Writing Seven Days of Terror

RE: Seven Days of Terror

Nice find gamercal. Time for one more!

"And you're a treasure hunter? What kind of job is that? I swear, everything about you screams suspicious. I gave you the benefit of the doubt before - I'm not from around here. Maybe treasure hunting The only person you ever really talk to is Jessie, and you guys are gone most of the day anyway doing who knows what."

Spot the error. :O

Anyway, if that was a short sample of the next chapter, I can't wait for the rest of it. It'll take me definately a few days or a few weeks to read it, but it'll be good. Gotta love those punches and slaps.

dmaster out.
RE: Seven Days of Terror

Mess up? PMJ NEVER MESSES UP LOL! everything I messed up on is fixed, thx guys

Here's a brief rundown of chapter nine.

- Jessie is having nightmares. After waking up from one such nightmare, Shelly steps in to soothe her uneasiness. During this time, Jessie tells Shelly about their mission, and decides to run away with James, choosing him over her job.

- A short time after that, Giovanni calls Jessie personally and offers her an enormous promotion if she completes the mission successfully. When asked about leaving James behind, Giovanni reveals that James doesn't particularly like her - he's been asking for a new partner for quite some time. This, of course, is an enormous lie.

- Shelly steps in again after the call and consoles Jessie after Giovanni's call. Shelly convinces Jessie to complete the mission, and Shelly agrees to help her.

- James is worried that Jessie is going to start killing before he can convince her not to. He and Tracey go to look for her, but they are stopped by Ash, who is carrying Misty's unconscious body in his arms. Ash reveals that she was hit by a weird Pokemon's Ice Punch attack and she is now dying from the freeze effect.

- James saves Misty's life by applying the appropriate medicine. Once that's taken care of, James offers to go find the body of the Pokemon that attacked Misty (Ash had killed it after it taunted him once Misty was unconscious), and Ash learns that May is now missing. Armed with a few knives, Ash, James, Brock, and Tracey set out in search.

- It is learned that May is alive, but held captive against her will by someone in a dark robe wearing a mask shaped like a Garchomp's face. She is beaten, blinded, and brutalized to the brink of death, but she survives. She is later found by Max, a short time after the other guys left.

- Ash takes the other guys to the spot where he was attacked, but the body of the Pokemon that attacked him is nowhere to be found. James asserts that it was a Weavile that attacked him, and it's one of possibly three.

- Upon arriving back at the mansion, Max informs them of May's predicament, and also that Misty is now awake. Overjoyed, Ash rushes to see them, but Misty has locked them both in May's room, and won't let him in. Ash informs them about a meeting he is calling later that evening.

- Jessie is nowhere to be found. Ash orders everyone to sit shifts by the front door in case she comes back. After Ash's shift is over, he tries to see May and Misty again, and this time Misty lets him in. There, Ash learns that May is now blind (but Misty won't tell him the details), and that she was also attacked by a Weavile.

- Ash calls his meeting and recaps the day's events once Jessie and Shelly finally do come back. With no way off the island, he makes a simple request - watch your back.

- Late that night, Jessie musters up some courage and slips into Misty's room unnoticed, where she kills her by stabbing her repeatedly with a knife.

The chapter ends there. That should be sufficient ^_^
RE: Seven Days of Terror

Oh that's right. I forgot May was blind. =000 Nice recap/summary PMJ. When you're done with the entire story, (God, I don't even want to hear how long that will be. Probably not too long, seeing as you'll kill half the characters in thenext chapter...) you should do a complete summary for the people who couldn't read all the chapters. D:

dmaster out.
RE: Seven Days of Terror

Half the characters? Not likely. There are fifteen humans and/or Pokemon I can choose from; you guys should know all except two, and you will become aware of their identities not too far into chapter ten.

While I'm on the subject, I can confirm four dead. I haven't written it out completely, but s/he is basically doomed. By the time the scene ends, s/he'll be dead. I feel really, really sorry for him/her.

Hopefully, you guys will, too. :<
RE: Seven Days of Terror

Wow, great excerpt! :) But that was to be expected.

Four characters dead? xD
RE: Seven Days of Terror

Four people are dead now? This chapter is going to be crazy! :D
How many more chapters do you think your story will be?
RE: Seven Days of Terror

This must be fun for you, killing people and getting away with it. But, I'll have you know that the police will track you down and condemn you to death for all 5 murders you have committed. :>
RE: Seven Days of Terror


The madness will never cease. =D
Great preview by the way. I can't wait to read the chapter. =]
RE: Seven Days of Terror


I fed the troll a warning :D

meowth14 ... maybe.... twelve or thirteen. I'm not sure yet.
RE: Seven Days of Terror

Not when you get miffed about a certain "story" getting deleted (which I didn't delete, by the way), you're not!
RE: Seven Days of Terror

Yeah, SSB, if you don't like the story, you could just say"Eh, I don't really like this story because(insert opinion here)". You don't have to go"This is the DUMBEST story ever!". Not only is that insulting, you don't even give a reason.

I hope that doesn't count as mini-modding.

And 4 DEATHS! Man this chapter is going to be intense.I think these people will die:

RE: Seven Days of Terror

You're wrong before even starting. Misty died LAST chapter. Get it right ;)
RE: Seven Days of Terror

Heh, I think I'll make some guesses too. =P

Hmm.. I think that Shelly will persuade Jessie into killing one more of the the "twerps", and I believe that could be...

*Piplup_321 get's ready to point finger...

I think that she'll make a choice between Tracy and Max, and she still won't be able to bring herself to kill the latter because he's a child.

Then the next to go...
Shelly will try to persuade Jessie again, but Jessie won't be able to do it, the guilt being to much for her..
So, shelly will decide to take matters into her own hands and kill Max. (If Max were to die, in my mind, Shelly would be the only one evil enough to kill him.)

The third..
I think she may die from the grief. Like, comitting suicide maybe. Bye-bye, Jessie..

And finally...
Uh.. hmm.. I'm not sure.
I'll just say Brock. =P

If these predictions come true, (although, there is a possibility that none of them will...) then I shall forever be hailed as a psychic. =]
RE: Seven Days of Terror

My reasons for death choices:
Flare said:
I think these people will die:

Jessie:She will probably commit suicide from guilt.
May:She just seems like a great death candidate and she's kind of Misty's other life. That didn't sound like I wanted it to....
Tracey:He might commit suicide because he feels he might not have any reason to live now that Misty's dead.
Shelly:Ash might kill her :D
RE: Seven Days of Terror


I didn't think of the possibility, but you're right; pokemon might die too. =[
But.. poor Meowth. :<
I hope that doesn't happen..

We'll just see what PMJ kills off once he posts the chapter...