Writing Seven Days of Terror

RE: Seven Days of Terror

SheimiGiratina said:
Water Rayquaza said:

And that is why I don't watch Sinnoh episodes.

Then what DO you watch?

Probably the other 400+ channels that are on TV =P.

Anyway, finally read the whole thing. Seriously, this is great stuff ^_^.
RE: Seven Days of Terror

dude this a great story, it took me a while to read it.I suspended the book that I was reading only to read the story.
pmj rox!!!
RE: Seven Days of Terror

Just popping in to save this topic from death and also to remind you that I've had a brief break in my stuck-ness and things are moving right along. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that this chapter should be about 15,000 words. It won't be quite as long as chapter seven, but it's chock full of AWESOME. This is by far my favorite chapter up to this point. ^_^ Of course, this is not a guarantee - should I be incorrect in my guess, or end up wanting to go further, the word count will probably end up being something near 25,000. Again, no promises. You will know the word count when it's done, lol.

Word count as of right this second: ~10,273
RE: Seven Days of Terror

Maybe 25,000? xD It's no problem since it's "chock full of AWESOME". :p

I look forward to it! :)
RE: Seven Days of Terror

Good thing you posted. I've just passed the 11,000 mark.

Also, I've just noticed something - I'm 11,000 words in and yet I've said almost nothing about May and Max like..... at all, since arriving. I have to write a bit about them now.

Also I am finding it very hard to take the focus off of Jessie and James, as in write from a point of view other than theirs. I suppose that's because they're the ones that know what's really going on, and they're the only adults (besides Shelly I mean), so it's a little easier for me to write them, I guess.

Right now this is how things are, in terms of chapter layout:

- What happens to Misty (after her death)?
- Laying Misty to rest
- Plan an escape
- Execute plan

Right now I'm in between steps three and four. May's still hanging in there...


RE: Seven Days of Terror

When will the chapter be ready???? I really can't wait for another awesome chapter in this awesome fan-fic.
RE: Seven Days of Terror

I really wish I could tell you. The downside to finishing a chapter is having to start from zero. It takes a while for me to get those first few sentences written, but once that ball gets rolling, the rest comes fairly easy. Unfortunately, I get sidetracked amazingly easily and have a hard time focusing sometimes.

To be perfectly honest, I could add a few sentences, stop right now, save the execution of the plan for chapter 11, and post what I have. It would be awesome and I have no doubt that you guys would love it. I love it already. I love everything I have so far and I am very pleased with how the chapter is turning out as a whole.

However, I would not be pleased if I stopped here. This isn't where I want to stop. I still don't know when that's going to be, which is why I said that this chapter might get somewhere near 25,000 words. Still, that's a pretty big stretch. Longest chapter I've written is something like 18,000 words, and it's not a stretch when I say that this chapter could rival or quite possibly exceed that amount.

I will keep everyone posted on how I'm doing, and as always I'll never come out and say "the chapter will be done by such and such a date" because I can tell you right now, chances are it won't happen.

I actually went back and skimmed over everything (especially this one scene with Jessie and James which is probably my favorite scene so far) and fixed some things I didn't like. Once the chapter is finished, I'll read it over once again, make sure all my tags and stuff are closed and pretty, and then I post for you guys to spend your afternoons reading.

Overall, things are going great. Word count as of right this second: ~11,080
RE: Seven Days of Terror

Oh cool. I can't wait for the new chapter. Odds are it'll take a day, not an afternoon. :eek:

dmaster out.
RE: Seven Days of Terror

Update time.

Just had a shot of inspiration and had like a 3-hour writing session, JOY. I also killed off a second character, although the method used was not exactly as I originally envisioned. I like it, though; it's nice and horrible. So yeah, two deaths this chapter. If I can somehow mystically make three happen, well there you go, lol. Two deaths in this chapter for sure, though. Three is doubtful.

Still no promises on when the whole thing will get done. The only reason I'm stopping is because I need sleep.

Word count as of right this second: ~12,878
RE: Seven Days of Terror

Two deaths? >=D
Hmm.. I doubt it will be May or Ash...

Pehaps Max? (Oh yayz. =])
Or maybe even Jessie? Perhaps the guilt is too much for her?
Hmm.. only time will tell.

Keep going PMJ. I can't wait. :D
RE: Seven Days of Terror

Two deaths in one chapter?! Cool! :D I think it's going to be Max and Brock.
RE: Seven Days of Terror

jsut finished the Prologe, it's good probably the longest and best prolouge on an-fics.
RE: Seven Days of Terror

:D Two deaths for the price of one chapter. GO FOR ALL OF THEM PMJJJJJJ.

dmaster out.
RE: Seven Days of Terror

Oh yeah that's right I forgot to mention this in my post last night, but I'm having someone pre-read chapter ten after it's finished just to make sure I ain't done a bunch of noob errors that he found in the previous chapters. So you'll have to wait just a bit longer, lol.
RE: Seven Days of Terror

No one posted? I hate you all. :[

Just kidding. AHAHAHAHA.

Anyway, got a little bit more done today. And it sucks because I had to get rid of a bunch of stuff (about 300 words, also known as standard chapter length for some people on this site, sighhhhhh) because well, let's just say I'm not prepared to properly write about amputation after I COMPLETELY BOMBED the drowning part (thankfully no one picked up on that but it's too late to fix now, or maybe I'll go back and fix it someday).

A third character has died. Don't read too much into that, lol. Consider how many targets I have; if it breathes, it's a target.

Never realized that before, lol. So yeah. Body count is three. Another character is on death row but I really don't want to kill him/her off just yet, so I'll find a way to save him/her... for now. Ahahahaha!

Word count as of right this second: exactly 13,635

It's getting there...Still between steps three and four. ^_^
RE: Seven Days of Terror

xD Three deaths?! What's the title of this chapter? Massacre?

Just kidding. I can't wait to read it. All 13,635+ words. :)