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Shadow's trades.

RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with lots of older cards! WANT: Stuff.

Oh, OK then. Thanks anyways. :)

EDIT: Never mind! I see Gyarados SF and BTS. I like those cards. Check my Wants for more stuff! Thanks!
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with lots of older cards! WANT: Stuff.

Well, the only thing you have that interests me is your Raichu Lv X.

I dont know if you want to work somthing out for taht or not....lmk
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with lots of older cards! WANT: Stuff.

I have league Uxies, looking for rare candys. Willing to go 1 for 1, 2 for 2, 3 for 3.
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with lots of older cards! WANT: Stuff.

I NEED rare candy. So, sorry, I have no extra.
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with lots of older cards! WANT: Stu

Skipped above wishi
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with lots of older cards! WANT: Stuff.

Oh sorry.

I dont want to part with Sceptile GE that easily. I'll pass.
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with lots of older cards! WANT: Stuff.

But the cards I listed are on your Wants list. :|
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with lots of older cards! WANT: Stuff.

True, but they are of less importance. Especially since I only have 1 gyarados SF and its a good card. I can get the RH collection cards fairly easily at my league.

I just dont want to trade off Gyarados for mere collection wants.

If we could work somthing out for Raichu Lv X, then were talkin. lol
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with lots of older cards! WANT: Stuff.

OK. I like the Electivire FB LV.X, and your Alakazam 4 LV.X. Are they BOTH in mint condition?
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with lots of older cards! WANT: Stuff.

The Evire FB Lv X is possibley going to someone else. Trade hasent been finalized yet.

I could do it for Alakazam Lv X.
As long as Raichu is MINT.
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with lots of older cards! WANT: Stuff.

Yeah, it's in PERFECT condition. I have to ask you though: do you by chance have a Great Ball SF?
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with lots of older cards! WANT: Stuff.

I'll hold you to that. lol

Yes, I have 1 spare SF great ball. The only other one i have is in my SF Master Collection.
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with lots of older cards! WANT: Stuff.

Yeah. I'm paranoid about mint condition too, so I assure you this card is in 98-100% mint condition.

If you could toss that in, I'll make it a deal.
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with lots of older cards! WANT: Stuff.

Ok, sure. After all, the satisfaction of the customers is what matters. lol

Send me a PM to confirm it. Dont give me your address yet. Im a little behind in postage stamps. haha.... ha...
I will trade with you, but I cant promise it will be super soon.
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with lots of older cards! WANT: Stuff.

Sounds terrific! Thanks! :D
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with lots of older cards! WANT: Stuff.

how about those for just the sceppy?
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with lots of older cards! WANT: Stuff.

Richkid; Nah, I'll pass.

Just to keep my thread alive, BUMP...
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with lots of older cards! WANT: Stuff.

Come on people. Offer away.
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! HAVE: Flygon ex (LM), Leafeon Lv X, Glaceon Lv X. WANT: Luxray GL Lv X

RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! HAVE: Flygon ex (LM), Leafeon Lv X, Glaceon Lv X. WANT: Luxray GL Lv X

My Wormadam Trash Cloak (PA) and Scizor 4 (RR) both RH for your Garchomp C. LMK or counter, feel free to CML.