Six Corners Discussion Thread

Vulpix Yolk

\ \ durant gang \ \
Six Corners

Six Corners is the closest thing that we have to a “toolbox” deck in our current format. The strategy behind Six Corners is to use the high powered basics that have been released in our recent Black and White sets, and combining them into one deck. Six Corners uses a combination of Pokémon such as Virizion, Cobalion, Kyurem, Victini, Zekrom, Absol Prime, and Terrakion to try to have a counter for every deck in our format.


Sample Six Corners lists are a little bit tricky. Please keep in mind that a lot of the Pokémon lines are preference and can be adjusted to your specific metagame, for instance if Kyurem is big in your metagame and Durant isn’t, there is no reason to be playing more Victini in your list than Cobalion. Energy lines can easily be adjusted as well.

4 Virizion
2 Terrakion
2 Kyurem
1 Cobalion
1 Victini
2 Mewtwo EX
1 Zekrom
2 Absol Prime
1 Shaymin

Pokémon: 16

3 Pokémon Catcher
4 Pokémon Collector
3 Professor Juniper
2 Professor Oak’s New Theory
4 Cheren
4 Eviolite
4 Junk Arm
3 Switch
2 Pokegear 3.0
2 Super Scoop Up
1 Skyarrow Bridge

T/S/S: 32

2 Double Colorless Energy
4 Prism Energy
4 Rainbow Energy
2 Grass Energy

Energy: 12

Techs to Consider:

Energy Search: Energy Search is an interesting, and rather "gimmicky" tech in Six Corners. The idea of Energy Search in Six Corners is to play it to get the energy type you may need at a specific time. Energy Search can be used multiple times in a game thanks to Junk Arm. I have found Energy Search to be quite useful, however; I wouldn’t recommend using it if you are playing a variant with Electrode, or after the release of Prism Energy whenever that may be.

Reshiram: Reshiram can be used as an attacking tech in Six Corners. It is mainly used for its Outrage attack, like Zekrom, yet it can use Blue Flare in a pinch. Reshiram is just another card that provides type coverage.

Seeker: Seeker is mainly used to pick up your Shaymins, or any other Pokémon that may be getting close to being knocked out. One thing that Seeker has over Super Scoop Up is that it can be played under trainer lock. This can help against many top tier decks in the format such as The Truth and Chandelure.

Pluspower: Pluspower is a pretty self explanatory tech, it comes in handy when you are 10 damage short of a Knock Out. This can be useful against a lot of things in the metagame, and an unexpected KO has the potential to cripple your opponent's set up at anytime in a game.

Bouffalant: Bouffalant is another interesting tech in Six Corners. Bouffalant is used as a Revenge killer, and can hit for quick damage with just a Double Colorless Energy after one of your Pokémon is knocked out.

Shaymin EX: Shaymin EX is a great game finisher. Since you are already playing Grass Energy as your primary type, it is easy to build up late in the game. Shaymin can hit for large amounts of damage late in the game, and can pull of an OHKO against most things.
RE: Six Corners.

Looks pretty good. I'd like to see heavier Oak's/Juniper over the Cheren, but I suppose I can respect the heavier Cheren since it's a Virizion-based deck. I feel like it's one or two draw supporters/Pokegear short, but it should run okay like this.
RE: Six Corners.

@ Jirachi: It's all a preference thing with your attackers. I'm not the biggest Zekrom fan either personally, but it is great against a lot of things with lightning weakness (mostly Tornadus).

@ Celebi: Yeah, it's a little bit of a tight decklist, but it should work fine assuming you can get a T1 Virizion, and a Pokémon Collector somewhere early in the game, which I think this list is perfectly capable of.
RE: Six Corners.

It looks like a good list. I have a question though, why don't you just use Seeker instead of Super Scoop Up? It's just my opinion.
RE: Six Corners.

@ Henry: Oh yeah, Sky arrow... That should be in here. Forgetting things is a boss, I'll edit them in as soon as I can think of something to drop, and have the time.
@ Jirachi: SSU can be retrieved with Junk Arm if need be, Seeker can be beneficent to your opponent, and it uses your Supporter for the turn. Once again preference, depends on how much trainer lock is in your meta as well.
RE: Six Corners.

I disagree with 3 SSU being overkill. It's good for getting the T1 Virizion, and it makes your huge attackers even more annoying. Picking up a heavily damaged attacker, preserving the Eviolite and denying your opponent a prize, can be game changing. It can also be used for multiple Celebration Winds.
For now, I am just going to drop a SSU for a Skyarrow Bridge. I would probably recommend running two, but I can't find room in this specific list.
Celebi23 said:
I disagree with 3 SSU being overkill. It's good for getting the T1 Virizion, and it makes your huge attackers even more annoying. Picking up a heavily damaged attacker, preserving the Eviolite and denying your opponent a prize, can be game changing. It can also be used for multiple Celebration Winds.

Yes, but you already use Switch, and if you are substituting them for Skyarrow, it will let some of those not Virizion Pokémon be able to retreat.

I think a second Shaymin is good, because you could start with Shaymin, or it could be prized, or you may need Shaymin twice.
^That's why you run Super Scoop Up. Adding a second Shaymin increases the chance you start with it.

Skyarrow doesn't feel amazing in this deck. It just seems sub-par compared to Switch and SSU in decks it doesn't give free retreat to.
Sky Arrow allows you to use Smeargle, which is godly.
-1 Virizion
+1 Smeargle
(at least from what I've tested that's the best)
I do not really think Skyarrow Bridge is really necessary. Switch already takes care of that, unless there are a lot of Trainer-lock decks in your area.
I like Skyarrow Bridge quite a bit. The free retreat on Virizion is nice, Virizion isn't something that you want to waste a Switch on, and Super Scoop Up returns the energy as well as the Pokémon, which can be a pain. It is also worth mentioning that Skyarrow Bridge takes Tropical Beach out of play which can help against Chandelure, a somewhat difficult match up.
Skyarrow just seem really pointless when most of the Pokemon have 2 Retreat Cost, which means even with Skyarrow in play it's probably just better to retreat with a DCE, since you don't want to waste a Prism/Rainbow.
Potion could be good here. Against Mewtwo/Tornadus/Celebi, they're thinking they can 2HKO your Mewtwo with Tornadus and PlusPower. After the first hurricane, Potion. Yay/nay?

Skyarrow is definitely good if you draw it. The whole point of the deck is to attack efficiently. Why do that one extra Glaciate before Kyu's KO'd when you could just Shaymin. Skyarrow saves half of your energy used on retreating.
They would just attack with their own Mewtwo, they wouldn't bother hitting your Mewtwo with Tornadus.

Skyarrow doesn't save half your energy on Terrakion. Switch saves all of them. :O