Scariest Nightmare / Dream?

RE: Most scary nightmare/ dream?

Is it true that it's impossible to die in your dreams? o_O

You die in your dream, you die in real life.

jk Nightmare on Elm Street is certainly fake...or is it? :eek:

dmaster out.
RE: Most scary nightmare/ dream?

dmaster said:
You die in your dream, you die in real life.

jk Nightmare on Elm Street is certainly fake...or is it? :eek:

dmaster out.

To add to that, thats why you always wake up just before somthing death like happens.
I've had dreams where Ive been in gun fights and if im about to get killed, I wake up.
RE: Most scary nightmare/ dream?

someone told me that when youre still awake when you die in a dream that you have like a heart attack and die in your sleep. I find this rather hard to believe, but its possible I guess. This guy had a hearattack because his parachute didnt open and was dead before he hit the ground.. I guess thats sorta related..?
RE: Most scary nightmare/ dream?

I never really have that "happy paradise" dream. I always have either this random dream, or a horrifying dream (like the one I posted earlier)

A dream I have had recently is one I had while at camp this week. I can only remember the end.

So, Dr. Doofinsmirtz is threatining Perry the Platapus once again.

"Mwuhahaha! Silly Perry the Pla-" And it just cuts off and I woke up. I was so freaked out, because my dreams always fade away, they never just end abrubtly like that.

My friend told me today that actually you have like 10 or 12 dreams every night, your brain just picks the favorite one for you to remember.

Don't worry though, my friend also said that many of the dreams you have are not really worth remembering. Like, you sit in a garden and watch the grass grow for an hour. No biggie.

It was fun freaking you guys out,

RE: Most scary nightmare/ dream?

I would have a dream where I was sitting up in bed. I would look around, and all over my walls were cracks running up and down only. Yellow eyes were staring out of each one. (It was wierd, and I don't know what sparked the nightmare) It happened often. I was really young. I'd wake up, and be where I had just been in the dream, so I thought the eyes would appear at any moment. It freaked me out for about a year.
RE: Most scary nightmare/ dream?

safariblade said:
I would have a dream where I was sitting up in bed. I would look around, and all over my walls were cracks running up and down only. Yellow eyes were staring out of each one. (It was wierd, and I don't know what sparked the nightmare) It happened often. I was really young. I'd wake up, and be where I had just been in the dream, so I thought the eyes would appear at any moment. It freaked me out for about a year.

^That would really freak me out too, SB...

RE: Most scary nightmare/ dream?

I often have repeating dreams. This one is the wierdest. I am at a sort of playground that for some reason has train tracks running thorough it. My mom hides my Pokemon figures all over the play ground. But, before I could find any, we have to get onto the train. Then, I go straight into the next dream. I was once again at the play ground. I seemed to have learned from my prievious dream, this time I hide the figures and find all of them.(No train this time.) Then I have that dream again(still without waking up) and after that I have the 4th dream. I am once again at the playground and I hide the figures and find them. Then my parents called me that it was time to go because it was getting late. But, my parents looked like they were rich people from the 1800's! I gather up my figures and go. Then, all of the sudden, I have an older brother and a younger sister!(in real life,I only have a younger brother.) Then I walk toward the car with my "sister" and I find some candy on the ground. Then, I found a small toy penguin in a little bottle with a cork.(lolwut?) Then, I realize we are lost. Me and my "sister" wander around until I find my "parents" and my "mom" goes to hug me. The end.
RE: Most scary nightmare/ dream?

I just had the worst dream. In it I was in a fist fight on top of a building. I ended up falling off. When I hit the ground I never woke up. The dream went into a "sky-view" and a truck ran over my body. The dream ended with me just looking down at my mutilated body. I was so glad it was over when I woke up.
RE: Most scary nightmare/ dream?

I had a nightmare once where I'd just gotten home. It was dark, and a guy jumped out of the darkness and started choking me. Woke up and realized I'd fallen asleep with my arm over my neck. XD
RE: Most scary nightmare/ dream?

Joeypals!! said:
I can only remember a few, but they are CRAZY. (Yay CAPS!) One time, during 5th grade- 1st year at the school by the way- I kept having deja vu for an entire week! For example, I would fall asleep on Sunday and dream about school the next day. I wake up and go through the day and it's the exact same thing from start to finish! This happened for the entire week, and I about ready to punch myself in the face! Also, for some reason, I had this dream that something took over the Earth and turned it into a death chamber where there's spikes on all of the wall and somehow everyone in the world was in there, me standing by my first crush. This happened the week after, kind of like a sitcom. Eventually,I somehow dig a hole with her and leave almost everyone else to die except for a few other crushes and my family with my friends. Eventually we figure out that it's just a computer and we hack into it to stop that walls. If you have any questions, don't hestitate to PM me or ask!
RE: Most scary nightmare/ dream?

