Writing Seven Days of Terror

RE: Seven Days of Terror


Yes, it's official! The word count is indeed over nine thousand. Things are moving along... actually, scratch that. Things haven't really moved at all! Writing background is sweet! I've written five full paragraphs (at least) of STUFF in between two people talking!

Can you tell I'm excited?

I said I would cut down on the dialogue, but that doesn't look like it's going to happen. However, I ask that you reserve judgment until after you've read the whole thing. Hopefully the amount of dialogue/not dialogue is a bit more balanced than it is in chapter two.

No new little tidbit for you all to read, I'm afraid. There really isn't anything to read, in any case. Still, just know that I am actually writing. I won't put a due date on when this chapter will be done, but yes. Stuff is being written.

Word count as of right this second: ~9,326
RE: Seven Days of Terror

DBZ will never, ever live that down. xD

I like the excerpt - totally looking forward to the next epic, back-handin'-full chapter. :D
RE: Seven Days of Terror

Don't cut down on the Dialogue, and are you writing this by hand as well?
RE: Seven Days of Terror

Xous - lol. Good, I say. I enjoy spamming that meme whenever possible.

I could also sayyyyyyyyyyyyyy my story's total word count is over NINETY THOUSAAAAAAAAAAAAND but that's not quite as cool.

I really doubt this will happen, but this chapter might rival chapter seven in length, and maybe even surpass it. This is pure speculation on my part and me thinking I can keep up this streak of awesomeness, but hey, y'all know I'll keep you posted on my progress.

Dia - lol. No, heavens no. This is solely written on my computer.
RE: Seven Days of Terror

Pimpwalkin said:
I really doubt this will happen, but this chapter might rival chapter seven in length, and maybe even surpass it. This is pure speculation on my part and me thinking I can keep up this streak of awesomeness, but hey, y'all know I'll keep you posted on my progress.

What awesomeness? :0

dmaster out.
RE: Seven Days of Terror

Pimpwalkin said:
I really doubt this will happen, but this chapter might rival chapter seven in length, and maybe even surpass it. This is pure speculation on my part and me thinking I can keep up this streak of awesomeness, but hey, y'all know I'll keep you posted on my progress.


I look forward to reading it.
RE: Seven Days of Terror

God, PMJ. GET FINISHED WITH YOUR STORY! And read Ethan's Love. Guaranteed to make you laugh at Fire Mew's love life. Sorta.
RE: Seven Days of Terror

I started to read it, but then I saw that each chapter was about as long as this sentence.

Never again will I set foot in that thread.

Also, what's up with all the Max hate? Since day one people have been hoping Max is the one to go. D:
RE: Seven Days of Terror

I hate Max because I think he's annoying. :p I didn't like the Hoenn episodes very much because of him.
RE: Seven Days of Terror

Max really IS annoying. I wish May would die. She is the reason my mom didn't let me watch Hoenn episodes....:/

RE: Seven Days of Terror

You... wanna run that by me again? May was why you couldn't watch Hoenn? Dear god, Dawn is worse, honestly...
RE: Seven Days of Terror

God don't even get me started on Dawn. That girl is such...... ugh. Everything is dumb about her. Her voice, her looks, her skirt, her ridiculous cup size, god if she was in my story she would get hit by a meteor in chapter one. It would have been on the news.

RE: Seven Days of Terror

I only read chapter one, but I'll keep reading each one and posting. Wow, the plot is unlike any other story I've seen. After reading the first chapter, I understand why the title is called what it is. I wonder what friends who he'll bring, and how and if they kill him? So many questions... But besides that, it is very suspensful and well-written, and I'm highly impressed. This could be a best-selling novel for 12+ simply, lol. But I really like it. I also like how you said that Persian copied Giovanni's movements. It adds to the feeling of the story. I wonder what chapter two: The Split Views is all about? It takes reading to find out. Overall, from what I read, it's an amazing novel. :)
RE: Seven Days of Terror

I don't come here enough, but I finally got caught up. Great story, PMJ. Seriously, you are some sort of genius ;D
RE: Seven Days of Terror

Link him to it. I could care less if he knows how much I hate his lord and savior.
RE: Seven Days of Terror

Pimpwalkin said:
Link him to it. I could care less if he knows how much I hate his lord and savior.

Yes roffl SNN. Very much.

dmaster out.
RE: Seven Days of Terror

I'm not exactly sure Sweet Dawn would be too pleased, but there are people who don't like Dawn. I don't mind Dawn; I just am not a huge fan of May. She gets in too many fights with Ash while Dawn is more easy to get along with.

And PMJ, I'll be reading the second chapter as soon as I get a chance. :)