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Shoy's awesome trade thread! Have Gator Prime, Garchomp C X, Amphy Prime, and more!

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RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread

Eh...no thanks. Sorry...but wait. Is it in mint condition? No scratches or anything?
RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread

I'll trade you in a bit. Sorry that I can't do it right now, but the post office is closed today and tomorrow (It's the weekend).
RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread

EspeonROX: Don't consider it as finalized; I may not be able to send it. Consider it "Most likely" finalized. (Not a term =P)

Richkid5000: A poketurn is most likely a throw-in, do you want something else? I'll add the poketurn to that.
RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread

I've got a couple of extra league Uxie to trade. I know its in your wants, but do you have any extra rare candy or roseannes to trade for Uxie?
RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread

I don't have any of those for trade ATM, I might in about 3 1/2 hours or so (I'm going to leauge play) so I will keep an eye out. Is there anything else you want? Also I don't need uxie THAT much, I just want him as trade material.

EDIT: Maybe I could use the Turn and a TM-2 for throw-ins for you Garchomp C X?
RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread

Looking for Kingdra LA and Gardevoir SW, otherwise just Candy and Roseanne's. If you get any let me know and CML for if you want something other than Uxie.
RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread

Wait, what exactly is the trade you're proposing?
RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread

Poketurn X 1 (Might get more later today)
Technical Machine TM-2 X ! (Unlikely but possible same as above)
? (Something from my list or, as stated above, something new that I might get)

Garchomop C Lv. X
RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread

Sorry, but no. Here are three reasons why...
1. Expert belt X 2 = $6, which alone is more than the Mr. Mime (which I value at $5). Luxray I value at $4 since it is such a wanted card, and a RH trainer is $.50. That adds up to $10.50.
2. I've already getting 2 Mr. Mimes coming in.
3. I don't want to do more trades, I have way to many going on right now.
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