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Shadow's trades.

RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with lots of older cards! WANT: Stuff.

shadoworganoid said:
Hmm...Sorry, Im going to pass.

Could you make a counter offer?
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with lots of older cards! WANT: Stuff.


Well, I looked at your thread an noticed you only have 3 of the Arceus.

Would you do your Blaziken FB Lv X for the other 5 arceus?

Arceus Metal
Arceus Dark
Arceus Fighting
Arceus Normal
Arceus Lightning

Blaziken FB Lv X

RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with lots of older cards! WANT: Stuff.

No Great Encounters?
If you have, my 2x energy gain for your 2x Beedrill GE
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with lots of older cards! WANT: Stuff.

Aw man. I just traded off my last 2 beedrill yesterday at cities....
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with lots of older cards! WANT: Stuff.

K Shadow, 2x Energy Gain for 4 Weedle GE, 4 Kakuna RR, and any pluspowers you can spare?
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with lots of older cards! WANT: Stuff.

I dont have anything good from GE other then Porygon Z, and Sceptile GE.

Not even commons.

Do you have any other of my wants?
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with lots of older cards! WANT: Stuff.

No, sorry. Any Victory Medals? I'd up the ante there. PM me at this point.
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with lots of older cards! WANT: Stuff.

I have Camerupt G and Raichu SF, both RH, and I'm interested in:

Ninetails #38 Emerald
Dark Dragonite <--------(Which set?)
Dark Ampharos <--------(Which set?)
Houndoom (e-reader set)
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with lots of older cards! WANT: Stuff.

Do you have any of my other wants? Somthing to make the trade a big larger?
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with lots of older cards! WANT: Stuff.

luxray AR for camrupt ex?
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with lots of older cards! WANT: Stuff.

No, I don't. Sorry ^^;
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with lots of older cards! WANT: Stuff.

Wishirulz: Sorry, no.
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with lots of older cards! WANT: Stuff.

Arceus wants:
Bronzong #14 (RH)
Raticate (RH)

Platinum wants: (1 of each)
Gardy RH
Weavile G (RH)

how about this


Sceppy GE
1-2 Unown Q
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with lots of older cards! WANT: Stuff.

how about RH flygon and RH luxray for camrupt ex?
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with lots of older cards! WANT: Stuff.

CML for Kazam X RR. Thanks.
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with lots of older cards! WANT: Stuff.

Got any Energy Gain or Power Spray or Crobat G? I need about 2/3 of each. I have Aerodactyl PA RH, Volkner's RR RH, and Rhyperior SV holo. LMK! Thanks.
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with lots of older cards! WANT: Stuff.

EspeonRox: Sorry, none extra.

Juliacoolo: Make an offer please.
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with lots of older cards! WANT: Stuff.

RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with lots of older cards! WANT: Stuff.

Oh sorry.

Um....Sorry, Im going to pass. Its not worth the camerupt to me.