Writing Seven Days of Terror

RE: Matt's Pokemon Story (Chapter 9! Find out who dies!)

Wow this is amazing its the first fic I've read from start to finish i really didn't expect may to be blinded and i noticed that "key sentence" so i kinda guessed but that means may is blinded and Misty's dead so thats both female protagonists dead so i can assume next it will be a boy perhaps Tracy to follow your pattern or Jessie commits suicide OR James tells Jessie that he never did what Giovanni said and discovers Shelly is evil and Jessie/James kills her. So I have forced you to kill Max or Brock! or everyone will have been spoiled by this post! Marvel at my evil plan to control the best fanfic ever! (100/100).


May is near dead and kinda useless maybe a plot device?
RE: Matt's Pokemon Story (Chapter 9! Find out who dies!)

Okay, first of all I have to say, tttlite and Zzzdark? That sure ain't suspicious one bit ;o

Second of all... near dead? As far as her health goes, May is just fine. She might be a little traumatized, but by no means is she near dead.

Useless? She'd burst into tears if she heard you say that. Have you no heart??? :<

Also, what pattern? I didn't know I was establishing one.
RE: Matt's Pokemon Story (Chapter 9! Find out who dies!)

Well it seams to be linking up first Vaporeon who is Misty's then Misty who is most connected to Tracy so theres the pattern! Zzzdark is my cousin and he told me about this and as for May she can't be by herself so she is not very useful when people are being killed and she is so traumatized that if someone was attacked then she would faint. So you see you now must kill Brock or Max!!!
RE: Matt's Pokemon Story (Chapter 9! Find out who dies!)

Two week limit, nyah nyah rules!

Anyway, progress report:

I still haven't started chapter 10. Like I said, I'll post when I get started, but at the moment I'm fixing up the chapters I've got done.

Also, just out of curiosity, would anyone be interested in reading a fic focusing on the seven treasures in Mystery Dungeon 2? I feel like it was a wasted opportunity for a side quest.
RE: Matt's Pokemon Story (Chapter 9! Find out who dies!)

How many chapters have you fixed so far?
I'd be interested in a Mystery Dungeon 2 fic. Are you thinking of writing one?
RE: Matt's Pokemon Story (Chapter 9! Find out who dies!)

To answer your first question... two. I was stuck for a long time on the first one... hopefully the rest of them won't be as difficult to fix -_-

To answer your second question, yes. But I'm not sure that's going to be the story, and if it is, I need to make sure I have everything down before I start writing.

It'll be a long ways off, in any case.
RE: Matt's Pokemon Story (Chapter 9! Find out who dies!)

A Mystery Dungeon fic would be great. I would definatley read it.

- ZD
RE: Matt's Pokemon Story (Chapter 9! Find out who dies!)

Ok going to say this first, i have been reading since like the start but i was just to lazy to post LOL

Great story this isent the end is it?
Oh and Max should have died hes a no body
RE: Matt's Pokemon Story (Chapter 9! Find out who dies!)

No, it's not the end. It's on hiatus.

Maybe he will. Maybe he won't. No one knows... muahahahahaha.

By the way, java is back up pokebeach.com/chat

Tell your friends about my story and get them to read it so I don't have to spam the link in chat (as much).
RE: Matt's Pokemon Story (Chapter 9! Find out who dies!)

\o/ I actually read through the entire chapter this time.

Loooong... The beginning part of Jessie's dream was pretty disgusting, though. Overall, I liked it. Best fanfic here I've seen so far. :p
RE: Seven Days of Terror (nothing new except the title, pwn)

I like the new title. It's much better then "Matt's Pokemon Story". :p
RE: Seven Days of Terror (nothing new except the title, pwn)

the new name is total pwnage :]

zomg when is teh next chapter.

/me dies of anticipation
RE: Seven Days of Terror (nothing new except the title, pwn)

Still not for a whilelolloolololol
RE: Seven Days of Terror

I'm struggling to see how May can be involved much longer... She's blind now >.<. Either she is cured, or sight loss is temporary, or she is the next one to go.
RE: Seven Days of Terror

I already told you this but telling everyone so we're on the same page:

She's blind. Permanently. She will not be cured.
RE: Seven Days of Terror

Anyone who reports me for double posting gets shot and gets a "I'm a huge dummy face" sign glued to their forehead

Progress report: I'm fixing chapter nine right now. If all goes as planned and I don't get stuck again, I may have work started on chapter 10 (for those of you following along, that means NEW CHAPTER ZOMGZORZ) by the end of this week.

But knowing my track record, that prolly ain't happenin'. ;o

Just thought I'd give you all a heads up in case that does end up being the case though. :eek:

(P.S. the new smilies can die, who's with me)
RE: Seven Days of Terror

Chapter Nine was amazing. Just simply amazing! Sad, but simply amazing. It was sad to see Misty go, although I would've like to see Shelly go first. Keep it up. I am on the edge of my seat, for the next chapter. =]
RE: Seven Days of Terror

Pimpwalkin said:
(P.S. the new smilies can die, who's with me)

*gamercal raises his hand and says "I'm with you!"

Hopefully the next chapter can be up soon though ^_^
RE: Seven Days of Terror

This story is only sucsessful because you bring it up every day in chat D:
It's still to long.
It can never keep my attention :[
RE: Seven Days of Terror

Not all of my readers come from the chat room. My story is successful because it is made up of PURE WIN.

You can't stay focused because you can't appreciate good literature. Wait, scratch that: I meant PWN LITERATURE.
