Rising Rivals Box Break Psychic?

Serial codes might not be that helpful. AND TO EVERYONE: I have just busted my Dent theory. It was just a coincidence that the packs in my Box that contained the good stuff had no dents as opposed the the rest.

Just keep in mind where the locations are. Despite that they differ per box, it's the only way you can increase your chances of getting the good stuff.

Also, why does the guy from the vid not share his little secret? If it's a secret at all. Sure, we can all have a hit and miss prediction but I think the locations ARE the secret. Mind you, he had 12 Boxes to open, so it was easy for him to figure what the locations are in the boxes.

red blastoise said:
opened it, got a complete playset of flygon
and I forgot to look at the packs, lunar wing, do you still need serial codes?

my pulls:
1 flygon X
1 mismagius gl lv. X
1 wash rotom
1 frost rotom
1 flying pikachu

I'm pretty happy, exept id didn't pull infernape 4 lv. x or gallade 4 lv. X

It would be great if you also mention what the location was like I did. I'm about 99% sure that the Pikachu was in the front left pack.
I think the only feasable explanation is some sort of way the packet is designed to tell us what rare it is and what the name of the card is. Also I think they should keep it secret as if we find out we could go to any shop and get all the lv X pack and rotom packs
WELL DUH, we could save all those valuable cards from little kids that aren't very careful with it when they put them in their pants and while saving money on singles. CHEAP LV.X'S FOR EVERYONE ITS A TOTAL what word fits here?
I think I have cracked it, watch how the boosters are arranged, like they should go houndoom/ leafeon/ rotom and so on but when they find there card it seems to break this rule and then there is a one booster space between the rotom and lv X and the sam applys for the right hand side but with the pikachu. Everybody watch the video carefully and see if you can find something wierd
I feel stupid now. I just watched the videos again and found out that I was wrong. The packs do have a picture pattern but it has nothing to do with the LV.X and Rotoms. :(

But here is what I posted anyway if you were intrested.

Yes I confirm this. The boxs in both videos on the left side go in this order:


Eventually you get to 2 packs that when removed make it go in this order 4 times. But the Pikachu pack still fits this exact order so we can't predict where it will be using this method. I'm going to try this on my box which I hope gets here tomorrow.

I think this is very cool. However it does not account for the fact he knew which lv.x he would pull.
I'm getting a bit tired of this video watching so I quit. And so what if most boxes have the rares 1 pack in between? it doesn't help break the code as in the third vid, there is no indication in terms of pack art what he gets. I wonder when this obnoxious thread dies.
Maybe it uses the Rotom packs as the indicator. He never opened a Rotom pack in the 3 videos so maybe it has to do with the position of the Rotom packs in each box?
I got my LV.X and a Pikachu in a Rotom pack, so I really believe that the images have completely nothing to do with it.

Again, why can't he spoil the stupid secret? It would change the OP for the better IMHO since everyone can get rare cards easily without having to buy Japanese ones or spend 20 bucks on a single card.
afstandopleren said:
I have just busted my Dent theory. It was just a coincidence that the packs in my Box that contained the good stuff had no dents as opposed the the rest.

Yeah. I went to the store and got 2 non-dented packs and no SR or Lv.X, trusting what you said... At least I got 2 holos though :)
Listen everyone,

the code is left side: When the pattern of the booster houndoom/rotom/leafeon/scizor breaks that pack is the one with rotom and the one after the next is the lv X

For the Right it is the same as left but the pikachu is 3 packs before the rotom insert check for your self
kashmaster said:
Listen everyone,

the code is left side: When the pattern of the booster houndoom/rotom/leafeon/scizor breaks that pack is the one with rotom and the one after the next is the lv X

For the Right it is the same as left but the pikachu is 3 packs before the rotom insert check for your self

just checked that with my box, and your right.
It doesnt matter about that lol, I am just saying that the pattern of the packs has to it has to be 4 different in packs in a line

red blastoise said:
kashmaster said:
Listen everyone,

the code is left side: When the pattern of the booster houndoom/rotom/leafeon/scizor breaks that pack is the one with rotom and the one after the next is the lv X

For the Right it is the same as left but the pikachu is 3 packs before the rotom insert check for your self

just checked that with my box, and your right.

Thanks for your input now we need one more person to vouch for this then I was right for once :D

I watched the video which was filmed totally bogus, i mean the packs, card and his hands go off camera more time then they are on it! to make any proof of this he should have:

Had a fully shrink rapped box that he opened on camera and then from there done his little "trick" to get the rare pack still with EVERYTHING never leaving the veiwers sight but still this is impossible to make totally legit because of the use of video editing. Oh and who the heck knows if they packs were really sealed? i'm sure most of you have herd about super glue or other adhesives, how hard would it be to fool anybody on a home made video camera? not hard at all. i won't say that there isn't a way to find the rare packs but why the heck would Pokemon USA want to keep track? i mean once the packs are bought their job is complete, they've done what they set out to do, sell a product. why would they have a need to know what pack contained what? If they really cared that way about the packs then why wouldn't they just stop making packs and only sell the single cards?

All in all the video seem totally whack! i mean he could have at least made a convincing video.....
my buddy Mike and I did this a long time ago with the base set. We opened them slightly at the top, pulled cards one by one halfway outta the wrapper, then looked at them and resealed the ones that sucked using this slimy goo stuff he found. We ALWAYS got the best cards at Walmart....lol. That's why cards are now located at the store front.
These guys more than likely did the same.
Also some more info is that the packs in each half have the same booster pack design so for example rotom is in a leafeon pack and then lv X must be too.

We now know that when you see the same pack design with a booster pack in between, it also has to be the first one as it sometimes happens twice on the same half. Those two packs should have the secrets.

Also the pikachu is also in the same pack design
I got a box and remember the very first pack on the right side had a Rotom in it.
This guy is taking them all from the backs.
My serial was 20-12510-11490
My serial 20-12510-11490
Taylor's serial 20-12510-11490

HEY! =O Are you sure you didn't copy it from my post? I already thought I recognized the number.