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Shoy's awesome trade thread! Have Gator Prime, Garchomp C X, Amphy Prime, and more!

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RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread! Have Lux X, Garchomp C X, Dialga X, and Gengar X!

Uxie Lv.X
Empoleon Lv.X
CML I have an unlisted 2x Rare Candy GE

Luxray Gl Lv.X
2x Poke Turn

RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread! Have Lux X, Garchomp C X, Dialga X, and Gengar

My: Uxie X
Uxie LP
Your: Dialga G LV.X
Expert Belt x4
Call Energy (non RH)
RE: Shoyru1444's Trade Thread! Need Lux X! Have DGX, Gengar X, Legends, & Primes!

Rikko: Would you do this:
DGX $20
Raticate AR $1
Lucario GL $3
Raichu AR $1
Some prime/legend card $20
Flygon X $35
Power Spray $.50
E-gain x 2 (if you have it) $.50 x 2 = $1

YourPIMP: No, that would not be worth it. Also, Lux X is no longer for trades.

Espeon: NO!!!

Uxie X = $20
Uxie LP = $5

DGX = $20
Expert Belt = $2.50 x 4 = $10
Call (not available anymore but w/ever) = $2.50

So that's $25 on your part and $32.50 on mine.
RE: Shoyru1444's Trade Thread! Need Lux X! Have DGX, Gengar X, Legends, & Primes!

OK. Sorry about that. :| Hey, but you wanna go straight up Uxie LV.X for DGX?
RE: Shoyru1444's Trade Thread! Need Lux X! Have DGX, Gengar X, Legends, & Primes!

Shoyru1444 said:
Rikko: Would you do this:
DGX $20
Raticate AR $1
Lucario GL $3
Raichu AR $1
Some prime/legend card $20
Flygon X $35
Power Spray $.50
E-gain x 2 (if you have it) $.50 x 2 = $1

YourPIMP: No, that would not be worth it. Also, Lux X is no longer for trades.

Espeon: NO!!!

Uxie X = $20
Uxie LP = $5

DGX = $20
Expert Belt = $2.50 x 4 = $10
Call (not available anymore but w/ever) = $2.50

So that's $25 on your part and $32.50 on mine.

I like your Meganium and Typhlosion primes. Can I trade just for those? What are some Lv.X's of mine that you want? I don't really want to trade my Flygon Lv.X for primes, so could I possibly do some of my other Lv.X's for those 2 primes?
RE: Shoyru1444's Trade Thread! Need Lux X! Have DGX, Gengar X, Legends, & Primes!

Well, you don't have anything besides that that catches my attention. I would do a 2 for 1 trade if you wanted too, although that would be more than generous on my part. Another card, however, that I need is Luxray GL X. I need it for my LuxChomp deck.
RE: Shoyru1444's Trade Thread! Need Lux X! Have DGX, Gengar X, Legends, & Primes!

Shoyru1444 said:
Well, you don't have anything besides that that catches my attention. I would do a 2 for 1 trade if you wanted too, although that would be more than generous on my part. Another card, however, that I need is Luxray GL X. I need it for my LuxChomp deck.

I don't have one. I will trade three Lv.X's for those 2 primes.
RE: Shoyru1444's Trade Thread! Need Lux X! Have DGX, Gengar X, Legends, & Primes!

Espeon: Sorry didn't see you.

I'd love to do that trade. Pm me when you're ready.
RE: Shoyru1444's Trade Thread! Need Lux X! Have DGX, Gengar X, Legends, & Primes!

Ahh! CML for Meganium Prime please! I'll trade really good for it.
RE: Shoyru1444's Trade Thread! Need Lux X! Have DGX, Gengar X, Legends, & Primes!

Zephilim: I'm sorry, but I did not see anything I want.
RE: Shoyru1444's Trade Thread! Need Lux X! Have DGX, Gengar X, Legends, & Primes!

CML for the legends halves and typhlosion prime
RE: Shoyru1444's Rocking Trade Thread! Have Lux X, Garchomp C X, Dialga X, and Gengar

piplup234 said:
Well I have some Claydol and Uxie, are you looking for anything else

RE: Shoyru1444's Trade Thread! Need Lux X! Have DGX, Gengar X, Legends, & Primes!

EvilHamster: I like your 4-2-4 Kingdra LA

Piplup: Sorry, I didn't see you. Anyways, It's not worth it to me to trade a lux x for uxie and claydol when they are practically free to me when I go to leauge.
RE: Shoyru1444's Trade Thread! Need Lux X! Have DGX, Gengar X, Legends, & Primes!

CML for your Typhlosion Prime, Charizard PA if you have any, and any of the new trainers and supporters from HGSS (including DCE).
RE: Shoyru1444's Trade Thread! Need Lux X! Have DGX, Gengar X, Legends, & Primes!

Would you do the 2 Legend halves for 4-2-4 Kingdra? LMK or counter offer by adding something else from my list. 1 Legend Half and Typhlosion Prime is also acceptable. I wont trade the 4-2-4 Kingdra for just one of them.
RE: Shoyru1444's Trade Thread! Need Lux X! Have DGX, Gengar X, Legends, & Primes!

CML for Azelf (Time Walk/Lock Up)
RE: Shoyru1444's Trade Thread! Need Lux X! Have DGX, Gengar X, Legends, & Primes!

Can you check my list and sales thread for your Legend Halves and Azelf (Time Walk/Lock Up)? =3
RE: Shoyru1444's Trade Thread! Need Lux X! Have DGX, Gengar X, Legends, & Primes!

Alex(charm)ander: I like your 3x rh lightning energy. I'll trade some t/s/s from new set. Any that you want in particular?

EvilHamster: I think that legend halves (especially bottom halves) are worth about $20 each. Let's say that Kingra is about $5 each (which isn't unfair). Then it's about $40 on my part and about $25 on yours. You can substitute one legend half for no more than 3 rares if you want.\

Radical144: I don't have an azelf any more. Sorry.

SotS: I didn't see anything that jumped out at me. You can, if you want, make an offer.
RE: Shoyru1444's Trade Thread! Need Lux X! Have DGX, Gengar X, Legends, & Primes!

I could trade for the bottom lugia legend, feraligatr hgss, and arcanine hgss. Or substitute arcanine with 2 hgss double colorless energy if you have them.
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