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Shoy's awesome trade thread! Have Gator Prime, Garchomp C X, Amphy Prime, and more!

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RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread! Have Lux X, Garchomp C X, Dialga X, and Gengar X!

dialga g x? yea, ill do it. is it in near mint-mint condition?
the claydol has edgewear on the top and left sides
RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread! Have Lux X, Garchomp C X, Dialga X, and Gengar X!

Shoyru1444 said:
I'm only trading lux x for another x, and I didn't see anything. Sorry. I do, however, really want your 1x claydol (Non-JPN). Do you see anything else?

Nope, just the Lux X. Any X's you want on my side?
RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread! Have Lux X, Garchomp C X, Dialga X, and Gengar X!

Didn't see anything worth a Lux X, sorry =r
RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread! Have Lux X, Garchomp C X, Dialga X, and Gengar X!

Please CML for 1 Lux GL X.
RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread! Have Lux X, Garchomp C X, Dialga X, and Gengar X!

I like your leauge uxie but do not see anything worth a lux x. Do you c anything else?
RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread! Have Lux X, Garchomp C X, Dialga X, and Gengar

Please CML for your Gengar Lv.X and, if you have any, BTS. I have an Uxie Lv.X for trade.
RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread! Have Lux X, Garchomp C X, Dialga X, and Gengar X!

Shoyru1444 said:
I like your leauge uxie but do not see anything worth a lux x. Do you c anything else?

Sorry, I don't see anything else.
RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread! Have Lux X, Garchomp C X, Dialga X, and Gengar X!

pokefan4000: can i go 1 pack empoleon x and 1 uxie x for my gengar x and promo empoleon x? lmk thanks
RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread! Have Lux X, Garchomp C X, Dialga X, and Gengar X!

Would you be willing to do my 1 Uxie for your Luxray GL(non LV X)?
RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread! Have Lux X, Garchomp C X, Dialga X, and Gengar

Shoyru1444 said:
pokefan4000: can i go 1 pack empoleon x and 1 uxie x for my gengar x and promo empoleon x? lmk thanks
Sorry, just traded Empoleon.
RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread! Have Lux X, Garchomp C X, Dialga X, and Gengar X!

PokemonTradeAccount:Sorry, but yes, skipped. The lux X is not worth a claydol when I go to leauge.
Eevee: Most likely not, as uxie is more available than luxray. I do, however, still want your uxie.
Pokefan4000: Can you include your 2X Garchomp C then?
RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread! Have Lux X, Garchomp C X, Dialga X, and Gengar X!

I'm terribly sorry, I forgot to update my list...I'm trading away one of the Garchomp Cs. Is there anything else I could include in the deal, or you taking out the Empoleon Lv.X Promo?
RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread! Have Lux X, Garchomp C X, Dialga X, and Gengar X!

This was the deal I was proposing...
Gengar X

Uxie X
2x Garchomp C

So if you can't add 2 Garchomp C but only 1, then....
Can you add 2 E-gain and 1 Power spray?

So here's the new deal...
Gengar X

Uxie X
Garchomp C
Power Spray x 1
Energy Gain x 2
RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread! Have Lux X, Garchomp C X, Dialga X, and Gengar X!

I could definitely do that.
RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread! Have Lux X, Garchomp C X, Dialga X, and Gengar X!

I have Uxie X, 3 Uxie (League promo), and 1 Claydol (regular). I like your Luxray GL Lv.X. LMK. Thanks.
RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread! Have Lux X, Garchomp C X, Dialga X, and Gengar X!

Shoyru1444 said:
PokemonTradeAccount:Sorry, but yes, skipped. The lux X is not worth a claydol when I go to leauge.

um, didnt you offer dgx, either way, i have many rare candys and roseanne's research, lmk if your interested in working out something
RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread! Have Lux X, Garchomp C X, Dialga X, and Gengar X!

Pokefan4000: Just PM me your adress when you're ready.
Mudkip: I am not going to trade the lux x for a bunch of small stuff. Sorry.
PokemonTradeAccount: Same as above.
RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread! Have Lux X, Garchomp C X, Dialga X, and Gengar X!

Shoyru1444 said:
PokemonTradeAccount:Sorry, but yes, skipped. The lux X is not worth a claydol when I go to leauge.
Eevee: Most likely not, as uxie is more available than luxray. I do, however, still want your uxie.
Pokefan4000: Can you include your 2X Garchomp C then?

How many Uxies would it take to get Luxray GL?
RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread! Have Lux X, Garchomp C X, Dialga X, and Gengar X!

You CANNOT get a lux x for a billion uxies here. I will post this rule soon, but I only trade X's for X's unless the deal greatly appeals to me. No matter how many Uxies you offer you will not get a lux x for them. This goes for claydol, Roseanne's, and rare candy too.
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