Rising Rivals Box Break Psychic?

kashmaster said:
This only happened in one box it didn't happen in the others :(

Actually, it is ONLY in this box breaking where we get a clear, visible view of the bottom end of the left hand side of the booster box packets whilst he is selecting. In other box breakings - we do not get this.

He has possibly forgotten about the "fold" in this box breaking, foolishly. Which is more evidence for the fact that he tries to hide the "fold" and thus, does not want us to know about it.
kashmaster said:
How do you know that he uses the folds again in the other boxes if it obstructed from view?
I don't know that, but what I'm saying is that that one time he slips and we see that noticable "fold" and in other times when he deals with the left hand side booster box packets - he firmly holds them down so we can't see, look:

kashmaster said:
Trust me it isn't the packets but in fact the order the packs are in

What evidence is there for the order? If there was an order - there would be different barcodes or numbers or whatever for every box, but as we know this is not the case. Every box has identical barcodes, ask afstandopleren yourself.

There is lots of evidence to back up my theory, so far no one has come out with something which puts it down. Even afstandopleren noticed something to do with the "fold" in his very own booster box, but unfortunatly then no one has an inkling for the "fold".
Yeah, about this- 2 people at league pulled Lv.X's out of Scizor packs yesterday.

It dosen't work people- not with every box.
M!ster GrassDark said:
kashmaster said:
Trust me it isn't the packets but in fact the order the packs are in

What evidence is there for the order? If there was an order - there would be different barcodes or numbers or whatever for every box, but as we know this is not the case. Every box has identical barcodes, ask afstandopleren yourself.

There is lots of evidence to back up my theory, so far no one has come out with something which puts it down. Even afstandopleren noticed something to do with the "fold" in his very own booster box, but unfortunatly then no one has an inkling for the "fold".

Well if you read through the thread you will see lots of evidence backing up my theory whilst I controdict yours. It does not work as I had the same idea like 2 weeks ago and it didn't work so...
kashmaster said:
Well if you read through the thread you will see lots of evidence backing up my theory whilst I controdict yours. It does not work as I had the same idea like 2 weeks ago and it didn't work so...

Care to share some of this "evidence"? I'm sure I can prove the evidence to be wrong. Why didn't your attempt work? I'm sure you're lying.
kashmaster said:
Urm first stop making false accusation and go through the thread and read my post!

Why should I? I will only learn the same thing - there is no code which hints where the rares are as all the number combinations are identical in every Rising Rivals booster box. Having said that, prove me wrong and tell me something I don't know.
When did I propose that the coding was the hint on how the rares are revealed. So I suggest again you re-read my post(s). Also I can say with the utmost confidence that your thoery doesn't work as I tried it with my booster box and it never worked. That is when I was naive enought to believe it until I realised the patterns were the key
This is all talk - sure, anyone can say that the patterns are the key but HOW? Give me atleast one piece of evidence and I will warm to it. And I'm not looking back through this thread - it's over eleven pages long!
No idea if this is any help at all, but...
Yesterday I opened one box and a half (I don't know which half the half was, either right or left.)
From the half, the first pack contained a Pika and about halfway through (nr 10 I think?) I pulled the X. There was also a Rotom near the end, I'd say 13th.
From the box, there was one X near the 10th pack on the left side, and the other near the 7th on the left side. I don't clearly remember.
Next time somebody gets a box, can they note down the order of the booster arts (Houndoom, Scizor, Leafeon or Rotom) in each side, as well as the exact position of the rare cards (Lv.Xes, Rotoms, Pikachus, and maybe even normal holo cards)? For example, here's the order for the boxes opened in the two videos:
Box 1 left side: hslrhslrhshslrhslr
Box 1 right side: lrhslrhslrlrhslrhs
Box 2 left side: hslrhslrhslslrhslr
Box 2 right side: lrhslrhslrhrhslrhs
The order of the packs are exactly the same for each and every pack. So it can't be the art of the pack or the order the packs are in because they are all the same.
Lunar Wing said:
The order of the packs are exactly the same for each and every pack. So it can't be the art of the pack or the order the packs are in because they are all the same.

Really? Well, this clearly proves kashmaster's much argued theory wrong. I thought the order would be exactly the same in each booster box, just like the barcode.

This means my theory of the "fold" is still open for debate :p.
M!ster GrassDark, I don't think that's it. (Sorry for my skepticism). Maybe it was just pressed down in the box or by the Box Breaker. It's a possibility.