School of Mega Spriting

INFERNAPE:I think you can teach them (my point of view) ask bonsly1994 and a tip for you use png not jpg,jpg definetly ruins your work your work will look better if you use png
Can I be a student ? I want to know how to make Trainer Cards (please don't say Jolteon55's homepage on Neopets, I've tried millions of times from Neopets, it always turns into mush)
Whooooops forgot to fill this out.

Skills: Kirbymon.
examples: At the bottom of my post.
why you think you qualify: Because i'm pretty good at Kirbymon!
can you teach well?: Yes i believe so.
are you able to be on when needed. Hmm i guess later in the day. About 6.00 pm-9.00 pm Eastern time. But i could be on earlirer if needed very badly.



LMK what you think bonsly!!
D&P:You may take a look at my tutorial for making TC´s drop me a PM since the tutorial is divided in two parts and it scrolls the page
INFERNAPE your in...
LM... could you do me a guide or teach me on glaciers?
adding students...
Could I make a new thread for this, a more organized one? I think that many of your difficulties are incorrrect, for example: mapping is far more difficult than most everything on your list, yet you have it listed as level one.
Achmetha said:
Could I make a new thread for this, a more organized one? I think that many of your difficulties are incorrrect, for example: mapping is far more difficult than most everything on your list, yet you have it listed as level one.

How about I pm you the main post stuff and then you help edit and resend it so I can edit? Does that sound good? And i'll put somewhere that you helped!:D
oh and map is level 5:D
your a teacher you don't start at a level... and students usually start at lv.1 but depending on there work can be various levels:D
Rocket member 777 said:
Can I be a student? I need to know anything you are willing to teach me. Please teach me!

which class?
and your in scratch spriting we just need a teacher...:D