Saturday - Friday, 1/26 - 2/1, Great Encounters Scans, Error, Lucario and Pokemon Traine

RE: Saturday - Friday, 1/26 - 2/1, Great Encounters Scans, Error, Lucario

YOU have to have the worst luck with laptops WPM! You should have taken me up on the help editing those new scans! lol Hope you are up and running again real soon.
Ehrm.. why do you think we should believe that your fake is a real when we already know the Japanese scan? :)
man too bad about the laptop crash I have heard nothing but bad things about vista so far was really hoping to see the rest of the scans but I do appreciate all the ones you did put up and the info about SSBB it takes a lot of time doing what you do and keeping balance with Poke and School. hope your PC comes out ok. Im glad Pachirisu came out at least.

It's not a new logo. I don't have Photoshop, so I have to use a different program to watermark them.
I think there is only one thing people are thankful is in the set, Claydol. I have to say, the set seems very good and should effect the general metagame a lot. Absol's reign of terror is over, and there are loads of cards in the set that could have decks made out of them.
Today was the first time you rode on the public bus? Hope you enjoyed it!
WOW WPM thank you so much for all you did, staying up till 4, and then getting 4 hours of sleep! You are very dedicated thank you very much thats all i can say! Claydol is in the set thats great! Love the artwork to! SO many great cards, a ton of awesome artwork to! I love Rotom and Hypno, those are great cards, like the attacks and the pokebody for hypno! All great thanks alot WPM!
Woah, tons of stuff went on with you and this site and your laptop these past couple days. I hope your bus ride went okay, it's hard for me to do, even when I'm ridiing with a friend. Let's just say there are a few 'colorful' folk that ride the city/public bus. I'll leave it at that. I'm glad that you have friends that let you use their laptops, but I hope you got all your schoolwork done first, as that's the most important. Other than that, I'm glad that you could retrieve almost all of the scans. Just a few cards is a small price to pay for the hard work and dedication that you put in for this site and the members here. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for how dedicated you are, even when people are harassing you. It can be tough, but I applaud you for your perseverence and dignity.

I, personally thought it was a great joke, and since I wasn't here, though, I didn't seem to bothered with it. Granted, I would've been dissapointed if Claydol wasn't in, but then you do it again. I figured if you put up your fake card, it would'nt be Phione, and sure enough, it turned out to be Claydol, the highly anticipated card of Great Encounters, IMO, since people make/made such a big deal over it. I'm glad that we have a ton more scans, as well.

dmaster out.
Ya I agree I dont see why people got all out of shape over a joke! I think it was a great joke WPM! Ha I can't wait to see what ur going to pull on april fools day!
He doesn't do jokes every year. This is probably a one time thing and if he thinks people are going to go ballasitic over this one, this might be the last one. The April Fool's one was a long time ago and it showed the Forums blown up, IIRC. People would annoy WPM to the end of the earth if he did a joke like that. I think that this Phione joke is nothing nearly that bad. 0_o

dmaster out.
Yeah, Claydol! Anyway, I liked the card scans. I was really hoping for the Lv. Xs, but, my pre-release isn't until next Saturday, so I'm pretty sure we'll see those scans before then!

Anyway, seems like you had a rough week, WPM. First, an eye infection, then your mid-terms, then your laptop became messy, and let's not forget those naggy and rude people and all those GE scans.

I like the fact that you play jokes. It adds some fun to the forums. I'll be looking closely at your post in 2 months from now!
omg i am so happy! ^^ i just saw the movie previews and wow can't wait. darkrai sounds awesome and i heard about it being in theaters! that would be amazing if it is because i would go see it at the first show they have. (even if i watched it on cartoon network because i'm weird like that)

I'm so glad its coming to theaters!!!!!!!

I saw this as well, so this news is certainly true!!!!

Well, it looks like we are not going to see in theaters until like..April or May, though.


Pokemon movies are back in theaters!! YEAH!!