Rising Rivals Box Break Psychic?

Might be ... I just assumed people cause getting machines to do that would need a large initial investment, but it is possible.
its nintendo, gamefreak. offcourse they got money xD And the booster packs are packed in certain order, why would they be houndoom, leafeon, rotom and scizor in a row for? i mean, offcourse there is a pattern, but we are not sure WHERE yet. but probably the order is the pattern.
I might be getting a box soon.. I'll post back when i get one. I do believe there is a order though, all this identical pack pulls is just to unlikely.
I think it's the dent on the edge. I've looked at older sets and some of them have dents too, but I'm not going to test it at this moment.
Yeah, didn't work. 10 packs all Houndoom and Leafeon. Only pulled Surfing Pikachu. All had dents too. Busted. ;[

dmaster out.
I seriously doubt there's a pattern. After opening almost 20 boxes this season, I've seen no pattern. My 2 RR boxes yielded completely differing results. No specific placement of the X's, and no specific pack that carried the X's. PUI/TPCi is smarter than that, and if there were some kind of pattern, it will be fixed REAL quick.
ive seen several videos actually( i dont say youre wrong. or anyone!) and all of them had the pattern i found. i am excited to get my box and see if my theory is true. hhmmmmm

Stay updated on my youtube site and i will upload a video soon when i try this trick.
Could you just tell us your theory so that others can try it out? (That way, we can have more trials)
I am sure it is true, well because he did it at my house, because he is my friend in real life, Jeff takes me to tourney's :D
I have been looking carefully at the videos on youtube and found this on the two videos with visible stacks of packs. The "Secret" seems to rely on the packs on the left side.
L=Lefeon R=Rotom H=Houndoom S=Scizor BOLD=X,Pika or Rotom
Box 1 (left)

Box 2 (left)

After the first one the second one is 2 away. Now put the stacks together. The next is 12 away. The next is 4. The last is 2. So the "secret lies on the first pack on the left side. Any ideas on how to figure out which one?
well what i have noticed from your diagram is that:

In both boxes on the left side the 4th houndoom pack had a X,Pika or Rotom

In both boxes on the right side the 4th leafeon pack had a X,Pika or Rotom
Fake, cause you can't see when he's opening the pack, maybe a friend gives him the Alakazam Lv.X in his hand >__>
If there is a pattern AT ALL, then it is within cases, as this guy bought several RR cases. He probably opened 1 box of the case, then opened the next box that has the same pattern. There's no way to tell, although he does often use Leafeon packs.
I think I cracked the code. I opened four boxes and found this too work out. It depends on which pack is on top. The fourth one of the at pack in both stacks has been the level X on the left and the rotom on the right. Then on the left side if you want the Rotom you go two packs up. On the right if you want the X you go two down. If you want the pika then you go four from the right Rotom. Has worked on four out of four random boxes. Now I am looking for a pattern in the Level X pulls.
Wow that is cool, I am definitly going to try that when I get my box. Also those people open many boxes, just because they got one lv X right doesn't mean that there is a code
Lol, Jeff told me about this thread yesterday. He's the one in the video's. Me, Pokeman, and him already found the trick and everything.
Anyone know the code to getting a Flygon LV.X?
Also I have to admit this is one of the coolest threads I've seen. Was there something like this for other sets?