This is one of my most recent dreams. I went to my cousin's house and was about to go in through the side door, when some bug, which was buzzing really loudly, flew up my shorts. Short, but scary. (I have a fear of insects.)

Another odd dream I had was this one where one day at my school, this girl with blond hair that I liked suddenly went emo, and came to school with black hair and black eyeliner on. Then it was lunchtime, and I was sitting a few seats away from her at the same table, when I look to my right and find the normal her there, acting like nothing was going on. Then I look back across the table and find the emo version of her sitting there, eating. Then I kept looking back and forth between the two of them. 0_o
RE: Most scary nightmare/ dream?

something about the thing about getting killed in a dream...

well i have dreamed that my friend were in trouble and i sacrifide myself for them. i got shot and i saw my friend running... then everything went black and i woke up calmly.... strange. but dying in your dream is possible.... anyway... it is for me....
RE: Most scary nightmare/ dream?

My worst nightmare involved some I care about getting slowly killed and other stuff and me being forced to watch.
I get dreams like this whever I do dream, wich luckly isn't to often.
RE: Most scary nightmare/ dream?

Scary: This man jumped out of a trash can and attempted to shoot me..

Weird: I was In A world kinda like the Distortion World..

Funny: A Walked Into A Room And A Dog Was Singing This Random Song While Dancing..(This Is The Only Funny Dream Iv Ever had And It Happened 5 years Ago..)
RE: Most scary nightmare/ dream?

scary: M.J. comes out and tries to you know what to me

Weird: I fell from a building and landed in a trunk then M.J. comes out of no where and now i'm freaked out by people called Michal

Funny:M.J. got hit by a building and died woot finally hes gone
RE: Most scary nightmare/ dream?

I have the worst in my dreams.

In my dreams, (80% of them are nightmares) I feel pain. Not psychically, but mentally. Every night I go to bed knowing I'm going to be shot, stabbed, or blown to bits. I also have emotionally ripping dreams that makes a 12-year-old boy cry when he wakes up.

At the time, my grandmother had been on her death bed and saying her last couple words, I was very close to her, I was her first grandchild. So, that night I went to sleep, (I was 8-9 at the time) I found myself in an old lab in a jungle. Walls covered in ivy and a tree that broke through the floor. There was a huge screen with one, long crack through it. There was a game system hooked up to it. It resembled a Gamecube, but it wasn't. The people there said not to play it, but I did, I couldn't stop. My eyes wouldn't turn. When someone turns it off, I look to my left, and see my grandmother floating into the air. There was a choir saying "I have diiiiiiiiiiiiied." I woke up crying. Two days from that night, my grandmother passed away.

Another dream was so horrible.

I was in my other grandmother's house (in the dream) sleeping on a chair. I woke up (in the dream) and a guy showed me to the dining room. It had knives layed across. He was showing me each one, saying, "Which one?" I chose one, not knowing for what, he picked it up, said, "Good choice, long and slender." and stabbed me in the back with it. I didn't wake up. The pain was so horrible. It feels almost as if he took his hand and started to crush my spine. It was a squeezing pain. I didn't wake up until about a minute of pain was over.
RE: Most scary nightmare/ dream?

that one where i had to help my stuffed animals fight in a war against a bunch of purple smurfs

RE: Most scary nightmare/ dream?

This is a stupid bad dream (I was five) but I remember it the most.

I was at a train station eating a Quesadilla at my favorite blue table when a train came by and the suction (?) from the wheels took my Quesadilla from my plate. I woke up and I couldn't tell anyone because it was "too scary".

My weirdest dream is:
I had to go to a picnic and to get there, I had to go through a jungle that was behind my house. Near the end, the plants started grabbing my feet. I think there may have been a Lanturn (the Pokemon) in a tree. I started running towards a lake on a plateau with a guy from my soccer team right next to me. Then me and a whole bunch of other people were on an icy mountain. A lady in a blue jumpsuit, who was in a cave, said, "I was the one who made the plants attack you," she held up a marble. "And by the way, whose marble is this?" I said, "It's mine." Then a Mexican guy in an overcoat said, "Now she knows who you are!" Then, the lady body slammed us from the sky.

A lot of my dreams are weird, but not as weird as this one.