Rogue decks Help! Topic Garchomp SV

Best rogue deck idea so far. (these have been by favorites so far.)

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RE: Rogue decks Help!

kwisdumb said:
Torterra UL with the Lv. X maybe? That brings tanking and healing. :)

Something like that w/ Flygon RR won German Nats, so it's probably pretty good. You just have to watch for Charizard and Blaziken FB.
RE: Rogue decks Help!

Ya, I thought of that to I just feel that 3-4 energies and a stage 3-4 (with LV X) feels too much. However if anyone knows a decklist for Torterra UL I would appereceate it.
RE: Rogue decks Help!

Grinning_Gengar said:
Healing tank huh?
Try Bastiodon PL. With an Expert belt he has 150 hp, and heals 10 every turn. He does 50 damage and with a good coin flip can not be damaged or effected by attacks, or he can do 100 and take 30 on him self but that is reduced by special metals and he heals off the damage anyway.

Only issue is fire weakness but that is still only +30, everything else is going to have a hard time with him especially Psy types with his resistance.

Cool just read. Great idea will definetly concider. The only problem I have with fosils is their trainers, but still good.
RE: Rogue decks Help!

well there's ton's of very effective rouge's, a few of which are getting nerfed by rotation but a few that still work.I'm only mentioning personal fav's so the first one i want to mention is blissey (I originally heard this idea from Mr Ferrari), using blissey MT for synergy and as a mainline attacker and using either prime or platinum for healing support, it may be a slower deck to use but it has it's benefit's. metagross, it has seen use's as a useful rouge deck in a few tourny's and might be seeing even more use once the RL version come's out. A new fav of mine leafeon from metagross vs leafeon expert deck. Impressive Wind seems like it can have alternative use's in leafeon lv. X deck's and or in other eeveon deck's (i can see this being released with undaunted). my current fav toxicroak AR, it's fast to play and fast to use (if you stack your deck full of energy and Pokémon search cards you should be fine) deals fast t2 dmg and has seen some action in very few regional's (so I hear). and lastly omastar AR/MD (oh yeah MD-on), if you have issue's with fossil cards then get excavator, it usually run's additional fossil cards like aerodactyl or one of my all time fav pokemon kabutop's (there's multiple deck's you can run from fossil cards). cya
RE: Rogue decks Help!

Thanks varit! and thanks to all I will be testing all ideas now that schools out. Whoo!
RE: Rogue decks Help!

Lol I just played my bro and dad the bastidon pwnd! I am sorry to say that I will not be testing any more grass ideas. Sorry I am just tired of grass the last like 5 grass ideas I tested didn't work (and I am tired of it) but you can still suggest. Thanks!
RE: Rogue decks Help!

Giratina could make a decent deck of its own, maybe with gengar X or gallade 4.
RE: Rogue decks Help!

I was thinking to pair it with Jirachi UL. Is there any good energy accel. that would go well with it?
RE: Rogue decks Help!

Jirachi UL himself is the only Psychic energy acceleration, works alongside Mismagius UL.

Fun card: Steelix Prime with Blissey (PT) and Pokehealers and Moomoo Milk. If you want a tank, there's your bloke.
RE: Rogue decks Help!

lol yeah just a bunch of healing trainers. Pokehealers, moomoos, potions, nidoqueen, lopunny and blissey.
RE: Rogue decks Help!

A cool rouge deck that I like is the fossil deck. Using a mixture of the fossils from AR and MD.
RE: Rogue decks Help!

Ok sorry for the inactivity with the grandparents in town I've been out a lot, but I've been brainstorming and could Dusknoir deck be viable? I was thinking of useing the dusknior SF1 for draw and the dusknoir SF17 to attack. I also thought of an Amperous prime dusknoir deck. The stratigy is to swarm the Amps. on T1 and get dusknoir 17 active and punish them for energy. So what do you think?
RE: Rogue decks Help!

The Wii Man1234 said:
Anyone have an idea to go with Giratina LV X?

There's an article I saw on PokeGym. It had Giratina, a Luxray tech, and a bunch of other ones. Seemed like an alright deck that apparently rapes Gyarados (which I'd believe lol).

dmaster out.
RE: Rogue decks Help!

Thanks Dmaster I will check it out.
Edit: Just read I had the same idea a couple months back when I still was in the rs tourny but I can't aford a Luxray LV X! Like I said before they're like $85-100!!!
RE: Rogue decks Help!

gyarados. It can function without luxray, just just blissy prime instead
RE: Rogue decks Help!

I just play tested my Dusknior idea and it worked well I really like it! Any ways anyone have a sugestion for somthing to go with a Hippowdon LV X to cover its weakness?
RE: Rogue decks Help! (poll added)

fire rouge's... infernape going 4-3-4 (x2 Infernape SF/x1 infernape PT/infernape LV.X) 2-2 (Infernape 4 LV.X) with a 2-2 Blaziken 4 LV.X, typhlosion, raikou&entei just to name a few. cya