so I am saying look at the side of your boosters and try and find something different like a line or something

I have to wait and get my booster box in July lol
Okay. I'll post my findings.

I'm am opening the boosters starting with the left row front pack first then the 1 behind it yadayadayada.

First pack on the left had a PICKACHU (Surf)!
8th pack contained a Gallade LV.X!
NOTE: Both those 2 packages had a Shellos east sea as first common. Don't know if it means something but it sure is odd to me.
12th pack contains Mowtom. There is no Shelllos East Sea on this 1 so maybe there is no connection to the first common in the pack.
19th Pack contained Flying Pika!(First of second row.) I got 2 now, 1 from pre and 1 from box.
26th pack contained Floatzel GL LV.X.
30th pack contains mah second.....Charon's Choice.... >_> ~.~ How on earth can I get rid of them?

And that's all folks. This does prove your theory to be wrong, Kashmaster. =/ And I have nice pulls. 2 of each SR!
Actually, I think I did. When looking at the sides, I noticed most packs have on the lower side, some 'dent' that is hard to spot. Atleast 4 packs that had the SRs had NO dent or atleast no a very detectable one. But it might just be me. Without a second box to confirm it, I can't really say if this is it.
Yeah but I will do the same in July if I remember and this thread is still alive and post them, I might make a video
I've noticed that in the Video, all the rare cards are in Leafeon and Houndoom Packs. (I studied the video closely).

After studying the video, these are my findings.

1st Box he takes two packs, which we can't see. The pictures on these are:

a Houndoom - with a Rotom
a Leafeon - with the Lv X

2nd Box - left side:

3rd Houndoom pack - Rotom
4th Houndoom pack - Lv X


2nd Lefeon Pack - Pikachu
3rd Leafeon Pack - Rotom
4th Leafeon Pack - Lv X

3rd Box - Left:

4th Houndoom - Rotom
5th Leafeon - Lv X


3rd Houndoom - Pikachu
4th Leafeon - Rotom
5th Houndoom - Lv X

I hope this helps people.
ESP said:
You should have taken a picture of the "dent".

I don't own a camera nor do I own a cell that can take pics. However, I still have 2 unopened packs that have it. I'll see if I can lone my stepdad's cam and upload a pic of it.

Garchomp said:
I've noticed that in the Video, all the rare cards are in Leafeon and Houndoom Packs. (I studied the video closely).

After studying the video, these are my findings.

1st Box he takes two packs, which we can't see. The pictures on these are:

a Houndoom - with a Rotom
a Leafeon - with the Lv X

2nd Box - left side:

3rd Houndoom pack - Rotom
4th Houndoom pack - Lv X


2nd Lefeon Pack - Pikachu
3rd Leafeon Pack - Rotom
4th Leafeon Pack - Lv X

3rd Box - Left:

4th Houndoom - Rotom
5th Leafeon - Lv X


3rd Houndoom - Pikachu
4th Leafeon - Rotom
5th Houndoom - Lv X

I hope this helps people.

The packs that contain LV.Xand such, are NOT bound to the picture on the pack. In fact, 3 of my SR pulls were from Rotom packs.

ugh, I am having an extremely hard time taking a good pic of it.

Notice in the vids that the guy always looks on the right side of the picture on the package? I did the same and noticed that some packs have a smaller dent then the rest or no dent at all. From these packs I pulled atleast 4 of my SRs. Coincidance? I don't know but it's something to look out for. Please help confirm it or bust this myth.

Dent on the RIGHT side
Can you spot it on the lower side of the pack?
afstandopleren said:
Okay. I'll post my findings.

I'm am opening the boosters starting with the left row front pack first then the 1 behind it yadayadayada.

First pack on the left had a PICKACHU (Surf)!
8th pack contained a Gallade LV.X!
NOTE: Both those 2 packages had a Shellos east sea as first common. Don't know if it means something but it sure is odd to me.
12th pack contains Mowtom. There is no Shelllos East Sea on this 1 so maybe there is no connection to the first common in the pack.
19th Pack contained Flying Pika!(First of second row.) I got 2 now, 1 from pre and 1 from box.
26th pack contained Floatzel GL LV.X.
30th pack contains mah second...Charon's Choice.... >_> ~.~ How on earth can I get rid of them?

And that's all folks. This does prove your theory to be wrong, Kashmaster. =/ And I have nice pulls. 2 of each SR!

What I just saw was that the pulls were from the 1st, 8th, and 12th pack from each row. I also noticed that the 1st pack of each row was a Pikachu, the 8th pack of each row was a Lv.X, and that the 12th pack of each row was a Rotom card. This is very interesting isn't it?
I also think that the product code and the number underneath the barcode might determine the left side and the right side, but I have no idea so far on how. If we could get the information of at least 1-2 more boxes we might be able to see if there's an actual connection.
wel, there were numbers on the packs on the right and on the left of the barcode on the packs. Don't know if it is related, but on the left there was number 8 and on the right there was number 9. And yes, they were all on the same row. But I was maybe lucky getting 2 of each. =/

But does the Dent thing help?
i think i see it, i will look out for it on friday, when i'm going to buy a booster, i'll also look out for it in my box

EDIT: forgot to upload an image, making the dent easier to spot.


  • DentontheRIGHTside.jpg
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What do you mean there were numbers on the left and right of the barcode? If you could either be more descriptive or show us a picture that would be helpful.
wel, every pack has the same numbers as on the box but there are 2 more. 1 digit on each side of the barcode. I can't make a pic of it as the cam from my stepdad needs to be recharged first (He's very picky when it comes to digital stuff).