Writing Seven Days of Terror

RE: Seven Days of Terror

It was looooooong, but it is also very very good. GREAT job. The Prolouge is one of the best chapters, I like it because of the way Giovanni thinks. But, some of the chapters conclude too quickly.
RE: Seven Days of Terror

Bam said:
I read the next two chapters and they are great; you're carrying the story along just fine and all is dandy. The one thing that caught my attention however is that to me it seems like a bigger deal should have been made about May's going blind. I mean yeah, this is a tropical island, but wouldn't you want to try to get the heck out of there? IIRC, Giovanni stated nothing about not being allowed to bring phones, unless they don't work on the island. But maybe you're planning on incorporating that into the next chapter :p.

Haha, sorry for picking little things like that. There's a couple of other things but they aren't really that big. I've been taking comp/lit AP for the last couple of months and all I've been doing is reading papers, scrutinizing every detail, and then writing a 2-3 page formal essay to argue a point, so that's just what I automatically do now. So no offense, I really like this fic!

May's going blind on a tropical island reminds me of a book I just recently read titled The Cay
RE: Seven Days of Terror

Well now I just have to read the latest chapter (9) and then I'll be done. This story is awesome. -0-

dmaster out.
RE: Seven Days of Terror

How come? I revived it myself. It hasn't died since then, has it? :<
RE: Seven Days of Terror

Maybe she means when you opened this up PMJ because it doesn't look like the next chapter is coming very soon.

After completely reading the story and all additional posts, I feel I must say something on a personal level. I think this is an absolutely amazing written fan-fic, one of the best on PokeBeach. I think you are a great writer, despite your doubts. In fact, that's one of the reasons you are a good writer is because you can point to your own faults. I think I have learned a wealth of information from your own writing (as I'm trying to become a better one myself), and I thank you for it. If and when you get off this 3+ month writer's block, I'll be here as soon as I see the title say "Seven Days of Terror (ch 10 mega pwn up)" or something along those lines. ;)

dmaster out.
RE: Seven Days of Terror

I read some of this again, and it's a real shame you are taking so long to post the next chapter. I'm seriously considering restarting one of my own fics just to give you some competition, which would hopefully spur you on.

Don't make me bring Apple back!
RE: Seven Days of Terror

Yeah, it sucks, and I swear to you guys I'm working on it little by little.

Word count as of right now: ~4,271

d master - when I post chapter 10, that's exactly what it's going to say. :]

bacon - Bring Apple back. She (she? The only Apple I know is a she) is more than welcome to grace PB with her (her?) presence. Any fic (or random bunch of words, whatever you like better) by you is most certainly welcome. :D
RE: Seven Days of Terror

I feel bad for Misty. I would've killed Shelly. Shelly deserves to die. Ash will probably go crazy in ch 10. Just a guess.
RE: Seven Days of Terror

You and about a dozen other people. :p

To be perfectly honest, I'd actually planned on leaving Misty's fate up to the reader to guess, and whatever they thought, that'd be the right one. However, I decided instead to make it clear exactly what happens to that girl, and I'm glad for it. It's added a couple thousand words to the ol' chapteroonie.

Word count as of right now: ~5,349
RE: Seven Days of Terror

I really should just leave the chat and write more often. Look what happens when I do! It's hard to put up something without giving something away, but... this little bit ain't spoiling nothing important. It's not much, but you understand. Enjoy! :D

Ash was on her in no time at all, delivering a hard backhand across the redhead's face. "How dare you!" Jessie made no move to assist for fear of getting hit as well. James lunged over the table and struggled to pry the teenager off, who was laying blow after blow on a flailing Shelly. Tracey got up to help, and together the two older guys were able to restrain the young man from Pallet Town.

Shelly seemed to shrug off the damage. "Huh. Second time since I've been here that a man hit me while I'm off guard. How unsportsmanlike you Kanto men are."

Ash cursed at her. "I don't care what your opinion of me is." He struggled in the tight grip of Tracey and James. "Let me go!" He took a deep breath and slowly let it out. "I'm cool. I'm all right." He relaxed his muscles in an effort to show he was sincere, and he was released. "I'm going home," he said, marching upstairs without another word to anyone else.

I've also decided on who dies in this chapter (I don't know if I told you guys this, but someone is dying in chapter 10. Expect this from here on out).

Word count as of right this very second: ~7,796

I can't wait until this is finished! ^_^
RE: Seven Days of Terror

Mwahahaha! =D
Hehe.. I can't wait for the chapter PMJ. =]
You've written a lot, but knowing the length of your chapters, it could take a while for you to finish. =P
For some reason, I hope Max dies. >:]
RE: Seven Days of Terror

I hope Max dies too. I hate that kid! :p
When do you think you'll be done with chapter 10?
RE: Seven Days of Terror

Lol death has to be expected or this story will turn bad. :] Pimp-slap. Now Bam's theory is correct, Ash = Pimpwalkin' Trainer.

dmaster out.
RE: Seven Days of Terror

looool. Ash be backhandin' chicks be disrespectin'. Boy that is not helping my case at all.

To answer your question, meowth14, I don't know. It'll be done when it's done, is all I can say. :[