Salamence ex PK - discuss

Analysis?? Where was this memo? Not to mention, 160 hp+retailate basic=good chance of memory berry for a costless 1-shot. Obviously, it wouldn't be used as a main hitter (unless you want to focus on the 2nd attack more), but I see this being used in spread damage decks and as back-up hitter for sallygross.
Did you even read the thread? Some analysis was definitely provided. In fact, I believe that even you yourself made a post that provided some, so I don't see where you can get the idea that none was provided
^Seriously? Obviously, at first glace, it seems really overpriced and has not quick attack. But, obviously, its not built for that situation (which I initually thought it was). So, I will have to retract my previous statement and say that is a decent/above average clean up hitter.
Ah, that makes a lot more sense. I understand your position now.
However, I still think everyone is overhyping this card (which is what I meant by my first post, in case you didn't catch that). Once again, the analysis for this is already provided so I don't think it is necessary for me to repost it.
Well, any ex can easily be overhyped...but obviously we'll have to wait and see if it'll actually have any impact in the metagame at states, now won't we?
States is too soon, you wont see it...Battle Road and Regionals..THATS were it will be proven...That this card isnt as good as you think it is...

Best Combo
Salamence EX PK
Alteria EX D
Omastar PK

States is too soon, you wont see it...Battle Road and Regionals..THATS were it will be proven...That this card isnt as good as you think it is...

Best Combo
Salamence EX PK
Alteria EX D
Omastar PK

not bad~
rely on raw power (i mean not much power/body used) to win the game- which is great without having to fear c.crystal AND u can put in useful cards instead of windstorm LOL.

what's more, there're N decks that use rare candy!

gotta try it:D
Just some random thoughts that I had ...

Salamence EX PK + Aggron PK ... look at the top 5 cards and then decide if you want to discard for the big attack or not.  With 2 Aggron you could look, play a trainer that shuffles, then look again to see if the dicard is a good idea.

Swarm Mantine d with Slamence ... Mantine will put energy cards from your discard pile back on top your deck ... the more Mantine d in play the fewer actual cards you will need to get rid of.
Ex Dragon18 said:
Cargo anybody?

lol, it's Pic is Horrible. Very horrible

That reminds me of Pokémon Snap, like the picture was taken at almost the right time, but not quite. "You were close!" I miss that game, lol.

On topic, I thought about using Holon Farmer. A deck that's a little heavy on the Pokémon and Energy could utilize Holon Farmer and get all that discarded stuff back into the deck. But then there's the problem of what happens if you discard your Transceivers or Farmers, but it sure sounds good on paper.
vanderbilt_grad said:
Am I the only one who likes the art on the card?  I'm not 100% sold in the attacks, but I like the art.  :)

lol, i find it a Horrible Art (Said that already) and am sold 99% sold to the Attacks. Hope you are allowed to Paste a other Salamence Pic on that Salamence pic. Or i will not play it
I agree, I don't like the art on this card, or the new Flygon ex.

I think it would be an interesting deck to build around this Salamence.
Okay, so far I've seen: combine it with aggron PK, if anyone can construct a deck that runs aggron pk an salamence ex pk, that actuall works..and that actually makes sense ( why would you even bother looking at your top cards..?) he/she get a whole box of PK send and deliverd to his/her house. :p

IMO salamence ex PK shouldn't be played with stage 2 pokemon.
Delcatty ex could work out, but not with gyarados* though,getting the 5 fire energys would just take up too many time even with it's first attack.

How about this decklist?:

3-2-3 salamence ex pk (the bagons are also from PK!)
2-2 Delcatty ex >16
4 Absol (extra call)

2 holon transceiver
2 holon mentor
1 holon lass
4 rare candy
3 memory berry
2 castaway
2 wind storm
3 warp point
4 drake's stadium
2 steven's/oaks/copycat >25

10 water >20
10 fire

I don't guarantee it'll work out. But IMO this could work out.I need to watch out for safeguard though. I could of course try to add in a salamence d, but then i would have to add in some multi energys to pay the FMCC of it's attack.
The reason of the memory berry seems pretty obvious to me, retaliate with salamence ex for just one C. Easy to get out with a castaway, drake's stadium is also very usefull here. No holon's magnetons, to har to get out here, no holon's castaways, basic pokemon that could really mess up your set up if they are the only basic pokemon in your starting hand.

whadda you guys think? please don't be too harsh :p , it's been over 3 months since I last constructed a new decklist so..
If you guys think discarding any top 5 cards of your deck for a ohko is gonna win you isn't:(
I really like the art. It's retro and reminiscent of the old set holos. (Cards like Lt. Surge's Fearow and Brock's Rhydon)
The card reminds me of Ttar ex from unseen forces it is a big gamble playing with it you may discard a card that you might really need later on in the game great at first sight but I do not see it winning tournements
What I'd play is something like this:

4-3 line of Bagon/Shelgon, then:
2 Salamence Ex PK
2 Salamence Ex DF

3-3 Altaria Ex line

4 Holon's Castform

= 21, leaving room for some tech. You will need quite a large amount of energy though. Water energy won't be needed as much, if you stuff in some Holons Magnetrodes. That way you can work with both the Sallys. Just make sure your PK Ex will only have 1 Holon Poke if you're planning on using that second attack.

Against it? Well, I'm planning on running Kingler, so some Crystal Shards (which will be in anyway considering there is enough that resist it) should do the trick. Can it be put on Ex's too? If not, I'll have to work with Buffer Piece I'm afraid.
Olly The Totodile said:
The card reminds me of Ttar ex from unseen forces it is a big gamble playing with it you may discard a card that you might really need later on in the game great at first sight but I do not see it winning tournements
t-tar is very different from sally. T-tar has alot of options and doesn't need to do losing controll.