
which roation do you like more for next season?

  • DP-on

    Votes: 28 41.8%
  • SW-on

    Votes: 10 14.9%
  • GE-on

    Votes: 12 17.9%
  • MD-on

    Votes: 17 25.4%

  • Total voters
Guys, if they've rotated out before, that means there's always been a limited number of cards to use. Personally, I see no reason to change what's been going on for years.

dmaster out.
There will definatly be a rotation, think about it, we still have POP sets which provide Rare Candy and Rosanne's Research, All of the decent stuff is Majestic Dawn onwards with all the good stuff being saved by POP sets and reprints.

I would Like it to be GE-On

It will be MD-On
if they rotate GE out, the meta will fail, just because machamp can run rampage with all new SP pokemon around.
they won't have ANY protection left.
which is why they will leave GE in the format.
do you think shaymin was released later because of the 11th movie??? WRONG nintendo made sure dialga G X was released at the same time because shaymin would run rampage otherwise.
red blastoise said:
if they rotate GE out, the meta will fail, just because machamp can run rampage with all new SP pokemon around.
they won't have ANY protection left.
which is why they will leave GE in the format.
do you think shaymin was released later because of the 11th movie??? WRONG nintendo made sure dialga G X was released at the same time because shaymin would run rampage otherwise.

and nothing to do with the fact that dialga was in the movie to
red blastoise said:
if they rotate GE out, the meta will fail, just because machamp can run rampage with all new SP pokemon around.
they won't have ANY protection left.

This doesn't sound so bad. I mean, otherwise it looks like decks will become mostly SP anyways.

I'd call it a little balance preventing everyone from just going SP.
Rare Candy was in POP 8 IIRC. Along with Roseanne's. And Bebe's coming in the next set. Honestly, I see no reason to leave DP-on for the Trainers. Maybe for a select few Pokemon, but Trainers won't be a problem.

dmaster out.
I think it will most likely be either DP-on or SW-on. Here's why.

1.) Cards such as Rhyperior, Froslass, and Porygon-Z will lack previous evolutions until they're put into new sets.

2.)SW, GE, MD, and LA are all linked. SW, GE, and MD all have cards from Japan's DP3, and DP4, and MD has Porygon-Z lv X which is in Japan's DP5 or our LA. (confusing ain't it.) Meaning they'd have to be banned (LA may be disregarded.

2/a.) Before anyone says 'who cares about Japanese sets,' previous rotations have shown that Pokemon does care

3.) We have yet to see the Garchomp lv X promo. (This one may be less likely evidence)

This is how I figure it anyway.
Mew the source of all said:
1.) Cards such as Rhyperior, Froslass, and Porygon-Z will lack previous evolutions until they're put into new sets.

Well, a new Rhyperior line is going to be in PotF, which comes out very soon after Worlds anyway, before other tournaments. Idk about the others though.
another thing i've noticeed is everyone want to keep there precious unown G we might be loosing it soon how often has it been stated with the last 2 sets "it has a built in unown G" zangoose and toxicraok G might be harbouring its downfall with self protecting pokemon
I like Zangoose, its fun to use. Rotation is a touchy issue I think. Different people have different reasons for not wanting rotation, I for one am all for it, I think it proivdes a good source of variation and new ways of learning.

I know its money down the drain. But look at it this way. Petrol in a car, i know its not quite the same, but, we put petrol in, use it, and then have to put more in, so in essence it is similar. (bad metaphor, I know) But that doesnt mean we should make a fuss or get too wound up about it, at the end of the day rotation is part of every day life.
Emerald. said:
I like Zangoose, its fun to use. Rotation is a touchy issue I think. Different people have different reasons for not wanting rotation, I for one am all for it, I think it proivdes a good source of variation and new ways of learning.
Except that this time it won't cause variation. Every set has been better than the last, people barely still use the older sets, except for some very essential cards (cards like Claydol, Togekiss, Unown G, Weavile, ...). If we were to remove these, I think A LOT of decks which currently have a shot at winning at least sometimes will now be completely unplayable.
New cards, like the new Porgon-Z promo, will also be unplayable after a possible rotation.
Rotation now would only bring staleness and less variation, last year, however, it moved Plox out of the way and allowed the format to blossom, but because of the lack of a truly dominant deck at the moment, I think the format's fine the way it is and will be. Rotation would only make it worse.
Heavenly Spoon :F said:
Emerald. said:
I like Zangoose, its fun to use. Rotation is a touchy issue I think. Different people have different reasons for not wanting rotation, I for one am all for it, I think it proivdes a good source of variation and new ways of learning.
Except that this time it won't cause variation. Every set has been better than the last, people barely still use the older sets, except for some very essential cards (cards like Claydol, Togekiss, Unown G, Weavile, ...). If we were to remove these, I think A LOT of decks which currently have a shot at winning at least sometimes will now be completely unplayable.
New cards, like the new Porgon-Z promo, will also be unplayable after a possible rotation.
Rotation now would only bring staleness and less variation, last year, however, it moved Plox out of the way and allowed the format to blossom, but because of the lack of a truly dominant deck at the moment, I think the format's fine the way it is and will be. Rotation would only make it worse.

the rotation would kill alot of decks i know but even opposing decks would suffer it seems that everyones only seeing that they'll be hit not how the prospective opponents will be, i'm doing fine without claydolor unown G sure they'd help but i don't want to have to depend on staples
Every deck would be the same regardless. If one goes, they all go, and we still won't have a dominant deck. Besides SP of course, they're going to be everywhere.

dmaster out.
Fix the metagame by adding new cards, not getting rid of old ones. Oh! Youre SP pokemon is evolved thanks to that special stadium. I guess my machamp cant win instantly then. Pokemon needs to make cards that promote creative strategy, not archetypes. Imagine if you did not know what kind of deck your oppenent was using after the first three turns. That would be way cool. I also think that they need to slow down the game. Uxie and Claydol and SP pokemon make any non-T2 deck hard to play. It is also ashame that now instead of needing rare ex cards to win at a tournament, you now need LVX cards. It is the same thing where you cant use as many and has a different name. Today's decks can run on only having one copie of their essential card (Thanks to Azelf and BeBe) I hope that dialga and dusknoir go downhill and all decks are unique.
Well, I believe it may be MD-on. The loss of Unown G just brings out Toxicroak G even more, and that could possibly destroy Machamp. As Toxicroak G goes out, more and more players would be trying to make even more fast Psychic decks to both counter and destroy Toxitank's amazing speed. I mean, look at Drifblim FB! He can really damage Toxitank! And that can bring out Dialga G more. Machamp will surely lose some play, due to the loss of Claydol and the rise of many new decks being able to come back out through this loss. And for Claydol, PotF will have a Dodrio who may not be able to do much, but can get the job done. And of course, we can't forget about Porygon-Z and Froslass. Surely, PUSA will reprint them. I wouldn't worry so much.
d master342 said:
Every deck would be the same regardless. If one goes, they all go, and we still won't have a dominant deck. Besides SP of course, they're going to be everywhere.

dmaster out.

we would have a dominant deck, machamp SF, it KOs all SP exept toxicroak, (hurricrane punch/rage anyone?) or a random pokeblower, warp point, it will be dominant if unown godmode goes.
Toxicroak won't be the only deck though. It will be teched in every deck. Doesn't sound that bad to me, most SP decks have it teched for SP now. What's the difference?

dmaster out.