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Shoy's awesome trade thread! Have Gator Prime, Garchomp C X, Amphy Prime, and more!

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Shoyru1444 said:
Is that in addition to the previous trade? Expert Belts are about $3 ea, and 2 of those is worth a little more than a spiritomb. I might switch for the Pachirisu ($3) and one expert belt (another $3) or any 4 $.50- cards that you want (4 SSU, 4 Drawer, 2 Unown R and 1 poke turn, etc), kay?

was this meant for me? sort this possible trade out for me!
RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread

Im interetsed in your poketurn and 4 Drawers.
RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread

TheGame8228: No it was meant for another person.

Tweed: I'm interested in your Garchomp C X. I have one VS seeker (I think) and I will add other stuff.
RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread

I'm interested in your call energy and roseanne's research.
RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread! Updated with new haves!

Interested in your Luxray Lv.X
Have Uxie Lv.X and Empoleon Lv.X (PACK)

RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread! Updated with new haves!

Please can you CML for Dialga G X?
RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread! Updated with new haves!

I am interested in your Luxray GL X, Luxray GL, Spiritomb, and your Azelf (Time Walk). I don't have enough to trade for all of them but please CML, first for the Luxray LV X. Thanks!
RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread! Updated with new haves!

CML for the luxray X. i am in large need of it.
RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread! Updated with new haves!

Im interested in your luxray X and 2 poketurns...cml I have tons of unlisted TSS, and rares... as well as the x's and specials i have listed.
RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread! Updated with new haves!

YourP1mp: Didn't see anything, sorry. =r

Jackolas: Can you make an offer? I have some wants and you have a lot of "good" stuff but I can't decide =P

Alex(charm)ander: I didn't see anything, sorry. =/

Richkid5000: Didn't see anything worth a Lux X. Sorry.

Tweed: I need 2x Garchomp C, would you go 2 for 2 w/ the poketurn? I don't really need anything besides that, and (as the rapid number of posts shows!) it's much wanted. Do you want to look and see if you want anything else I have? I could do a bigger trade then that (the postage for about a dollar trade isnt worth it)
RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread! Have Lux X, Garchomp C X, Dialga X, and Gengar X!

RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread! Have Lux X, Garchomp C X, Dialga X, and Gengar X!

CML For Lux X, from your wants I have:
3x Rare Candy
2x Claydol GE (1 JPN)

What can we work out?
RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread! Have Lux X, Garchomp C X, Dialga X, and Gengar X!

I'm only trading lux x for another x, and I didn't see anything. Sorry. I do, however, really want your 1x claydol (Non-JPN). Do you see anything else?
RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread! Have Lux X, Garchomp C X, Dialga X, and Gengar X!

RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread! Have Lux X, Garchomp C X, Dialga X, and Gengar X!

hey, i have many rare candy, as well as roseanne's research and 1 uxie RH (not LP), im interested in your lux gl x as well DGX. cml for more, thanks
RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread! Have Lux X, Garchomp C X, Dialga X, and Gengar X!

Would you do my Dialga X for your Claydol RH?
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